Accessibility Roadmap

Submitted by: Phone:

Title/Department/College: Email:


Section 1: UM information

Desired Vendor/Product Information:

Vendor Name / Contact Name/Title
Product Name / Contact Phone
Product Version / Contact Email

UM Use:

  • What is the reach/scope of this program?
  • Is the license you plan to purchase useable by more than 1 individual? ____ Do you plan to purchase additional copies? ____

Name of Competitive products:

Please submit the VPATs (or their URL) for the desired product and the products starred above and fill out the grid below with further information about these product (expand the form as needed).

Product name / Price / Reasons this product is not a viable alternative

(please star the one that have VPATs with fewest “does not support” indications).

Section 2: Counts

21 / 22 / 31 – Functional Performance
Supp / Supp/ Except / Part Supp / Not Supp / NA / Supp / Supp/ Except / Part Supp / Not Supp / NA / Supp / Supp/ Except / Part Supp / Not Supp / NA

Section 3a. Remediation and Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan (EEAAP)- Tableau

Please review the relevant VPAT Issues and how “Equally Effective Alternate Access” will be provided. Enter details below. Refer to Explanation of Request for Accessibility Roadmap on page 1 for further explanations of what is expected in each column.

Issue Description / Current Status
(Open, Closed, I/P) / Disposition (Planned, Deferred, I/P) / Remediation Timeline / Repair Information / Persons or groups affected / How EEAA be provided / EEAA Resources Required / Timeline for Unforeseen events
21.a / Product functions executable from keyboard are discernable textually.
Most drawing and selection tools require the use of a mouse. For example, the Eraser and Brush tools cannot be operated using the keyboard. Interacting with most objects on the canvas requires a mouse.
21.a / Product functions executable from keyboard are discernable textually.
Most panels, such as the Layers, or Control panel, are not reachable using the keyboard alone.
Most panels, such as the Layers, or Control panel, are not reachable using the keyboard alone.
Most panels, such as the Layers, or Control panel, are not reachable using the keyboard alone.
21.b / Accessibility features aren’t disrupted.
21.c / Well-defined on-screen focus that is exposed to AT.
21.d / Sufficient information about a user interface element is available to AT. Image info must be available in text.
21.e / Bitmap images have consistent meaning.
21.f / Textual information provided through OS functions for displaying text.
21.g / User selected contrast, color and display attributes not overridden.
21.h / Animation information is displayed in at least 1 non-animated presentation mode at option of user.
21.i / Color coding not only indicator of information, indicating action, prompting response or distinguishing visual element.
21.j / If user allows to adjust color and contrast settings, range of levels provided.
21.k / No flashing or blinking text, objects or other elements
21.l / Forms allow AT access to information.
22.a / Text equivalent for non-text elements.
22.b / Equivalent alternatives for multimedia presentation shall be synchronized.
22.c / All information in color also available without color
22.d / Documents readable without style sheet
22.e / Redundant text links for regions of server-side image map
22.f / Client-side image maps instead of server-side
22.g / Row and column headers identified in data tables.
22.h / Marked to associate data cells and header cells for data tables with 2 or more logical levels of row or column headers
22.i / Frames shall be titled with text
22.j / Pages avoid causing flicker with freq. > 2 Hz and < 55 Hz.
22.k / Text-only page, with equivalent information and functionality, provided
22.l / Information provided by script shall be identified with functional text readable by AT
22.m / Link to required applet or plug-in (complying to 1194.21 a-l)
22.n / Forms allow AT to access info, field elements and functionality
22.o / Users can skip repetitive navigation links
22.p / User alerted to timed response; sufficient time given to indicate more time required
31.a / One mode doesn’t require vision or support for AT.
Exception: The following components meet this criterion with exceptions: Express Manager: Administration; Data Advisor
31.b / Visual acuity > than 20/70 provided in audio and enlarged print working together, independently or support for AT.
Exception: Data Advisor
31.c / One mode doesn’t require hearing or support for AT.
31.d / When audio important for use, at least one mode provides enhanced auditory fashion or support for AT.
31.e / At least one mode of operation and information that doesn’t require user speech or support for AT
31.f / One mode doesn’t require fine motor control or simultaneous actions. Operable with limited reach and strength.
Exception: Data Advisor

EEAAP attachment

How will EEAA be provided / Available workarounds / Additional Information: (continue from item 5 in section 3)

Explanation of Request for Accessibility Roadmap


UM is committed to ensuring that its programs and services are accessible to everyone. As part of this commitment, UM Accessible Technology Services gathers information regarding technology products for the campus electronic and information technology access (EITA) effort to assess whether they are usable by persons with disabilities. Gathering this information is critical as it provides UM the necessary information to plan for workarounds or accommodations that may be necessary until the vendor has resolved accessibility issues. This information also allows UM to select products that provide strong accessibility support and therefore reduce or eliminate the need to provide accommodations to work around accessibility gaps.


UM recognizes that producing accessible technology products may require a significant commitment of resources and that accessibility remediation may require time to accomplish. Thus UM has developed this form based on California State University’s work as means for vendors to document accessibility gaps associated with their products and to indicate their plans for addressing these gaps in the future. We ask that you complete the roadmap as follows:

  1. Product/Vendor Information: Provide the information requested
  2. Issue Description: List each major accessibility issue for your product Including the following:
  3. Gaps identified in the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)
  4. Gaps identified in other product support documentation
  5. Gaps identified by a third-party accessibility evaluation report (where available)
  6. Current Status: Enter one of the following values:
  7. Open: The issue has not yet been resolved
  8. Closed: The issue has already been resolved
  9. I/P: The issue is currently under investigation
  10. Other
  11. Disposition: Enter one of the following values:
  12. Planned: The issue will be resolved
  13. Deferred: The issue will not be resolved
  14. I/P: The issue is currently under investigation
  15. Other
  16. Remediation Timeline / Repair information: Enter when you anticipate that the issue will be resolved. Include the following information in this section: Provide a brief description or any relevant information regarding repair of the issue by the vendor or Third Party Service Provider, as well as the completion date.
  17. Persons or groups affected:List the person(s) or groups who may/will be affected by this issue, including the total number of affected persons. Groups may be specific (e.g., IT employees, Math students, etc? or general (e.g., general public, visitors, students only, UM employees, etc.).
  18. How EEAA will be provided / EEAA Resources required:Describe the business processes and available workaround that your company will offer or third-party products that consumers or campuses should consider to work around the issue. Describe in detail how the responsible department(s)/person(s) equally effective alternate access will be communicated and what will be provided. For example, “To access room availabilities, visitors can go to a different web page that contains the same information.” Can attach a separate sheet – see EEAP attachment below. List any resources required (including training, equipment, additional staff, etc.) to provide equally effective alternate access for the known issue.
  19. Timeline for unforeseen events: A timeline to plan create, implement, and follow up on plans for accommodation for access concerns/issues that are beyond campus policy and/or outside of the realm of the questions above.
  20. Attachment: Comments (optional): Provide details/description regarding the issue . Additional Information (optional): Provide any additional discussion regarding accessibility plans.

EEAA-Accessibility Roadmap v1.0Page 15/23/2014