What’s Happening at McKendree?
Good Things!
December 4, 2015
Our Mission – Glorifying God by making disciples
of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
ANGEL TREE GIFTS We still have 10 Angel Tree names that are NOT TAKEN! These are students from our Pencil Partner, Rose Park Middle School. By far, the majority of these requests are for clothing. If you can help by filling one wish from these students, it would be a great blessing! You may pick up your Angel Tree name on the table in the front of the church. The deadline for bringing in these gifts has been extended to Sunday, December 13.
McKENDREE CRAFT FAIR Tomorrow from 8am-4pm, the Worship Team is hosting a craft fair in Fellowship Hall and first floor rooms. We have almost 40 vendors who have reserved spaces. Our vendor items include: leather works, paintings and prints, photography, greeting cards, lotions, soaps, candles, jewelry, holiday wreaths and decor, pottery, clay art, handmade hats and afghans, chocolates, chess pies, TN sports items, and much more!
Parking in our garage will be free for vendors and volunteers – you will need to get a parking pass. Shoppers can park on the 5th-7th floors for half price ($5.00) if you mention the craft market.
We need to cover several hours of volunteer time. If you can help, please contact Joie Knorr at 615-589-5954.
CHARGE CONFERENCE SUNDAY! Our Annual Charge Conference will be at 2pm this Sunday (December 6) at Clark Memorial UMC. Charge Conference is a meeting with the District Superintendent (or representative) and is a time where the Administrative Council presents our church budget, our Staff Parish Team recommends candidates for the ministry and our Ministry Teams give reports on what we’ve done this year, and plans for next year. It’s a time to review where we are and plan ahead for the future. Everyone is invited to attend. Clark Memorial UMC is located at 1014 14th Avenue North, Nashville, TN 37208 (just off Jefferson Street).
SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES are at 9am and 11am. (Fifth Sundays are at 10am.) Our Advent sermon series is “SENT: Delivering the Gift of Hope at Christmas!” Every Christmas we get to invite someone into our lives to share the story of the arrival of Jesus Christ into the world. This Advent Season, which means “arrival” or “coming,” we are honored and humbled to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ again. God SENT Jesus, the gift of HOPE, to all of us. Join us this Advent Season as we gather by preparing to being SENT to deliver the gift of HOPE at Christmas.
BAPTISMS If you are interested in being baptized, please contact Ruth Baggett in the church office at 615-271-2600 or .
REFRESH! is our mid-week gathering. We meet in the first floor chapel each Wednesday, 12:00-12:30pm. Our worship includes prayers, hymns, a message and Holy Communion. We invite you to attend!
WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY Our Adult Bible Study meets at 6pm in the Pastor’s office. Everyone is welcome to join us!
2016 PLEDGE COMMITMENTS If you have not made a commitment for your 2016 giving, we encourage you to do so. Pledge cards are available at the front and back entryways. You may also email your pledge to Jordan Callaway at . God bless you for your continued generosity to his kingdom work at McKendree!
YOU’RE ALL INVITED! Next Sunday (December 13), Martha Ann Gregory, Jenni Kriner and their family will host a Covered Dish Luncheon and Musical Variety Show. This event will be in Fellowship Hall and will follow the 11am worship service. Bring your favorite side dishes and desserts and come prepared to be entertained! You’ll be surprised to know what hidden talents our congregation has. Everyone is invited!
LIFE GROUP NOTE: The Savvy Savers Life Group will meet December 20th in Fellowship Hall following the 9am worship service.
CHRISTMAS EVE MEAL For the past two years McKendree has hosted a wonderful Christmas Eve Meal and celebration for the displaced in our community. Last year we served 300 people AND we were also able to give each guest a gift bag with a hat, gloves, socks and candy. Our special meal will be Thursday, December 24 at 11:30am. We need donations of food items and paper products for our meal. We will also need lots of volunteers, before, during and after the meal! Contact Cindy Ligon at to find out how you can be a part of this special event!
SHABBAT SERVICES AND SABBATH CONVERSATIONS With the recent interest from our September's Sabbath Matters sermon series, we decided to reach out to Congregation Micah. Julie Greenberg, Education Director at Congregation Micah, and Rabbi Flip Rice have agreed to hosting us for a Shabbat service on Friday, January 29th and to engage in conversations, questions and answers about Sabbath afterwards. We are elated about this collaborative partnership with Congregation Micah. If you are interested in joining us as we connect with our Jewish roots, please confirm your reservations through email to Ruth, or call 615-271-2600 no later than December 30th. Please feel free to bring a family member or friend!
PASTOR’S SERMON You may hear Pastor Handy’s latest sermon by going to http://mckendreetoday.com/#/how-we-worship/sermon-media-player.
FINANCIAL GIFTS Your financial gifts and donations are always appreciated. Consider adding McKendree UMC to your bill pay account. Our address is: 523 Church Street, Nashville, TN 37219. Online giving is always available at http://mckendreetoday.com/#/how-we-worship/give-online.
PRAYER CONCERNS We invite you to share your concerns on the back of the connection card and place it in the offering basket during the service.
Matoka Blackman – Grace HealthCare, Franklin, on hospice care
Kathy Campbell – nerve problem in her shoulder, arm and hand
Andrew Hill—Pray for his vision to improve, following a head injury.
Gene Nowell, Steve Hooper’s brother-in-law – NHC Cool Springs
Roberta Daws is now at Morning Pointe Health Care in Brentwood. Cards and visits would be greatly appreciated. The address is 1522 Wilson Pike, Brentwood, TN 37027.
ARE YOU HAVING A BIRTHDAY? WE WANT TO CELEBRATE! We had a tradition for many years of printing the names (and birthdays) of people having a birthday each month in our newsletter. Somehow we got away from that, and the Congregational Care Team would like to bring that back. If you’d like to have your birthday recognized in “What’s Happening” please contact Ruth Baggett at 615-271-2600 or . We’ll print your name and the date (but not the year!) in the first newsletter each month. So especially if your birthday is in January, please let me know soon!
Also, once a quarter, we will celebrate birthdays on a Sunday morning with a special birthday cake in Fellowship Hall. Be watching for details.
As always, remember God’s will for us is good, we must do the rest!
Pastor Stephen
McKendree United Methodist Church
523 Church Street Nashville TN 37219