Harvey R. Gover
Max E. Benitz Memorial LibraryWashington Square 140
Washington State University at Tri-Cities2455 George Washington Way
2710 University DriveRichland, Washington 99352-1725
Richland, Washington 99352-1671
1989Master of Arts, Teaching, in Public Administration, Tarleton State University of the Texas A&M University System
1970Master of Library Science, University of Texas at Austin
1967Bachelor of Arts, in English and History, Baylor University, Waco, Texas
1999 -Founding Editor of Haworth Press Journal of Library and Information Services for Distance Learning.
1998 -Assistant Campus Librarian, Washington State University at Tri-Cities Library
1998Adjunct Faculty Appointment, Washington State University at Tri-Cities
1996 -Adjunct Faculty Appointment, City University, Renton, Washington, Tri-Cities Center
1991 - 1998Branch Campus Librarian, Washington State University at Tri-Cities Library
1979 -1991Public Services Librarian, Tarleton State University Library of the Texas A&M University System
1970 -1979Reference-Circulation Librarian, Tarleton State University Library of the Texas A&M
University System
Assistant Campus Librarian, Washington State University at Tri-Cities Library
2000Devised and executed a Friends of the Library event featuring: Sally O’Neal Coates, author of the Unofficial Guide to Bed and Breakfasts in the Northwest; Angela Felsted, Miss Tri-Cities; and the a cappella pop quartet, 4th Gear. The event consisted of an invitation buffet reception, a program open to the public, and a closing dessert mixer with the quartet performing.
1999 -Increased patron contact hours both in course-integrated library instruction units and in individual instruction reference sessions in response to an increase in use of the Libraries in excess of the fall enrollment increase.
1999Devised and executed a Friends of the Library event featuring Don Brazier, author of a manuscript first history of the Washington legislature. The event consisted of an invitation buffet reception, a program open to the public, and a closing dessert mixer, November 4.
1999 Devised and executed a Friends of the Library event honoring the late state senator, Max E. Benitz, for whom the Library and the Friends organization were named. The event consisted of an invitation buffet reception, a program open to the public, and a closing dessert mixer, September 30.
1999 -More than doubled the number of reference desk service hours per week in response to campus budgetary constraints and concomitant library staffing needs, for a total of twenty-three hours on the desk, and another twelve to fourteen hours of being on-call for reference assistance while scheduled in office, for a total of thirty-five to thirty-seven hours reference responsibility per week, spreading the responsibilities out across the entire week, while maintaining close to full productivity in other areas of responsibility.
Branch Campus Librarian, Washington State University at Tri-Cities Library
1998In response to a severe campus financial crisis, proposed assuming the newly created Reference Services Librarian position while continuing to share some administrative responsibilities with the recently created and filled Director of Information Services position, while leaving the vacated Branch Campus Librarian position unfilled. Was awarded the new position as Assistant Campus Librarian.
1998Founded the Benitz Library Working Scholars Program, a work study program privately funded through the Friends of the Max E. Benitz Memorial Library, and personally funded the first Benitz Library Working Scholar.
1995 - 1997Actively participated on joint staff transition committees and cross training sessions of the Hanford Technical Library and the WSU Tri-Cities Library staffs that encompassed more than forty-five meetings and nineteen cross training sessions, including nine presentations.
1995 -1997 Actively participated in oversight activities for the final building design, construction, interior design, and selection of furnishings and equipment for the Consolidated Libraries of the Consolidated Information Center.
1995 - 1998Initiated a transition from temporary, wage-hour staffing to permanent full-time staffing for the Library.
1997Developed a weekly library faculty and staff forum to foster communication among the emerging permanent personnel.
1995Initiated and coordinated a follow-up user needs assessment survey for each of the branch campus libraries.
1994 - PresentProvided library automation instruction program for faculty through the Resident Faculty Organization.
1994Negotiated successfully for the placement of the Argonne National Laboratory Library of radiation biology in the branch campus library.
1993 - PresentNegotiated for the bequest of a rare private collection of works on the history of radiation biology and other closely related materials to the branch campus library.
1993 - 1997Influenced, along with growth of the campus, the steady increase of the Library budget via Five-Year Unit Plans, annual budget requests, and other special appeals, securing increased funding for permanent staffing and collection development.
1993 - PresentEstablished, promoted, and expanded upon a course-integrated bibliographic instruction and general library orientation program.
1993 - 1997Developed a core collection development program to reflect campus growth and the establishment of new degree programs.
1993 - 1994Staffed and coordinated the adaptation of the branch campus library to the WSU System's automated library circulation system.
1993 - 1994Participated actively in the predesign and design phases for a Consolidated Information Center to merge the branch campus library with the Hanford Technical Library.
1993 -1994Secured, in conjunction with the Head, Extended Campus Library Services and the Campus Dean, the planning and expertise of the WSU Libraries Technical Services Division staff and secured the contributed work of the Tri-Cities secretarial pool and library employees to initiate and complete a retrospective conversion project for the library catalog.
1993Recruited Max Benitz, Jr. to serve on the first board of officers for the Friends of the Max E. Benitz Memorial Library on the Tri-Cities branch campus.
1993Brought the Friends of the Max E. Benitz Memorial Library into official existence through securing initial memberships sufficient to open an account with the Washington State University Foundation.
1993Planned and coordinated a promotional media event for launching the Friends in conjunction with the official opening program for the U.S. Department of Energy Public Reading Room in its new quarters adjacent to and within the Tri-Cities library. Worked closely with planning and publicity staff from the main campus, branch campus, and Department of Energy.
1993Met at Wenatchee Valley College with their librarian, their dean of instruction, and the library director of the Intercollegiate Center for Nursing Education to set up library services for a WSU extended campus nursing program on the Wenatchee campus.
1993Promoted, through the initiative and past experience of the part-time reference librarian, the expansion of the library volunteer program to over fifty hours of contributed time a week in conjunction with the Tri-Cities Volunteer Center.
1992Brought user-accessed online indexing and cataloging information to the branch campus via becoming one of the first libraries in the nation to subscribe to FirstSearch.
1992Initiated plans to start a WSU Tri-Cities Library Friends group for fund-raising purposes.
1992Devised a plan, in conjunction with the branch campus Computer Center staff, for the upgrading and updating of the library's computer equipment and services for interlibrary loan, reference, and administrative activities.
1992Negotiated for the purchase of additional, matching tables and chairs for the library conference/classroom.
1991-1992Negotiated for the provision of building project funds to pay for moving labor and for equipment upgrades associated with the move.
1991-1992Staffed the library, with very restricted resources, to best possible advantage for the move and for serving patrons in the larger facility after the move, by placing experienced timeslip and student employees on a grid to cover service hours, and by the reassignment of work tasks among employees.
1991Established, upon the suggestion of the Head, Extended Campus Library Services, the Library Transition Advisory Group (LTAG) consisting of one upper-level administrator, three faculty members, one staff member, and one student to advise and assist the librarian and serve as a faculty library committee where none otherwise existed.
1991Planned, supervised, and participated in the move of the library from very cramped quarters to very spacious, well appointed ones.
1991Planned for the adaptation of existing library practices and procedures to new administrative leadership and the occupation of new quarters in order to effect a smooth institutional transition.
1991Completed intensive training in existing library procedures provided by predecessor.
Public Services Librarian, Tarleton State University of the Texas A&M University System
1984 -1991Conducted over one hundred course-integrated bibliographic instruction units per year from the freshman through the graduate level and in numerous disciplines. Program included students from small, rural area high schools.
1980 -1988Wrote the Statement of Mission and Purpose and the Interlibrary Loan Policy. Chaired a committee to devise an evaluation instrument for university librarians and wrote the initial and final drafts of the instrument.
1984 -1986Worked closely with Control Data Corporation systems designers and other library staff to create a new online circulation system and an online patron access catalog for the library and for future marketing as components of a total library system.
1983 -1985Co-authored the Program of Requirements for Expansion of the Dick Smith Library with responsibility for those sections dealing with public services facilities. Worked closely with architects and interior design professionals in execution of the library expansion and renovation projects.
Reference-Circulation Librarian, Tarleton State University of the Texas A&M University System
1975 - 1979Team taught on a semester-length basis the Scope and Methods in Research course for the Public Administration Master's program.
1970 - 1979Established, expanded, developed, and conducted an all-level, course-integrated bibliographic instruction program where none had existed for several years. Established, expanded, and upgraded the pre-automated interlibrary loan service. Adapted to OCLC ILL Subsystem when it became available. Established the provision of high-quality reference service where very little had been offered in the past and built a reputation for the library of providing high quality reference service.
1971Introduced and oriented staff to library's first automated circulation system.
American Library Association
Library Instruction Round Table
Association of College and Research Libraries
Distance Learning Section
University Libraries Section
2001 At the American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter conference, as immediate Past Chair of the Distance Learning Section (DLS), assisted the Chair in conducting and leading the Executive Committee meeting.
2001At the ALA Midwinter conference, attended and actively participated in the meeting of the ACRL Standards and Accreditation committee.
2000Delivered an invited panel presentation PowerPoint segment, “Presenting the ACRL Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services,” for the international Quality Assurance in Distance Education: Electronic Library Solutions conference, Washington, D.C., June 11-13.
2000In coordination with Haworth Press promotions personnel, devised and hosted a reception to introduce the forthcoming Journal of Library & Information Services for Distance Learning at the international Quality Assurance in Distance Education: Electronic Library Solutions conference, Washington, D.C., June 11-13.
2000Delivered a panel presentation PowerPoint segment on the origins and development of the ACRL Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services, for the international
Ninth Off-Campus Library Services Conference, Portland, Oregon, April 26 – 28.
2000Scheduled an organizational and planning meeting for the purpose of forming an Editorial Board of the forthcoming Journal of Library & Information Services for Distance Learning at the Ninth Off-Campus Library Services Conference, Portland, Oregon, April 26 – 28.
2000Conducted an informal dinner meeting for new international members of the Editorial Board of the forthcoming Journal of Library & Information Services for Distance Learning at the Ninth Off-Campus Library Services Conference, Portland, Oregon, April 26 – 28.
2000At the ALA Annual conference, with Jean Caspers, secured approval by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Standards and Accreditation Committee of the minor outcomes revision of the ACRL Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services.
2000For the ALA Annual conference, as Chair of the DLS, planned and conducted the Executive Committee meeting.
2000At ALA Annual conference, coordinated and served as announcer for the DLS Tenth Anniversary reception and program.
2000At the ALA Annual conference, as Chair of DLS, attended and participated in the ACRL Leadership and Sections Councils with the Section Vice Chair/Chair Elect.
2000In preparation for ALA Annual conference, devised and secured speakers for the DLS Tenth Anniversary reception and program.
2000For the ALA Midwinter conference, as Chair of DLS, planned and conducted the Executive Committee meeting.
2000 At the ALA Midwinter conference, as Chair of DLS, introduced my newly appointed committee chairs at the opening of the All Committees Meeting, thus establishing the precedent of opening the meeting with announcements of concern to the Section as a whole.
2000At the ALA Midwinter conference, attended and actively participated in the meeting of the ACRL Standards and Accreditation committee.
1999 -Participated actively, frequently led discussions, and generally facilitated the virtual meetings of the DLS Executive Board via the Board’s listserver.
1999At the ALA Annual conference, led and co-presented a panel program with Jean Caspers, Chui-chun Lee, and Bill Parton, “Presenting the ACRL Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services: the Future Is Now.”
1999At the ALA Midwinter conference, secured approval of the ACRL DLS Action Plan by the Board of Directors of ACRL in response to the Board’s Midwinter 1998 resolution requesting a plan for reaching institutions failing to provide adequate library services to students in their distance learning programs with the newly approved ACRLGuidelines for Distance Learning Library Services.
1999At the ALA Midwinter conference, co-presented with Jean Caspers of Oregon State University and Chair of the DLS Guidelines Committee, an introductory program to the LITA Discussion Group on the ACRLGuidelines for Distance Learning Library Services.
1999As Vice Chair/Chair-Elect of DLS, made, from among member librarians across the nation, a total of seventy committee and committee chair appointments, including the membership of four newly created committees and a rechartered strategic planning committee, as well as replacing a majority of members on all other Section committees.
1998At the ALA Midwinter conference, testified to secure approval of the ACRLGuidelines for Extended Academic Library Services, later the Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services, first, by the Executive Board of the then ACRL Extended Campus Library Services Section (ECLSS), now the Distance Learning Section (DLS) and, second, by the ACRL Standards and Accreditation Committee.
1998Testified to secure final approval of the ACRLGuidelines for Distance Learning Library Services from the ALA Committee on Standards at the ALA Annual Conference in Washington, DC.
1998Elected Vice-Chair/Chair Elect of the ACRL Distance Learning Section.
1998Assisted in the drafting of an ACRL Board of Director’s resolution requesting that ECLSS, now DLS, develop strategies for reaching institutions involved in distance learning programs and not providing or making provision for library services to their students in these programs.
1998Participated in a PowerPoint panel presentation, “Index Utilization Patterns in University Branch Campus Libraries Which Provide FirstSearch as a Virtual Indexing Tool,” at the Eighth Off-Campus Library Services Conference in Providence, RI.
1998Commissioned and assisted in the preparation of conference logo design proposals for the 1999 Washington Library Association conference.
1997Conducted two national hearings on revision of the Guidelines, one at the ALA Midwinter meeting and one at the ALA Annual conference.
1997Made four reports on Guidelines revision to the Executive Board of ECLSS at ALA Midwinter and Annual conferences.
1997Made two detailed reports on Guidelines revision drafts to the ACRL Standards and Accreditation Committee.
1997Representative for Guidelines revision activities at two invitational planning meetings on Libraries and the Western Governors University.
1999Secured permission from Bowker to use Ulrich's data the published LIRT Bibliography.
1998-Continued as an advisory member of the LIRT Publications committee to assist in completion of the bibliography project.
1996 - 1998Chair, Publications Committee, Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT), American Library Association. Moved committee forward on its long-term bibliography project listing journals outside librarianship which have published articles on libraries or librarians.
1995 - 1996Member, ACRL Standards Study Taskforce. Explored ways to foster communication between regional accrediting agencies and ACRL to improve their expectations for academic libraries.
1996Conducted a presentation and exercise on revision of the Guidelines as a major segment of the program at the annual conference of the College Librarians and Media Specialists (CLAMS) conference.
1995 Moderated and participated in a panel presentation of results of the Washington State University branch campus libraries needs assessment survey conducted in the spring and presented at the Seventh Off-Campus Library Services Conference, San Diego, California, October 27.
1995Served as a Program Monitor for the Seventh Off-Campus Library Services Conference.
1994 - 1995 Member, Public Relations Committee of the Washington Library Association, representing the Editorial Board of Alki, the Washington Library Association Journal and Link, the Association’s newsletter.
1994Won acceptance of proposal to present the results of a follow-up needs assessment survey of the Washington State University branch campus libraries at the upcoming Seventh Off-Campus Library Services Conference.
1994Served as a member of the Program Advisory Board for the Seventh Off-Campus Library Services Conference.
1994 - 1995Representative of the Alki Editorial Board to the Washington Library Association Executive Board.
1994 - 1998Chair, ECLSS Guidelines Committee. Initiated national and international involvement in the revision of the 1990 ACRL Guidelines for Extended Campus Library Services, preparing all revision drafts, publishing or otherwise disseminating each draft revision, conducting hearings, and making presentations.