Supplemental Table 1.

(a) List of isolated gene deletions

Locus (size) / Gene / Case
(0.5Mbp) / IgK / immunoglobulin k light chain / 2
(0.5Mbp) / TIGD2 / tigger transposable element derived 2 / 1
(0.8Mbp) / GRID2 / glutamate receptor, ionotropic, delta 2 / 1
(0.3Mbp) / MAP1B / microtubule-associated protein 1B / 1
(0.6Mbp) / PPP2R2B* / protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B, beta / 1
(0.2Mbp) / KIF13A / kinesin family member 13A / 1
(0.1Mbp) / EPHA7 / ephrin receptor EphA7 / 1
(0.8Mbp) / ARID1B / AT rich interactive domain 1B / 1
(0.4Mbp) / PTPRD* / protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, D / 2
(0.2Mbp) / CTNNA3 / catenin, alpha 3 / 1
(1.4Mbp) / DLG2* / discs, large homolog 2 (chapsyn-110) / 1
(1.0Mbp) / BRCC2* / breast cancer cell protein 2 / 1
(0.1Mbp) / SOX5 / SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 5 / 1
(0.1Mbp) / IGHA1 / immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 1 / 5
(0.3Mbp) / RASGRP1 / RAS guanyl releasing protein 1 / 2
(0.1Mbp) / PSG9 / pregnancy specific beta-1-glycoprotein 9 / 1
(0.1Mbp) / PTPRT* / protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, T / 1

* Gene that is a tumor suppressor gene or considered to be a tumor suppressor gene.

(b) List of isolated gene gains

Locus (size) / Gene / Case
(0.4Mbp) / WDR1 / WD repeat domain 1 / 1
(0.1Mbp) / ATP6V0E2 / ATPase, H+ transporting V0 subunit e2 / 1
(0.2Mbp) / DPF6 / dipeptidyl Peptidase Four (IV) family / 1
(2.2Mbp) / CSMD1 / CUB and Sushi multiple domains 1 / gain 4
loss 4
(0.4Mbp) / MYC** / v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog / 1
(0.7Mbp) / KHDRBS3 / KH domain containing, RNA binding, signal / 2
(0.1Mbp) / LYZL2 / lysozyme-like 2 / 1
(0.6Mbp) / FAM19A2 / family with sequence similarity 19 (chemokine (C-C motif)-like), member A / 2
(0.5Mbp) / ADAMTS18 / a disintegrin-like and metalloprotease / 2
(0.03Mbp) / CCL4R / chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 4 precursor / 8

** Gene that is an oncogene or considered to be an oncogene.

Supplemental Table 2.

(a) List of genes localized to deleted regions that are shorter than 3 Mbp and contain less than 10 genes

Loss Locus
(size) / Gene
(n) / Candidate Gene / Case
(1.5Mbp) / 4 / FAF1
CDKN2C / FAS-associated factor 1 isoform a
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2C / 2
(1.2Mbp) / 2 / POLK
IQGAP2 / polymerase (DNA directed) kappa
IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 2 / 2
(0.2Mbp) / 3 / CDKN2A
CDKN2B / cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2B / 2
(1.0Mbp) / 2 / CUGBP2 / CUG triplet repeat, RNA binding protein 2 / 2

(b) List of genes localized to amplified regions that are shorter than 3 Mbp and contain less than 10 genes

Gain Locus
(size) / Gene
(n) / Candidate Gene / Case
(0.2Mbp) / 4 / CSRP1 / cysteine and glycine-rich protein 1 / 18
(0.4Mbp) / 3 / IGF2R / insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor / 2
(0.3Mbp) / 3 / MLLT4 / mixed-lineage leukemia translocated to, 4 / 3
(0.1Mbp) / 4 / BLNK
DNTT / B-cell linker
deoxynucleotidyltransferase, terminal / 2
(0.2Mbp) / 3 / SYCE1 / synaptonemal complex central element protein 1 / 4
(0.9Mbp) / 7 / WNT5B
RAB6IP2 / wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 5B
RAB6-interacting protein 2 isoform epsilon / 4

Supplemental table 3

Extended clinical information of 39 patients with multiple myeloma from medical records.

No. / y / Sex / M protein type / Clinical stage / G-banding / FISH / Treatment
DS / ISS / del13q / del17p / 1st / 2nd and after
1 / 56 / M / BJPκ / 3b / - / normal / - / - / VAD / MCP/ MP/ autoPBSCT
3 / 42 / M / IgGκ/BJPκ / 2a / 1 / normal / - / - / VAD / MCP/ autoPBSCT
5 / 75 / F / IgGκ / 1a / 1 / normal / - / - / MP / Thal
6 / 64 / M / IgGκ / 3a / 2 / normal / - / - / MP / Thal
7 / 56 / F / IgGλ / 3b / 3 / normal / 10.9% / 15.0% / VAD / MCP/ Thal
9 / 63 / M / IgGκ/BJPκ / 3a / 3 / HD / - / - / VAD / MCP /MP/ VAD
10 / 59 / F / IgAκ / 3a / - / - / - / - / VAD
11 / 58 / F / IgAκ / 2b / 3 / normal / 26.2% / normal / MP
12 / 52 / M / IgDλ/BJPλ / 2a / 2 / normal / - / - / VAD / MCP/ MP/ Thal/ Bor
13 / 68 / M / BJPκ / 3b / 3 / normal / normal / normal / MCP / VAD
14 / 78 / M / IgGκ / 3a / 2 / NHD / normal / normal / MCP / MP/ Thal
16 / 68 / M / IgGκ/BJPκ / 3a / 3 / normal / 22.4% / normal / MCP / MP/ Thal/ Bor
17 / 56 / F / IgGλ / 3b / 3 / normal / - / - / MCP / HDx/ Thal
21 / 78 / F / IgGκ / 1a / 2 / normal / normal / 33.3% / MP
26 / 60 / M / IgGλ / 1a / 1 / normal / 11.7% / normal / MCP+INF / HDx
27 / 59 / F / IgAκ / 2a / - / normal / normal / normal / MCP
28 / 67 / M / IgGκ / 3a / 2 / normal / 8.5% / 8.8% / VAD / MCP/ Thal
29 / 74 / F / IgGλ/BJPκ / 3a / 2 / HD / normal / 13.9% / VAD / MCP
35 / 68 / M / IgGκ / 2a / 3 / normal / - / - / MCP / HDx
36 / 55 / F / IgGλ / 1a / 1 / normal / - / - / MCP / MP/ Thal/ MP
37 / 54 / M / IgGκ / 3a / 1 / normal / - / - / VAD / MCP
38 / 44 / F / IgGλ / 3a / 1 / normal / - / - / MP / VAD/ autoPBSCT/ Bor/ Thal/ alloSCT
43 / 66 / F / IgGκ / 3a / 3 / NHD / 13.2% / normal / MP / MCP/ VAD
45 / 58 / F / IgGκ / 3a / 3 / normal / - / - / MP / VAD/ Thal
47 / 60 / F / IgGλ / 2a / - / normal / - / - / MP
50 / 55 / F / IgAκ / 3a / 3 / normal / - / - / VAD / autoPBSCT/ Bor/ alloSCT
52 / 62 / M / IgAκ / 3a / 2 / normal / - / - / MP / MCP/ VAD/ HDx/ VAD/ Thal
55 / 60 / F / IgGλ/BJPλ / 2a / 1 / - / - / - / MCP / VAD/ Thal
56 / 59 / F / BJPλ / 3b / 3 / normal / - / - / VAD / autoPBSCT/ Thal/ alloSCT
57 / 34 / F / IgGκ / 3a / 2 / normal / - / - / VAD / autoPBSCT/ Bor
58 / 62 / M / IgDλ / 3a / 2 / normal / - / - / VAD / Thal
60 / 61 / M / IgGκ / 2a / 2 / normal / - / - / MP
62 / 72 / F / IgGκ / 3a / 1 / normal / - / - / MP / VAD/ MCP/ HDx/ Thal
67 / 66 / M / BJPκ / 2b / 3 / NHD / - / - / MP
73 / 55 / F / IgGλ / 3a / 1 / HD / - / - / VAD / autoPBSCT/ Thal
74 / 57 / M / IgGκ/BJPκ / 2a / 1 / NHD / - / - / MP
75 / 78 / M / IgGλ / 3a / 3 / normal / 62.5% / normal / VAD
77 / 85 / M / IgMκ / 3a / - / normal / - / - / PDN
79 / 70 / M / IgGλ / 3a / - / HD / - / - / VAD

Abbreviations: No., patient number; y, year; M, male; F, Female; DS, Durie Salmon Staging System; ISS, International Staging System;

del13q, deletion of chromosome 13q; del17p, deletion of chromosome 17p; BJP, Bence-Jones protein; HD, hyperdiploid; NHD non-hyperdiploid;

VAD, Vincristine/Doxorubicin/Dexamethasone; MCP, melphalan/cyclophosphamide/prednisolone; MP, melphalan/prednisolone;

autoPBSCT, autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation; INF, interferon; PDN, prednisolone; Thal, thalidomide;

HDx, high dosedexamethasone; Bor, bortezomib; AlloSCT, allogeneicstem cell transplantation; -, information unavailable