Consensus Software Awards

The best in Australian and New Zealand software

2008 Introduction and Entry Form

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2008 Entry Form

Consensus Pty Ltd

Consensus Software Awards

The best in Australian and New Zealand software

Now in theirninth year, the Awards are recognized as the pre-eminent Awards for Australian and New Zealand designed and developed software.

The open nomination process is just one of the many unique features of the Awards.

The Awards generate multiple media opportunities ranging from spot media and event coverage to magazine features and provides you with an extensive range of collateral materials for use in your own marketing.

Most importantly they provide something that money cannot buy, the endorsement of your product by some of the most respected software industry practitioners in Australia and New Zealand.

Should you take part?
Would you describe your product as Innovative? Does it provide users with real benefits not available before, and is the product capable of conquering new markets? If so it could become a Consensus Software Award winner.

You get two chances to convince the judges that your product makes the grade. The first when the judges review the submitted entry form, and then when the shortlisted products are invited to make a presentation directly to the judging panel.

Want to know who the judges are?
Just visit the Consensus web-site. There are no categories – each product is measured against the judging criteria. There is no limit to the number of Awards the judges can recommend each year. Supporting organisations and sponsors take no part in the judging process - the judging panel is truly independent and committed to finding the best.

What to expect
The Awards and additional sponsor prizes will be announced and presented at the Gala Dinner. If you become a finalist you can expect to receive a certificate or trophy, which is presented by the principal guest, usually the federal minister for information technology, and the occasion captured by a professional photographer. The media are always invited and post event coverage is always comprehensive.

What happens next?
Then it’s over to you to use the judges’ citation, event photography and the ‘Endorsed by Consensus’ logo (licence fee and rules applies) to market your success. What could be simpler?

You can also expect an open door from any of the supporting organisations who would be only too pleased to help your onward progress.

We are pleased to announce that Consensus One Venture Capital is currently fund raising and will exclusively invest in companies recognised by the Consensus Software Awards.

If your product is Innovative, meets user expectations (Performance), and hasPotentialin both local and international markets, you should enter the Consensus Software Awards - the only Awards specifically for Australian and New Zealand designed and developed software.

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2008 Entry Form

Consensus Pty Ltd

Consensus Software Awards

The best in Australian and New Zealand software

Proudly Sponsored by Microsoft and IBM and supported by….

2008 Entry Form

About the Entry Form

Making an entry is easy; all we require is your responses to three main questions and some background information about the product and people behind the company. In your own words we want to know why the product is Innovative, your proof on how well it performs and the potentialin both local and international markets.

The form is divided into three parts;

Part 1) Product summary

Part 2) Your responses to the judging criteria

Part 3) Company, plus commercial in confidence information

Please note:We recognise that some information may be commercially sensitive, so we have grouped such questions together and will only disclose this information directly to our judges on your behalf.

The other information on the entry form will be converted into a web-page for our judges to examine. In addition to the responses to the questions below you may supply images, charts or tables to be placed on the page as required. To view previous entries, more program information, timetable etc. visit the Consensus web-site

If you need help or have any questions at any time just ring Julian Day on (02) 9719 9344 or Terry Insley on (02) 8901 3034

Part 1 – Product Summary

Product name (and version number if applicable)

Product type (Select or highlight one)

Diagnostic/service tool
Embedded software
Major system
PLC application
Other - please list:

Target industry sector (Select or highlight one or more)

Food and clothing
Mining and resources
Other - please list:

Fault tolerance level (Select or highlight one)

General consumer use
Fault tolerant
Mission critical

Brief product description (We suggest approx. 300 words) You may also submit brochures, supporting documentation, testimonials, reference web-sites etc. under theOther Informationsection below.

Part 2 - Your responses to the judging criteria

You must convince the judges that the product is Innovative, meets industry and user expectations (Performance), and has both local and internationalPotential.

To assist you we have included some generic indicators from previous entries. Highlight those that apply, strike out those that do not, and if necessary add your own.

1) Innovation

Your product may be described by one or more of the following:-

Creating a business advantage
Breaking new ground
Earth shrinking potential
Expanding user horizons
New business/service delivery
New technology
Social change or empowerment of users

Please provide up to 300 words to describe the evidence of innovation and the name of your nominated company representative who can answer the judges’ questions in relation to this section should the judges require further information.

2) Performance

One or more of these attributes may apply to your product

Enterprise quality system
Enthusiastic customer support
Standards and codes compliance
Exceptional product support
Professionally executed code
Proof of real world performance
Successful beta testing
Real user benefits
Sets new industry benchmarks

Please provide up to 300 words to describe the evidence of performance and the name of your nominated company representative who can answer the judges’ questions in relation to this section.

3) Potential

Select one or more indications of potential and give details below

Government or other agency support
Designed for international use
Enterprise structured for growth
Global design standards
Identified potential markets
International partner or distributors
Success in home or export markets
Other – such as awards, grants etc

Please provide up to 300 words to describe the evidence of potential and the name of your nominated company representative who can answer the judges’ questions in relation to this section.

4) Other information

You are free to provide any information that may not have been included above for the benefit of the judges, for example history or background of the company or key individuals, recent successes, achievements, other products or lines of research etc. and If not already included, your web-site URL, or an optional alternate web-site (for example a client using your software).

The completed submission can also include illustrative material, graphs, and images or screenshots etc. where they assist in understanding the subject matter. Please speak to the Program Manager about the most suitable format and method of delivery.

Part 3–Company, plus commercial in confidence information

3a) Company contact information(To be displayed on Consensus web-site)

Company Name
Business Address
Principal Contact
Your eMail
Your direct phone number (or mobile if you prefer)

3b) Entry fee and payment options

Entry is by pre-payment only, the entry/display fee for 2007 is $1000 (plus GST) payment can be made by credit card, cheque or direct transfer. A tax invoice will be issued on receipt of payment.

CreditcardConsensus accepts all major cards; we require the following details;

Card type
Card Number
Name on Card
Expiry Date

Consensus can also take credit card details by phone on (02) 9719 9344

Cheque Please make cheque payable to Consensus Pty Ltd. and record details here;

Cheque No
Bank and branch

And post to:PO Box 223 DRUMMOYNE NSW 2047

Direct Transfer to Consensus Pty Ltd, St. George Bank - 112-879 Account No. 055491468

3c) Questions that will be treated as commercial in confidence

(Not for public disclosure)

Submitting a short summary (one page maximum) addressing each the questions below will assist you in preparing for the examination phase of the Awards, and where appropriate will enable Consensus to obtain the assistance of other organisations, such as Austrade, on your behalf. Consensus One Venture Capital is currently fund raising and will exclusively invest in companies recognised by the Consensus Software Awards.

Austrade assistance

Austrade would like to know if you are currently exporting or if you have plans to do so. If you have an export plan wecanpresent it to Austrade on your behalf so they can evaluate what assistance Austrade can provide.

Challenges and vision for the business

We would like to know where you see the company in three years time and what you see as the major challenges that will need to be addressed to achieve your goals.


If not included as part of the main entry are there some important clients/users you wish the judges to know about?

Competitive analysis

Please contrast and compare your product/service offering against your major rivals.

Consensus One Venture Capital

Do you have access to sufficient funds to continue product development and realize the full potential of the product? Are you currently seeking funding, equity capital etc?Have you previously raised capital and/or secured external investors?Have you developed an investment ready business plan?

Management team

Please identify the senior management team (if not already given above) CEO, CTO, CFO, directors, senior managers, key technology designer/architect/developers etc who are considered as vital to the success of the business.


You are invited to provide a list of publications, government bodies, industry associations etc specific to your industry who should be included in any media releases we issue.

Reason for entering this competition

What do you want to achieve by winning a Consensus Software Award. Who encouraged you to take part or is supporting this application?

Special requests

Is there anything that has not been covered above in this document that you would like us to address?


Thank you for taking part in the 2008 Consensus Software Awards, the Terms and Conditions of Entry below are binding on this entry.

Please keep a copy for your recordsand email the completed entry form to . You will be contacted by the Program Manager who will assist you in completing the entry requirements. Entries can be amended at any time up to the beginning of the first round of judging.

Terms and Conditions of Entry

Consensus Pty. Ltd. supports Australian and New Zealand Industry through the 'Endorsed by Consensus' Certification Trade Mark scheme. Entry to the scheme may be achieved by successfully completing the Consensus Software Awards program as described below. The award program is owned and operated by Consensus Pty. Ltd. The cost of the program is met by entry and licensing fees. Program partners and sponsors may provide goods, services and monetary benefits to support the program but take no part in the assessment process. Participation in Consensus Award programs is by invitation. The completed entry form constitutes an acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Entry. The entry form and other material submitted as part of the competition (with the exception of material identified as ‘commercial in confidence’) may be used by Consensus and program partners in ongoing promotion of the values of good design. Consensus will appoint a program manager who will conduct and manage all aspects of the program. The decisions of the program manager shall be final and binding on all parties in the event that the program manger is required to resolve a dispute. The competition will be based on the Consensus Model™, which may be varied as required. The program manager is not required to disclose the actual votes cast by individual judges or the content or outcome of discussions between the judges in reaching their determinations. The program manager may appoint or invite observers to witness vote-counting etc. Judges are appointed by invitation of the program manager to join the judging panel for the current competition. Judges are required to use the Consensus Model™, the assessment criteria and their professional expertise and experience in making their determinations. Judges may make any enquires and requests they see fit in order to establish the quality of a product under consideration. Applicants are required to provide every assistance to the judges and organisers in provision of information. The judges may recommend as many or few Awards as they deem to be meritorious. The program manager is the granting authority and may make further enquiries as to the suitability of a recommendation to receive an Award subject to the consideration of the aims of the program and the integrity of the 'Endorsed by Consensus' scheme. The program manager may invite successful participants to participate in the 'Endorsed by Consensus' certification trademark scheme. The organisers are under no obligation to provide details for a refusal to accept an entry, failure to be included in the shortlist or selection, or information received and considered by the judges or the organisers during the competition. It is an obligation of all entrants to provide accurate and truthful information. Failure to be accepted, shortlisted or otherwise recognised does not necessarily reflect on the quality of the submitted product, but may reflect on the quality of the documentation or presentation provided and compliance with the published rules or directions of the program manager, including full payment of entry/assessment fees.

Copyright©Consensus Pty LtdThe Consensus Software Awards, the program logo and the ‘Endorsed by Consensus’ scheme are registered trademarks of Consensus Pty Ltd

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2008 Entry Form

Consensus Pty Ltd