Submitted by:Maureen A. Lafferty, Ed.D., ACCTA President
Mary Ann Covey, Ph.D. ACCTA President-Elect
August 2-5, 2012 Orlando, Florida
Society of Counseling Psychology (SCP)/Division 17 Executive Board Meeting and Dinner (Dr. Mary Ann Covey)
Dr. Covey joined the meeting in progress as Dr. Lafferty was unable to attend due to travel delays.
- The new web design changes for the Division were presented. The time and money that has gone into this project was discussed as well as a plea for members to update their sections.
- A work group was proposed on students joining as ECPs (Early Career Psychologists) in an attempt to help student memberships transition into full memberships in APA.
- The creation of a mentor program for the Division was discussed. Initial complications have quickly become apparent in terms of how mentors are matched; how long someone commits to being a mentor; and whether the mentor relationships are topic driven.
- The Practitioner Survey results were discussed related to engagement in APA. The brief presentation indicated that those practitioners involved in APA stated that the organization was part of their professional identity and reminds them of their core values and training. Those who stated that they are not engaged in APA reported that cost and the lack of CE’s opportunities related to practice as the main issues.
- The creation of a Special Interest Group (SIG) for Religion and Spirituality was discussed. This group will connect with other divisions as well as explore their connection with the core values of Counseling Psychology.
- The role of the historian was discussed, as well as the move to pay someone to archive information from the organization.
- Attendees were encouraged to attend the National Multicultural Conference and Summit January 17-18, 2013 in Houston, TX. The theme will be Transforming Multicultural Psychology: Engagement, Renewal, and Action across Generations.
Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) Business Meeting (Dr. Maureen Lafferty)
It was wonderful to see so many current and former ACCTA members in leadership roles in APPIC. These included Dr. Arnie Abels who was inducted as the new Chair, Dr. Jenny Cornish as the incoming Secretary, Dr. Pam Epps as a newly elected Board member, Dr. Jeff Baker as the Executive Director of the organization, and Dr. Greg Keilin as Match Coordinator.
Dr. Gene D’Angelo, current APPIC Chair, announced the following successful APPIC initiatives for 2011-12:
- Staffing of the new central office in Houston is complete.
- The APPIC Directory Online is now fully established.
- Requests for Informal Problem Consultation (IPC) can now be accessed on the website.
- The Training and Education in Psychology journal (TEPP), which is partially funded by APPIC, has an impact factor of 1.575, which is excellent for a newly established journal.
- A Postdoctoral Program Workgroup was established to explore and enhance the value of APPIC membership for postdoctoral programs, chaired by Drs. Wayne Siegel and Marla Eby.
- APPIC is working to develop mechanisms for regular review of doctoral program associates in relation to their eligibility to participate in the Match.
- APPIC participated in a variety of collaborative efforts with CCTC, ASPPB, the Hours to Competencies Workgroup, the HSP Competencies Workgroup, etc.
- The APPIC Conference was very successful, with over 200 attendees. The site for 2014 will be announced soon.
- The Uniform Notification Day with Reciprocal Offer was piloted for postdoctoral programs. APPIC leadership has reviewed this process, surveyed members and concluded that the data was not compelling enough to indicate that the program should continue. The Board wants to assure the membership that this decision was made after very thoughtful deliberation. It was concluded that participation in the process penalized some members in certain regions. The newly developed Postdoctoral Workgroup will continue to address the challenges of the postdoctoral selection process.
- APPIC continues to look at the challenge of the Internship Imbalance, balancing the need for positions with the need for quality training. Toward this end, APPIC is allocating up to $50,000. to support the development and accreditation of APPIC member programs that are not yet accredited. Programs will apply for these funds which will be tailored to the needs of individual programs. A consultant will be funded by APPIC to assist programs in reviewing their self-studies. Funds can also be used to off-set the cost of initial application fees and the site visit. More information re. the application process will be coming soon.
Dr. Marla Eby, Treasurer, reported that APPIC had a number of expenses this year that resulted in a small loss financially, but that these expenses were “close to the mission” and will be offset by dues, match fees, journal subscriptions, etc. The Initiatives included:
- Investment in the AAPI Online
- An improved Directory Online
- A website redesign
- The development of online membership application and renewal
- The development of MyPsychTrack.com
- The move to a central office in Houston
Dr. Jason Williams shared updates related to Technology. He reported that the average number of application submitted by applicants using the AAPI online has not changed significantly. Minor enhancements have been made to the program, primarily related to the ability of applicants to preview their materials before submission. Re. the Directory Online, the ability to search and save has been enhanced, and dues payment has been integrated with Directory submission. A free trial for the new program, MyPsychTrack.Com, is available at this time.
Dr. Greg Keilin reported that the Match continues to run smoothly and that concerns are focused on greater coordination with the AAPI online as well as overall concern related to the Internship Imbalance. He reviewed the distressing realities of the match numbers, and the apparently significant influx of students entering the match in recent years.
Dr. Claytie Davis, Associate Editor of TEPP (and ACCTA member) thanked APPIC for its support of the journal. He shared that the acceptance rate for the journal is 33% and that its impact factor is similar to Professional Research & Practice, a more established journal. TEPP will be addressing Competencies again in an upcoming issue and invites manuscripts. The journal is also looking for a new editor.
A number of Awards were presented by Dr. Jenny Cornish, Awards Chair. Dr. Greg Keilin received that APPIC Connie Hercy Award Distinguished Service Award for his outstanding service as Match Coordinator since 1997. Greg was celebrated for his vision, integrity, selflessness, and sensitivity, and as a mentor who models humility, fairness, service and character and who has touched tens of thousands of lives.
New Board members were introduced, including Dr. Pam Epps of Emory University. Dr. Arnie Abels was inducted as APPIC Chair, and he shared heartfelt good-byes to outgoing Board members Drs. Lisa Carney, Sharon Berry and Gene D’Angelo.
***Due to our attendance at the APPIC Business Meeting we missed Dr. Karen Lese-Fowler getting the Award for Outstanding Training Director at the Division 17 Supervision and Training Section General Business Meeting!
Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) Reception (Dr. Mary Ann Covey)
Dr. Covey connected with members and discussed ACCTA’s new liaison relationship with ASPPB.
Division 17/SCP Practice Stakeholders Meeting and Breakfast (Drs. Maureen Lafferty and Mary Ann Covey)
Drs. Covey and Lafferty briefly attended this meeting, chaired by ACCTA member Dr. Jill Lee-Barber, and heard a report regarding the APA Health Care Team. The Telepsychology Guidelines are also out for public comment. It was noted that the most important aspect here seems to be getting true informed consent from clients.
Division 17/SCP Education Stakeholders Meeting (Drs. Maureen Lafferty and Mary Ann Covey)
Issues discussed at this meeting included:
- The upcoming revision of the G & P proposed by the Commission on Accreditation. Dr. Liz Klonoff, Chair of the CoA, indicated that they are setting a tight timeline (18 months) for the this process, knowing that it will take 2-3 years for the new G & P to be approved by APA.
- The proposed establishment of eligibility and contingent accreditation statuses for programs who have submitted self-studies and may have interns in place but do not yet have outcome data.
- The passage of a $3 million dollar Internship Stimulus Package by the APA Council.
- The need for quality (accredited) internships in the current health care market.
- Confusion among various education constituencies related to if/how the proposed Health Service Psychology Competencies “map on” to the Competency Benchmarks document. Distress was expressed re. the time/energy put into the Benchmarks and how these newer competencies will be integrated. In addition, CCPTP has a Special Task Group (STG) focused on the development of Counseling Psychology Competencies. Dr. Cindy Juntunen is the Chair and Dr. Mary Ann Covey is on this STG, representing ACCTA.
Counseling Psychology Specialty Council/Synarchy Meeting (Dr. Maureen Lafferty)
Members of the Synarchy shared liaison reports from their respective organizations (ABPP, ACCTA, AUCCCD, CCAPS/ACPA, CCPTP, SCP Division 17, and SAS). The following issues were discussed:
- CRSSSP continues to focus on the formalizing of structures for Specialties. This focus is a difficult one for the primary Specialties of Clinical, Counseling and School Psychology which are more “generalist” in nature in comparison to areas such as Neuropsychology. The Counseling Psychology Synarchy may also need to become more formalized.
- Members were updated on developments related to master’s level accreditation. An article on this topic is coming out in The Counseling Psychologist (TCP).
- Members discussed the internship imbalance and the move toward accreditation of doctoral programs and internships.
- Members were encouraged to educate their constituencies about the value of pursuing ABPP certification, including the early entry and senior options. ABPP is the primary mechanism for recognizing competence in a particular specialty. An article on this topic will also be in TCP soon.
- The Synarchy has received a letter related to SCP’s application for renewal for the Specialty. The letter asked for more information and offered a 1 year extension. One issue that needs more attention includes how we educate the public about the Specialty.
- Dr. Jacquie Resnick indicated that her term as Chair of the Synarchy is ending. Dr. Barry Chung agreed to take over as Chair.
American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) Open House (Dr. Mary Ann Covey)
Dr. Nadine Kaslow presented at the Open House and conveyed a strong message encouraging interns to become ABPP certified, utilizing the early entry program.
2012 Distinguished Contribution to Education and Training Psychology address of Greg Keilin (Drs. Maureen Lafferty and Mary Ann Covey)
Dr. Greg Keilin spoke on “The Human Impact of the Internship Crisis: A Social Justice Perspective”. He conveyed a passionate message related to the challenges faced by interns in terms of the internship imbalance and the increasing debt load that many interns face. He framed these challenges as a justice issue for our profession and proposed a number of ways to move forward at both the grassroots and the institutional level.
Association of Practicum Training Councils (APTC) Social Hour (Dr. Maureen Lafferty)
Dr. Lafferty attended to connect with APTC members and to witness Dr. Bob Hatcher’s receipt of the Paul Nelson Award given by the Council of Chairs of Training Councils (CCTC).
Education Advocacy Breakfast (Dr. Mary Ann Covey)
Dr. Cynthia Belar spoke about the importance of the internship imbalance and the recent APA funding for both the creation of internships AND the maintenance of sites. The growing imbalance between the number of psychology graduate students who need a clinical internship to complete their degree requirements and the availability of those internships has reached crisis proportions, according to the American Psychological Association. APA has called on the entire psychology graduate education community to work together in the face of the multifaceted imbalance problem. In an effort to help address the problem, APA’s Council of Representatives voted this week to fund a $3 million internship stimulus program.
Council of Counseling Psychology Training Program (CCPTP) Business Meeting (Drs. Mary Ann Covey and Maureen Lafferty)
The meeting began with a remembrance of the passing of Dr. Bruce Fretz, University of Maryland. The Treasurer’s report and liaison reports were given. Dr. Covey shared a liaison report from ACCTA. Changes in board and leadership positions were announced. Dr. Mark Leach from University of Louisville is the incoming Chair.
Division 17/SCP Business Meeting (Dr. Maureen Lafferty)
Dr. Barry Chung delivered a touching Presidential Address on the experience of “Immigrant Counseling Psychologists”. He then shared a number of relevant business items including:
- Announcements from APA Council including the recently approved Internship Stimulus Package, efforts to create permanent seats on Council for the Divisions that represent Ethnic Minority Psychologists, and the approval of a journal for Division 44.
- The efforts of Student Affiliates of Seventeen (SAS) to increase social media communication with students and to collaborate with ECPs.
- New officers for the Division were announced, including:
Dr. Sharon Bowman, President-elect
Dr. Traci Callandrillo, VP for Practice
Dr. Lisa Spanierman, VP for Scientific Affairs
Dr. Roberta Nutt, Council Representative
- New Fellows were announced including former ACCTA President Dr. Sherry Benton and former ACCTA conference keynote speaker, Dr. Suzette Speight.
- SCP/Division 17 announced that it was officially endorsing Dr. Doug Haldeman as #1 and Dr. Nadine Kaslow as #2 for APA President.
- Dr. Andy Horne was inducted as the incoming President of SCP/Division 17.
Drs. Lafferty and Covey connected with several current and former ACCTA members at the SCP/Division 17 Social on Thursday evening.
Drs. Lafferty and Covey also met with Debbie Nolan and members of her company, AMC Source, during the APA Convention. The purpose of the meeting was to explore additional services that AMC Source may be able to provide, including coordination of web management, membership/dues payment, etc. AMC Source will develop a proposal that will be shared with the Board and the membership in upcoming months.
Submitted by: Meredith Mayer, Ph.D.
May 15-18, 2012
Chapel Hill, N.C.
Description and Mission
ACCCCS is an organization which was founded in 1996 and is composed of clinical services coordinators and clinical services directors at college and university counseling centers. The mission of the organization includes enhancing the provision and management of clinical service coordination at counseling centers, providing support for coordinators of counseling center clinical services, and promoting collaboration and cooperation with other counseling center personnel, administrators, and organizations in the provision of clinical services.
Conference Information
This was the 17th annual ACCCS conference. Ninety individuals attended the conference, which was the largest attendance ever. This year’s conference host was Maureen Windle, Ph.D. The conference was held at the Carolina Inn, directly adjourning the UNC campus. The setting and conference structure afforded many opportunities for informal interactions and discussions. ACCCS is very welcoming and inclusive. ACCCS offers a buddy system and new attendees’ lunch that offer new members opportunities to be integrated into the organization. Outings, a hospitality rooms and meals together provide ample opportunity for member interaction. Next year’s conference will be held in Berkeley, California. The next conference host will be Gloria Saito, Ph.D.
Conference Content
Prior to the formal beginning of the conference, a pre-conference workshop, Ethical Considerations in the Contemporary College Counseling Center: a Participatory Workshop, was offered by Meredith Mayer, Ph.D. and Erica Wise, Ph.D.
The tone of the conference was set by the Keynote Address,Finding Meaning in an Increasingly Technological and Chaotic World, which was presented by Allen O’Barr, M.D., Director, Counseling and Wellness Services, UNC-Chapel Hill. Dr. O’Barr posed the idea that western society, and to some extent now global society, is evolving culturally at a pace that exponentially exceeds biological evolution. The result of this may be that our bodies and brains are not fully equipped to process the amount of stimuli presented to us, as well as the rate at which it is presented. His keynote explored the possibility that this discrepancy in evolutionary speed is a source of current global stress and that many of the situations faced daily by college counseling centers are a microcosm of this same phenomenon. Drawing from ancient knowledge of global indigenous cultures, Dr. O’Barr’s presentation outlined possible solutions to this predicament that could change the trajectory of college mental health centers in the near future.
A number of themes emerged across three days of conference presentations. Changes and trends in the ACCCS organization, in the students served and in the counseling center context were identified and discussed. The challenges inherent in Counseling Center work were addressed and innovative approaches to meet these challenges were proposed. Membership survey results were presented and an update on the work by the Center for Collegiate Mental Health was discussed. Presentations included the following:
Impact of Tragic Events on Counseling Centers - Ben Locke Pennsylvania State University; Linda Hellmich, University of Kentucky; Traci Callandrillo, American University; Ted Stachowiak, Texas A&M University.
Creating a Vibrant Group Therapy Program - Mona Anderson, MA, LCMHC, Keene State College, Randal W. Boldt, Psy.D., Baylor University, Amy Margulies, MS, LPC, SAC, University of Wisconsin-Madison