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4500 Steilacoom Blvd SW, Lakewood, WA 98499 253.589.5800 EDUCATION PLAN

----Pending Final Approval--- CPTC Catalog Year 2017-2018

Bachelor of Applied Science in Operations Management

Admissions Date: Fall and Spring quarters or by instructor permission.
Program Contact:
Note: A minimum grade of 2.5 is required in all coursework.
Intermediate algebra or higher (minimum 2.5 GPA); or equivalent math scores (within the past two years) required
prior to entry to the Junior Year.

Minimum Requirements for entry to the program:

/ Credits / Quarter
Communication Skills
ENGL& 101 English Composition (pre-req ENG 094 or equivalent) / 5
Social Science
SOC& 101DIV Introduction to Sociology (pre-req ENG 094 or equivalent) or other 100+ level Social Science / 5

Additional Requirements for entry to the Junior Year:

/ Credits / Quarter
Quantitative Reasoning
A 100+ level math class (other than MATH& 146) with Intermediate Algebra as a prerequisite – MATH& 141 Pre-Calculus I or Math& 107 or above / 5
A 100+ level humanities class – CMST& 220 Public Speaking preferred / 5
Natural Sciences
MATH& 146 Introduction to Statistics (pre-req MAT 099 or equivalent) / 5
At least 5 100+ level credits in a natural science with laboratory component - ENVS&101 or CHEM&121 recommended. / 5
Preparation for BASMO Credits / 30
NOTE: Minimum GPA for each of the courses above is 2.5


Quarter 1
MAT 311 Mathematical Techniques for Operations Management / 5
OPM 312 Forecasting and System Design / 5
ENGL 310 Business Communications / 5
Quarter 2
OPM 313 Quality Management / 5
OPM 314 Logistical Planning & Supply Chain Management / 5
PHIL 310 Professional Ethics / 5
Quarter 3
OPM 315 Lean Concepts and Applications / 5
OPM 412 Workplace Health and Safety Management / 5
ECON 310 Managerial Economics / 5
Quarter 4
OPM 411 Facility Layout and Materials Handling / 5
MAT 413 Measurement and Statistical Process Control / 5
BUS 310 Project Management / 5
Quarter 5
OPM 491 Focused Study I / 5
OPM 492 Focused Study II / 5
PSY 311 Industrial and Organizational Psychology / 5
Quarter 6
OPM 493 Focused Study III / 5
OPM 498 Individual Capstone Project (or, with instructor’s permission, OPM 495 internship) / 5
OPM 499 Group Capstone Project / 5
Total Credits for Completion / 90
Note: Total Credits for Completion of BASMO program does not include entry requirements (if needed)
Identify additional preparatory math or English courses you may need to take: If placement scores are below English 91 and/or Math 92, contact the Adult Basic Education (ABE) for classes, Building 10 (253) 589-5702
Developmental Math
¯  MAT 092 Pre-Algebra / 5
¯  MAT 094 Introduction to Algebra (must complete prior to MAT 103, MAT 105, MAT 108) / 5
¯  MAT 99 Intermediate Algebra (must complete prior to MAT 110, MATH& 141, MATH& 146) / 5
Developmental English
¯  ENG 091 Basic Reading & Writing / 5
¯  ENG 094 Advanced Reading & Writing / 5
Quarterly Self Planning Grid
Quarter 1 / Quarter 2 / Quarter 3 / Quarter 4
Class: / Class: / Class: / Class:
Class: / Class: / Class: / Class:
Class: / Class: / Class: / Class:
Class: / Class: / Class: / Class:
Quarter 5 / Quarter 6 / Quarter 7 / Quarter 8
Class: / Class: / Class: / Class:
Class: / Class: / Class: / Class:
Class: / Class: / Class: / Class:
Class: / Class: / Class: / Class:

*Please check in periodically with Advising and Counseling regarding any potential changes to program course requirements

Clover Park Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, age or Veteran’s status in its program and activities.

CPTC Catalog Year 2017-2018 Revised 7/6/17 TM