Action Plan – 2016/17

(working copy as of August 2016)

See Natural Devon’s website ( for more information relating to this Action Plan.


Blue = done or ongoing. Green = work in progress no concerns. Amber = work in progress some concerns. Red = no progress

DCC – Devon County Council DESWG – Devon Education for Sustainability Working Group DLPG – Devon Landscape Policy Group

DWSG – Devon Wildlife Strategy Group DWT – Devon Wildlife Trust LEP – Local Enterprise Partnership

  1. How Natural Devon will add value

Actions / Timescale / Lead / Progress / outcomes
1 Providing the right evidence(also see evidence relating to priority themes in the sections below)
Update the State of Environment report and ensure includes measurable outcomes related to LNP targets + promote DCC’s Environmental Data Online.
Annually /
DCC ( with input from others) /
State of Env updated spring 2016. EnvData Online promoted in the July newsletter.
Agree with Somerset and Plymouth LNPs the best way to provide evidence on the value of nature to the LEP and others. /
Autumn 2016 / Sue Goodfellow / Harry Barton / Peter Chamberlain / Sarah Jennings
2 Forging links, championing priorities, influencing decisions
National: Continue to feed into the Gov’s 25 Year Strategy work + influence new national environmental policy / legislation in light of EU referendum results.
Heart of the South West: Work with Plymouth and Somerset LNPs to ensure that environmental issues are built into the Heart of the South West Devolution bid and to the LEP’s work.
Local: Develop and implement Naturally Healthy and Get Devon Buzzing campaigns + other key issues relating to our themes (see actions plans for each theme). /
Board, SG, PC, SJ
Campaign leads /
SG meeting with devolution leads in July 2016. See ‘Unlocking Resources’ below.
Consider whether the LNP should respond to the Env Audit Cttee inquiry (deadline Fri 9th Sep). Letter from the Chair to new Env Minister to be sent out by early Sep.
Focus on Naturally Healthy in May and Get Devon Buzzing in July. Long term campaign plans being developed.
Support existing and future landscape conservation delivery projects, including the NIAand North Devon Pioneer. Organise a landscape conservation workshop to share learning. /
Autumn 2016? /
Landscape scale workshop at April 2016 conference.
Champion Naturally Healthy and Pollinators through campaigns (see below). Consider whether we want a food related campaign for 2017 onwards.
Champion issues relating to invasivesthrough establishment of a Devon Invasives Forum (Devon Knotweed Forum to evolve into an invasives Forum) / Discuss at April LNP conference. First steering group meeting in autumn 2016. / Devon JK St Group, LNP Coord team. Lead to be agreed.
Finalise the Devon Priority Species list and champion issues / facts relating to some key species.
/ By Oct 2016 / Devon Wildlife Strategy Group (species sub group)
3. Unlocking resources
Work with the LEP to ensure that LEP funding is used to benefit Devon’s green economy (including payments for ecosystem services) and develop a list of priority projects to share with the LEP and other funders.
/ Ongoing / Sue Goodfellow / Mark Robins (with Plymouth and Somerset LNPs) / Rural Group – Sue G / Mark R
Place Group – Mark R
ESIF Cttee – Sue G / Harry B.
Table of priority projects shared with the LEP’s Rural Group and links made (e.g. Local Food)
4. Improving communication
Produce quarterly newsletter and keep website updated /
Next= Sep 2016 /
Coord team /
Sent out Jan and July 2016.
Organise spring conference – incl sponsorship /
Spring 2016 /
Coord team /
Done. ~ 220 attendees.
Organise first annual lecture /
April 2016 /
Coord team /
Done – 240 attendees
Organise a series of evening workshops / discussion groups /
winter 2016 / Coord team
Naturally Healthy Month & develop ongoing campaign plan /
May and ongoing /
NH W Group /
NH Month done. Campaign plan being developed
Get Devon Buzzing Month & develop ongoing campaign plan /
July and ongoing /
Coord team /
GDB Month done. Ongoing campaign plan being developed
Set up social media – twitter, Facebook, Instagram. /
Spring 2016 /
Coord team /
Twitter and Facebook set up. Target of 700 twitter followers by August met.
Communications Strategy and Action Plan developed /
Sep 2016 /
Coord team

B. Seven Priority Themes

NATURALLY HEALTHY– everyone in Devon has the opportunity and the confidence to be ‘naturally active’ in order to improve their health and wellbeing.
Links and information on relevant partner projects can be found at
Board lead = Virginia Pearson (Director of Health, DCC). Working Group lead = Hannah Colston (Active Devon)
Actions / Timescale / Lead
Organise Working Group meetings to take this agenda forwards. / Ongoing / HC / SJ / Meetings held. Information about working group & minutes on the LNP website.
Develop Naturally Healthy Action Plan.
Key actions for 2016/17 from the plan: / By Sep 2016 / HC / Plan drafted.
Organise Devon’s Naturally Healthy Month in May / May 2016 / Coord team, Active Devon / Done. Review of the month needed.
Develop a comms toolkit for the ongoing Naturally Healthy Campaign / Oct 2016 / AD / In progress – need a new #
Organise a social prescriptions workshop in the autumn / autumn / AD, TDC
Feed into the DCC health lifestyles contract (web hub) / autumn / DCC Public Health
Continue the Devon healthy schools outdoor learning project and ensure that there is information on the LNP website. / NH Schools St Grp
GREEN CONNECTIONS – high quality green infrastructure is integrated into, and connects, all housing and commercial developments, helping Devon to be known as a great place to live, work and do business.
Links and information on relevant partner projects can be found at
Board lead = Nicola Bulbeck (CEO, Teignbridge District Council) Working Group lead = Jonny Miller ( TDC) and support = Tracy Brooks (Torbay Council) This Action Plan needs updating at the Sep 2016 meeting – need tighter actions Last Updated by JM – Sep 2015
Organise Working Group meetings to take this agenda forwards.
/ Ongoing / JM / Meeting arranged for September 20th.
Strategic planning of GI:
Encourage production of GI plans at relevant scales– Devon, district, neighbourhood, parish. / Ongoing / WGp / The County, District Councils and Unitary Authorities now all have Green Infrastructure Strategies, Plans or Frameworks to inform the planning process. These are material considerations but should be updated as part of any Local Plan refresh. While high level these can also inform Neighbourhood Plans although the working group are looking into the need for specific guidance.
Ensure strong policies and frameworks in Local Plans – develop LNP duty to cooperate role.
/ 2016 / WGp / GI strategiesare informing Local Plan policies and SPDs. When Local Plan refreshes begin the working group will host a policy workshop to ensure best practice is shared. Develop the duty to co-operate role for the LNP as a way of ensuring that all ok at high level with local plan policies.
Communication / advocacy:
Use the LNP website as a first stop shop for info on GI including Devon case studies / best practice / Ongoing / WGp / Resources needed to fund case study development. Best practice tools and experience are being shared via the working group meetings.
Organise site visits for developers, decision makers etc to promote understanding and support
/ Ongoing / WGp / To be carried out once suite of SUDS best practice sites have been agreed.
Deliveryof GI:
Develop a list of priority projects (linked to Integrated Delivery Plans produced for Local Plans) and promote to funders (LEP etc). / Autumn 2015 / WGp / Proposed as part of the project pipeline. This can be developed in more detail as funding streams are identified.
Develop an effective process for dealing with compensation for unavoidable loss of wildlife habitat across Devon. Ensure ‘unavoidable’ is clearly defined. / WGp / Needs progressing.
Promote the use of GI for health and wellbeing benefit (working with Naturally Healthy Working Group)
/ WGp / Discussions underway. TDC are bidding to NHS to be part of the Healthy New Town initiative. This will seek to identify and trial mechanisms for planning for healthy places. ????
Monitoring: Develop suitable indicators in line with NPPF requirements / WGp / This has been raised with NE and DEFRA. Local initiatives are preferred. Resources needed to come up with preferred approach. ???
OUTDOOR LEARNING – People of all ages regularly interact with Devon’s natural environment as an integral part of lifelong learning
Links and information on relevant partner projects can be found at
Board lead = David Weatherly (Chair, Devon Education for Sustainability Working Group). Working Group lead = Paul Martin (Devon Wildlife Trust)
Action Plan to be updated at the Sep `19th DESWG meeting.
Organise DESWG meetings to take this agenda forwards and ensure dates are on the LNP website. / Ongoing / DW / Remaining meetings in 2016L Sep 19th, Oct 18th and Dec 8th.
Increase opportunities for Outdoor Learning
Take forward the two year schools and health project: Devon Healthy Schools Project. / 2014 / 16 / NH Schools St Group / Hub leaders appointed in East Devon (EDDC) and North Devon (Tamar Lakes Forest School / Natural Learning).
Apply for funding through LEP (and other sources) for outdoor learning development work through DESWG using funding hooks that recognise the critical importance of learning as a major social and economic wellbeing driver. DESWG subcommittee to draft funding bid. / DESWG
Use DESWG pages of LNP website to provide first stop shop for outdoor lifelong learning. Create links from website to best practice guides and examples of good practice in outdoor learning and sustainability. / Ongoing / Andy Schindler / DESWG web pages revised and interactive map of providers added. Some further updating of information required by DESWG members.
Complete online database of DESWG members to highlight what each can provide and to serve as a printable list as required. / October 2014 / DESWG
Improve communication about news and events through the Devon Schools Sustainability Bulletin / Ongoing / DESWG / Via Melissa Harvey, Devon Community Composting Network
Establish an annual LNP Outdoor Learning conference (beginning 2016) for schools and settings to raise awareness of learning opportunities through DESWG members and encourage every school in Devon and Torbay to appoint an outdoor learning ambassador / Spring 2016 / DW / DESWG / Very successful conference organised in March 2016.
Provide training for Devon teachers and trainee teachers at schools and settings and ITT providers / Ongoing / DESWG / Wide ranging training programmes occur throughout DESWG and Plymouth University and Devon SCITT has established new outdoor education sessions for trainees from 2014.
Comms push on OL in Sep 2016 based around a Devon press release sharing the outcomes of the Natural Connections Project. / Sep 2016 / DW / NH Schools St Group / Press release to be drafted. Key messages and # to be agreed for social media etc.

Updated by DW – 11/7/15 (+ edited SJ 3/8/16)

FARMING WITH NATURE – Devon’s prosperous and productive farming economy meets out production needs, supports communities and protects and enhances the environment.
Links and information on relevant partner projects can be found at
Board lead = Robin Milton (Exmoor farmer). Working Group leads = Paul Cottington (NFU) + Gary Rumbold (FWAG SW) Meeting being arranged with Sarah, Sue, Robin, Paul and Gary for the autumn to agree an action plan– esp in the light of Brexit and consultation on the future farm payments.
Draft Actions – theme leads have concluded that a coordinator is needed to take these actions forward……..
Third annual Devon Food, Farming and Nature celebration event / Matt Lobley / MR / Postponed to 2016 ?????
Media coverage – WMN quarterly good news story – linked to Your countryside and our living / ongoing / Paul Cottington
Awards – LNP to support FWAG Otter award relaunch linked to County Show and encourage nominations. Potential link to DEBI awards to be explored.
Establish adviser award.
/ Roland Stonex / FWAG Devon Otter award run in 2015. Links to DEBI need to be followed up.
Adviser challenge – encourage all to do BASIS soil and water. Improve CPD for advisers – consider a Devon brand / accreditation?
/ ongoing / RM / RS / PC / ML / .
Sustainable intensification event – Link research (North Wyke / Exeter Uni / Duchy etc) to farms. Need for demo farms / case studies (Mole Valley starting to do this but still lots to do). Coordinator needed justified in terms of upskilling / increasing productivity / reducing env risks and costs / improving markets / promoting colleges / agri tech etc) / ML and RS
Brands -West Country PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) beef and lamb? / Ongoing / PC to speak to Alex Stevens and share with LNP
Soils / water work…………. / FWAG SW organised a meeting in spring 2016 to clarify next steps – if any….
WOOD FOR GOOD – Devon’s woodlands and hedges are sustainably managed and rich in wildlife through being re-connected to the local economy and local communities.
Links and information on relevant partner projects can be found at
Board lead = Corinna Woodall (Manager, Tamar Valley AONB) Working Group leads = Mark Prior (FC) + Doug Eltham (DCC) supporting with wood fuel
Wood fuel. Set up and support Devon wood fuel group in order to join up and take forward wood fuel initiatives across the county. Bid for funding. / Ongoing / DE / MP / Series of meetings held. Details at
Wood fuel bid submitted for ESIF funding in July 2016.
Ash Dieback.
Develop and implement a Devon Ash Dieback Action Plan. / Oct 2015 / Devon Hedge Group / DCC / Plan published in February 2016. Devon Ash Dieback Resilience Forum established by DCC. & sub groups being established. First meeting held in July 2016. Details on DCC website?
Future actions (from 2014 conference)– need to be discussed with Corinna and Mark…..agree specific actions relating to draft actions below
Integrated advice / collaboration / community involvement – Help to improve co-ordination between advisers / better integrated (avoid silos) advice, consistent messages. Promote local woodland associations to link owners, contractors, consumers and volunteers – learning from existing groups such as Blackdowns and East Devon Woodlands Association).
Small woods – develop and promote the Ward Forester model
Squirrels, deer, disease – support a co-ordinated approach to tackling problems across the county
RESILIENT WETLANDS– Devon’s wetlands and watercourses provide resilience to flooding and drought, healthy fisheries and wildlife habitats, fantastic recreational opportunities and a clean water supply. Links and information on relevant partner projects can be found at
Board lead = Lewis Jones (South West Water) Working Group leads: Water Framework Directive = Catchment Partnership leads Laurence Cauldrick (WCRT) and Pete Burgess (DWT) Other wetland issues = Orlando Venn (NE) and Tom Fletcher (EA)
Catchment Partnerships to provide an annual report to the LNP Board / Laurence to attend Nov 2016 Board meeting
(below are ideas from the wetlands seminar at the March 2015 conference which need further refinement)
Information / education – improve information and understanding of natural wetland systems / soils / management initiatives needed, wildlife benefits / To be decided / Orlando has produced a table setting out relevant work in Devon.
Funding -Help to increase funding for wetland / watercourse management - using existing resources (WFD / FCRM), finding new resources (payment for ecosystem services) and better aligining resources. Support initiatives such as Upstream Thinking.
Land management – better advice / support for / engagement with farmers in both lowlands and uplands. Support for landscape projects such as Working Wetlands and Mires on the Moors. Maximise benefits from ELMS / SFP / GAEC (links with Farming with Nature and Wood for Good).
Link flood risk management into broader landscape scale environmental projects.
SUSTAINABLE SEAS -Devon’s world- class coast and marine environment is wisely used and provides a sustainable living for local fishing communities, a home for an impressive variety of wildlife, and an attraction to millions of visitors and residents.
Links and information on relevant partner projects can be found at
Board lead = Professor Martin Attrill (Director of the Marine Institute, Plymouth University) Working Group lead = Richard White (DWT)
Develop a Devon Sustainable Seas Action Plan / Done / RW / Presented and signed off by the Board in April 2015.
Priority actions for 2015 from the Plan:
Develop a marine data hub for Devon / Ongoing / Marine data Group / Workshop, with DASSH input and guidance, firms up scope for data project; wider focus, with partners as both data users (original idea) and data providers (extended scope); next step – outline project plan
Develop a Devon research register / Ongoing / Marine Group / Input to Plymouth University 2014-15 MRes programme
Develop a Devon Marine Project Register and use this to identify project gaps and priorities. / Ongoing / Marine Group / Similar work within Devon identified (Sea Torbay and DMF); next step – arrange meetings to investigate scope for integration/complementary development
Support the development of marine data / indicators – feeding into future Devon State of Nature reporting. / Ongoing / Marine Group / Second year of Shoresearch Exmoor – pilot community engagement project with survey/indicators element – successfully completed; roll-out of survey technique to Wembury; next step – asset value of data collected as indicators

Updated by Richard White – Sep 2015