Please return this form to the Sixth Form Office at St Edward’s Schoolbefore Friday 15th December 2017
Surname: ...... First Name ...... DoB: ...... Form: ...
Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Post Code:………………………….
Telephone:...... Mobile ...... Email:…………………………………………
External applicants only:
Present school: ...... School Telephone: ......
Name of parent / guardian: ......
Level 3 courses (A Level or BTEC)
Students will generally study 3 subjects, which will be tailored to fit their aspirations and academic ability. Curriculum packages would normally be one of the following:
- 3 A2 Levels
- 4 A2 Levels (Certain circumstances)
- 3 A2 Levels + EPQ(Standard)
- A BTEC course might replace one of the A2 choices
Once GCSE results are known, we will finalise each students’ route.
At this stage please indicate the 3subjects you would like to study next year in order of priority (and one back up choice). The subjects will be arranged into five blocks. Subjects in the same block will be taught at the same time. We will endeavour to set up the option blocks so that the vast majority of applicants can study the combination indicated below. The option blocks will be shared with applicants when they are invited to discuss their application in the spring term.
First A Level Choice (2 years)Second A Level Choice (2 years)
Third A Level Choice (2 years)
Back up Choice
Acceptance is based on meeting the entrance criteria which is five or more passes at grades 9 - 5 including English Language and Mathematics at grade 5 and usually grade6 or above in the subjects you wish to study at A Level (please see our online Prospectus for further guidance on each subjects entry requirements).
All sixth form students take part in a wider programme incorporating personal development, personal enquiry, careers experience/guidance and sport
Select your subjects after discussing your choices with subject teachers, completing the grid below:
subject / current teacher / To be completed by subject teachersIs this student suitable for A Level study? / reason / signature
NB: If the subject is a new one that you are not currently studying, e.g. “Psychology”, please speak to the subject leader.
Is there another subject you would have preferred to take which is not on our proposed list?
This application is provisional and subject choices can be changed after your discussion with one of the Sixth Form Team.
Please discuss your application with your tutor before submitting.
Student: / ……………………………………………………………. / Date: ……………………………Parent or Carer: / ……………………………………………………………. / Date: ……………………………
Tutor: / ……………………………………………………………. / Date: ……………………………