Project Title:
Light: Connections to Our World
Author (s):
Tina Lippert
School District (s):
Sioux Falls School Disrict
Personal Web Site (optional):
Project Duration (Ex. Three 40-min sessions over a 3-week period of time.)
3 60min. sessions over a two – three week period of time
Target Audience (grade levels and content areas):
5th-7th grade
Desired Overall Student Understandings: (The students will understand...)
Students will have an understanding of the main concepts and principals of light. Students will use constructivism lessons to learn about these concepts through the use of experiments, Internet websites, video and digital images, and guest speakers. Students will understand how light plays an important part of their world. Concepts or principals to be included are:
§ Visible light is a form of electromagnetic radiation.
§ Light travels in waves and has wavelength and frequency.
§ Light reflects off different mirrors in predictable ways.
§ Light changes directions or refracts when traveling from one material to another.
§ Lenses are used to change the direction of light.
§ Lenses have many uses in our world including vision correction.
§ White light is made up of all the color of the rainbow.
§ The color of an object depends on the color of the light hitting against it.
§ Light is uses in television and theater productions.
Overall Guiding Questions (optional):
1. What is light, how does it travel, and what are the main properties of light?
2. How does light behave when it hits against mirrors or travels through materials?
3. How are lenses used in vision and vision correction?
4. How are lenses used in telescopes and microscopes?
5. How are light and color related?
6. How is light used in television and theater productions?
South Dakota Content Standards:
Carefully consider and identify only those standards that are specifically addressed during your project. Three to five (goals, indicators with related benchmarks and grade level standards) should be sufficient to reach the desired understandings for a project of this length.
Grade Level (ex k-2, 3-5, 6-8, etc.)3-5
1st Subject Goal/Indicator/Benchmark/Grade Level Standard Statements
Content Area: (ex Science, Mathematics, Art)Science
Provide Goal # , Title and Full Statement(Goal 3-Life Science: Students will describe structures and attributes of living things, processes of life, and interaction with each other and the environment.)
Goal Two: Physical Science
Students will use appropriate models to describe and quantify the nature and interactions of matter and energy.
Provide Indicator # and Statement (List only one).
Indicator 4: Analyze various interactions of energy and matter.
Provide Benchmark (letter) and Statement. ( List all appropriate benchmarks for this goal and indicator.)
a. Describe significant characteristics of different forms of energy.
b. b. Describe simple energy transfers and transformations.
Provide Grade Level Standard (#) and Statement. (List all appropriate standards for this goal and indicator.)
5th grade:
5. Explore characteristics of light, including visible spectrum, light waves, reflection, refraction, and diffraction.
6. Identify qualities important to the flow of current in electric circuits. (example: volts measure electric potential, amperes measure electric current, ohms measure resistance to current flow)
South Dakota Content Standards:
Carefully consider and identify only those standards that are specifically addressed during your project. Three to five (goals, indicators with related benchmarks and grade level standards) should be sufficient to reach the desired understandings for a project of this length.
Grade Level (ex k-2, 3-5, 6-8, etc.)3-5
1st Subject Goal/Indicator/Benchmark/Grade Level Standard Statements
Content Area: (ex Science, Mathematics, Art)Communication/Language Arts Standards
Provide Goal # , Title and Full Statement(Goal 3-Life Science: Students will describe structures and attributes of living things, processes of life, and interaction with each other and the environment.)
Goal One: Reading
Students will read at increasing levels of complexity for a variety of purposes.
Provide Indicator # and Statement (List only one).
Indicator 4: Students will access, synthesize, and evaluate information from a variety of sources.
Provide Benchmark (letter) and Statement. ( List all appropriate benchmarks for this goal and indicator.)
a. examine numerous information/reference sources for a variety of purposes, e.g. Internet, CD-ROM print materials, video materials, library.
b. Determine the usefulness of specific factual and technical materials.
c. Gather and spot specific information/ sources to make informed decisions.
Provide Grade Level Standard (#) and Statement. (List all appropriate standards for this goal and indicator.)
5th grade:
1. Use text organizers such as type headings and graphics to predict and categorize information in print materials.
2. Use reference tools to retrieve and manage information, e.g., interactive software, CD ROM, video materials, Internet.
3. Draw Inferences, conclusions, or generalizations about text and support them with textual edidence.
4. Compare information about one topis found in different selections or texts.
5. Acquire information for different purposes,e.g.,preparing a report.
South Dakota Content Standards:
Carefully consider and identify only those standards that are specifically addressed during your project. Three to five (goals, indicators with related benchmarks and grade level standards) should be sufficient to reach the desired understandings for a project of this length.
Grade Level (ex k-2, 3-5, 6-8, etc.)3-5
1st Subject Goal/Indicator/Benchmark/Grade Level Standard Statements
Content Area: (ex Science, Mathematics, Art)Communication/Language Arts
Provide Goal # , Title and Full Statement
(Goal 3-Life Science: Students will describe structures and attributes of living things, processes of life, and interaction with each other and the environment.)
Goal Two: Writing Students will write effectively for different audiences and specific purposes.
Provide Indicator # and Statement (List only one).
Indicator 4: Students will write to clarify and enhance understanding of information.
Provide Benchmark (letter) and Statement. ( List all appropriate benchmarks for this goal and indicator.)
a. Write to explain prior knowledge about various topics.
b. Write to interpret and use new or unfamiliar information.
c. c. Use examples from selected print and electronic media to support personal interpretations.
Provide Grade Level Standard (#) and Statement. (List all appropriate standards for this goal and indicator.)
5th grade:
1. Write to synthesize information from a variety of sources related to specific issues.
2. Write in response to information from various sources to confirm or reject prior understanding.
3. Support key ideas and viewpoints using various references from print or electronic sources.
South Dakota Content Standards:
Carefully consider and identify only those standards that are specifically addressed during your project. Three to five (goals, indicators with related benchmarks and grade level standards) should be sufficient to reach the desired understandings for a project of this length.
Grade Level (ex k-2, 3-5, 6-8, etc.)3-5
1st Subject Goal/Indicator/Benchmark/Grade Level Standard Statements
Content Area: (ex Science, Mathematics, Art)Communication/Language Arts
Provide Goal # , Title and Full Statement(Goal 3-Life Science: Students will describe structures and attributes of living things, processes of life, and interaction with each other and the environment.)
Goal Three: Listening and Viewing
Students will use critical listening and viewing skills in various situations and for a variety of purposes.
Provide Indicator # and Statement (List only one).
Indicator 3: Students will use various strategies to retain/ retrieve critical oral and visual information.
Provide Benchmark (letter) and Statement. ( List all appropriate benchmarks for this goal and indicator.)
a. Examine oral/ visual information for usefulness.
b. Use various questioning approaches to clarify oral/ visual information.
c. Determine ways to organize oral/ visual information for later recall.
Provide Grade Level Standard (#) and Statement. (List all appropriate standards for this goal and indicator.)
5th grade:
1. Summarize information gathered in group activities.
2. Connect information with prior knowledge/experience for effective recall.
3. Paraphrase the communication of others to clarify the intended message.
4. Organize information according to topic or subject.
South Dakota Content Standards:
Carefully consider and identify only those standards that are specifically addressed during your project. Three to five (goals, indicators with related benchmarks and grade level standards) should be sufficient to reach the desired understandings for a project of this length.
Grade Level (ex k-2, 3-5, 6-8, etc.)(6-8)
1st Subject Goal/Indicator/Benchmark/Grade Level Standard Statements
Content Area: (ex Science, Mathematics, Art)Science:
Provide Goal # , Title and Full Statement
(Goal 3-Life Science: Students will describe structures and attributes of living things, processes of life, and interaction with each other and the environment.)
Goal Two: Physical Science
Students will use appropriate models to describe and quantify the nature and interactions of matter and energy.
Provide Indicator # and Statement (List only one).
Indicator 4: Analyze various interactions of energy and matter.
Provide Benchmark (letter) and Statement. ( List all appropriate benchmarks for this goal and indicator.)
a. Describe forms and behaviors of energy.
b. Describe and explain a variety of energy transfers and transformations.
Provide Grade Level Standard (#) and Statement. (List all appropriate standards for this goal and indicator.)
Sixth grade:
3. Explain basic concepts of electricity. (example: sources, relationship to magnetism, types of current and circuits and ways to measure electricity)
4. Explain how electric circuits are a means of transferring energy.
Seventh Grade:
3. Explain the physical interactions of light and matter.(example: transmission, refraction, reflection, polarization)
4. Explain Basic principles of electricity and magnetism including static, current, circuits, magnetic fields, and electromagnetism.
Eighth Grade:
3. Describe ways energy is transferred by means of heat flow, light, and sound.
4. Differentiate among reflection, refraction, and diffraction of water, light, and sound waves.
List General Statement of other standard areas indirectly supported by this project
(ex Language Arts/Communications standards supporting public speaking skills during oral presentations; Mathematics standards supported by use of graphing.)