11.00am Sung Eucharist (Rite 2)
Setting: A Celtic Eucharist (Martin J White)
Psalm: 149 (Stanford)
Anthem: Ave verum corpus natum (Elgar)
Hymns: 3, 517, 398 (i), 599.
Organ: Sonata No 3 in A (Mendelssohn)
Preacher: The Very Reverend Patrick W Rooke, Dean / 3.15pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Smith
Psalm: 115 vv 1-8 (Stanford)
Service: Vaughan Williams in C
Anthem: O for the wings of a dove (Mendelssohn) Boys’ Voices
Hymns: 336, 349, 288.
Organ: Allegro Maestoso e Vivace from Sonata IV (Mendelssohn)
Preacher: The Very Reverend Patrick W Rooke, Dean
Thursday 8th September
4.00pm Consecration of Very Revd Patrick W. Rooke
as Bishop of Tuam, Killala & Achonry.
Preacher: The Right Reverend Robert Eames
Sunday 11th September The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
11.00am Choral Matins
Responses: Smith
Venite (1); Psalm: 114 (Tonus Perigrinus)
Canticles: Great and Wondeful; Benedictus
Anthem: O Lord God (Percy Buck) Boys’ Voices
Hymns: 52, 644, 373, 566.
Organ: Postlude in D (Healey Willan)
In residence: The Very Reverend Robert Townley / 3.15pm Sung Eucharist (Rite 1) Men’s Voices
Setting: Merbecke
Psalm: 119 vv 41-48 (Plainsong)
Anthem: Ave verum (Plainsong)
Hymns: 418 (ii), 343.
Organ: Toccata & Fugue in F (Buxtehude)
Sunday 18th September The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity
11.00am Sung Eucharist (Rite 2)
Setting: Holy Communion in F (Herbert Sumsion)
Psalm: 105 vv 1-6 (Stanford)
Anthem: Veni creator spiritus (Plainsong)
Hymns: 115, 417, 549, 607.
Organ: Grand Choeur (Guilmant)
In Residence: The Reverend Canon Terence Scott, Precentor / 3.15pm Ordination of Deacons
The Archbishop of Armagh.
Hymns: 643, 310, 327, 478.
Organ: March on a Theme by Handel (Guilmant)
Preacher: The Reverend Canon Terence Scott, Precentor
Sunday 25th September The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity
11.00am Sung Eucharist (Rite 2)
Setting: The Wiltshire Service (Sheppard)
Psalm: 78 vv 1-8 (Goss)
Anthem: O Thou, the Central Orb (Charles Wood)
Hymns: 10 (i), 630, 427, 370.
Organ: Sarabande (Herbert Howells)
Preacher: The Reverend Grace Clunie, Director of Celtic Spirituality / 3.15pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Smith
Psalm: 124 (Robinson)
Service: Stanford in C
Anthem: Let the bright seraphim (Handel) Boys’ Voices
Hymns: 67, 358.
Organ: Concerto in G (Bach)
Dr Joe McKee OBE Acting Organist and Director of Music The Very Reverend Patrick W Rooke Dean