University Research Committee, University of Jaffna

University Research Grant - 2017

Application form

Applications are invited from academics and executive staff for the following research area:

(i)Dengue / CKD – Maximum allocation per application is LKR 1,000,000.

(ii)Scientific, Engineering, & Information Technology - Maximum allocation per application is
LKR 800,000.

(iii)Demographic, Management, Business, Law, Socio- cultural & Economic issues - Maximum allocation per application is LKR 400,000.

  • Kindly refer the internal URC circular no 3 & 4 dated 11.11.2016 before filling the form.
  • Existing University Research Grantees can also apply for a new grant. However, if successful, the fund will only be released after submitting the final report of the existing grant on or before 15.01.2017. No applicant will be allowed to hold more than one university research grants simultaneously as principal investigator.
  • Completed application should be received by the Academic Branch on or before 15.12.2016.


1. Project Title:
2. Research disciplines/areas (Please select only the most relevant research disciplines)
Scientific, Engineering & IT
Information Technology
Medicine /Health Science
Science (Applied and Pure)
Others …………………………………(specify) / National relevance
Dengue CKD/CKDu
Demographic, Management, Commerce, Law, Socio- cultural & Economic issues
Library & Information Science
Management & Commerce
others …………………………………(specify)
3. Category of research (please tick appropriate category(ies)

Laboratory Field Theoretical/simulationbased research
4. Project Period (should be less than one year)
Date of commencement :- ……………………………
Date of completion :- ……………………………
Duration (months) :-………………………………
5. Total Budget and duration
6. Investigators
Principal Investigator
Name and Designation:
Area of expertise related to the proposed project: / Mailing address :
Office :
Mobile :
E-mail :
Googlescholar account :
Co-Investigator – 1
Name and Designation:
Area of expertise related to the proposed
project: / Telephone
Office :
Mobile :
E-mail :
Googlescholar account :
Name and Designation:
The contribution expected to be provided for the research project: / Mailing address :
Telephone :
Fax :
E-mail :


Title of the project:

1. Summary
(a)Explain briefly the research problem, research approach and expected outputs. (Maximum 250
(b) Give 3 – 5 keywords for the proposed project:
  1. Research Problem

2.1 Research problem/s
2.2 Analysis of the problem/s & rationale for the research question
  1. Comprehensive literature review (local and international including recent literature)AND the complete list of references in the relevant area.
(Attach additional sheets if necessary)
  1. Originality & innovativeness of the proposed work

  1. Overall aim and specific objectives of the proposed work

5.1 Overall aim
5.2 Objective/s
  1. Methodology

6.1 Describe the Methodology(Attach additional sheets if necessary)
6.2Experimental design where applicable
Please complete relevant sections
6.2.1 Data/sample collection
6.2.2 Study site
6.2.3 Describe the study group and controls
6.2.4 Validity and Reliability
6.2.5 Cost effectiveness of proposed methodology
6.3 Describe the method of data analysis
6.4Work plan
Please attach the quarterly Gantt Chart to cover the proposed study, as per the format below.
  1. Ethical consideration(Ethical clearance should be submitted within one month of the deadline for submission of application)

Relevance to the project / Relevant Not relevant
If relevant, Ethical clearance obtained? / Yes No
If Yes, attach copy to the application
If No, applied for Ethical clearance? / Yes No
  1. Expected Research Outputs

Deliverables at the end of the project in point form
  1. Research Outcomes

14.1 Significance of research outcomes and the impact on national/socio-economic development of
Sri Lanka.
Please write in point form.


10 Budget
Applicant are requested to go through the URC circular No. 04/2016 before filling this table.
Vote of Expenses / Amount(LKR) / Justification
(i) Equipment (type/model should be provided)
Sub Total [for section (i)]
(ii) Personnel ( up to Rs. 100,000/- or 25 % of the total budget)
Sub Total [for section (ii)]
(iii) Travel (up to Rs. 100,000/- or 25 % of the total budget)
(indicate mode of transport no. of visits, distance in km)
Sub Total [for section (iii)]
(iv) Consumables (chemicals/glassware) and sample analysis (indicate quantity of the samples)
Sub Total [for section (vi)]
(v) Stationery (could be obtained by submitting SRN to the finance branch through proper channel)
Sub Total [for section (v)]
(vi) IncidentalMiscellaneous (up to Rs. 20,000/- or 5 % of the total budget)
Sub Total [for section (vi)]
(vii) Any other expenses
Sub Total [for section (vii)]
Grand Total


  1. Research Grants Record (ongoing and completed) of the Principal Investigator during the last 05 years (2011-2015) (NSF, NRC, UGC, URG-UoJ and other funding sources)

Grant No / Duration of the Grant
(Dates) / Title of the Project / Source of support / Total allocation
(LKR) / Status
11. Declaration
We declare that we have read the application and the information given under all sections are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Further, we have not submitted similar proposal for funding to any other sources and devote sufficient time to carry-out the project without disturbing the teaching duties in the department/unit.
(Principal Investigator)
12. Recommendation of the Headof Department /Unit and the respective Dean
I confirm that I have read the application and that the facilities will be made available for this project. The application is recommended.
………………………………………. …………………….…………...…… …………………………..
Name and Signature of Head of the Department Date
I recommend and forward the application.
………………………………………. …………………….…………...…… …………………………..
Name and Signature of Dean of the Faculty Date
Potential Referees (Applicants must provide detail of potential referees)
Referee 1
Designation :
Postal Address:
E-mail : / Referee 2
Designation :
Postal Address:
E-mail :