JUNE 2016

This packet gives a list of items to be completed by each teacher before the end of the school year. You must submit the sheet to the appropriate grade level or department chair before departing for the summer. This must be completed by the last duty day for teachers- June 21, 2016.

Team leaders should arrange for teachers to have adequate textbooks and other materials for classroom instruction through June 20, 2016

  1. Summer Address (June-August 2016)

Name ______Phone # ______

Address ______


  1. Provide address where school administration can reach you if you cannot be reached at summer address listed above.



I certify that all bills for which I am responsible, or I am authorized to obligate the school, have been submitted to the office and none will be presented after June 20, 2016.

I have completed all the items listed that pertain to me.


Teacher’s signature

I verify that all items have been completed that pertains to the above team member.


Team Leader’s signature

Teacher: ______Room: ______

1 / 6/13/2016 / FINAL Failure List (No names to be added) / ALL / Assistant Principal
Grades & Class Lists / 2 / 6/17/2016 / Outstanding obligations report form with names of students who have resolved obligations crossed out / ALL / Secretary/ copy to Dept. Chair
3 / 6/21/2016 / Turn in paper print-out and electronic copy of PTG gradebook labeled with your name and the school year / ALL / Assistant Principal
4 / 6/21/2016 / Final collection of teacher signed 4th quarter homeroom report if applicable / Homeroom Teachers / Assistant Principal
5 / 6/21/2016 / Review and turn in class lists if applicable / ALL / Assistant Principal
Instructional Materials & Technology / 6 / 6/21/2016 / Textbooks (with answer booklets if applicable) counted and returned to designated storage area / ALL / Team Leaders, Dept. Chairs
7 / 6/21/2016 / Curriculum guides returned to designated storage area / ALL / Team Leaders, Dept. Chairs
8 / 6/21/2016 / Maps, globes, equipment, etc. accounted for and placed in designated storage area / ALL / Team Leaders, Dept. Chairs, Music, PE
9 / 6/21/2016 / Desktop computer properly secured and covered for the summer / ALL / Technology Coordinator
10 / 6/21/2016 / Laptop computer turned in to Technology Coordinator / Inventory Manager (schools can sign out laptops to teachers working in the summer, but the laptop must be checked in first) / ALL / Technology Coordinator
11 / 6/21/2016 / If you have asmart boardin your room, please see technology coordinator for proper summer storage assignment / ALL / Technology Coordinator
12 / 6/21/2016 / If you have a digital camera, projector or other a/v equipment, please return designed storage area / ALL / Technology Coordinator
13 / 6/21/2016 / All library books have been returned to the library / ALL / Librarian
14 / 6/21/2016 / All videoshave been returned to the library / ALL / Librarian
15 / 6/21/2016 / Storage / prep rooms in order / ALL / Team Leaders, Dept. Chairs
Lab Materials / 16 / 6/21/2016 / ALL Lab Equipment / Lab Teachers / Science Team
17 / 6/21/2016 / Safety Goggle Cabinet Key / Lab Teachers / Science Team
18 / 6/21/2016 / Science Dept. Cabinet Keys / Lab Teachers / Science Team
Activity Accounts / 19 / 6/13/2016 / Inventory Sheets / Account Sponsors / Secretary
20 / 6/13/2016 / Money Envelopes / Account Sponsors / Secretary
21 / 6/17/2016 / All bills paid, monies turned in, or arrangements made for those anticipated to arrive after June 17th / Account Sponsors / Secretary
Repairs / Cleaning / 23 / 6/21/2016 / Room repair sheet returned / ALL / Assistant Principal
24 / 6/21/2016 / End of school year cleaning procedures for teachers completed / ALL / Team Leaders, Dept. Chairs
Closeout Documents / 25 / 6/21/2016 / Closing Checkout Sheet with summer address / ALL / Secretary
26 / 6/21/2016 / Keys returned in labeled envelope / ALL / Assistant Principal
27 / 6/21/2016 / Completed Checklist to Principal / ALL / Principal

Teacher Signature: ______Date: ______

End of School Year Cleaning for Teachers

We are approaching the end of the school year. There are some things we must have teachers do in their classrooms, so our custodial staff can effectively clean the rooms.

  1. All supplies such as books, papers, manuals, posters, charts, etc., must be removed and stored away off all tables and desks. This will include pens, pencils and teaching aids. These items must be stored in the proper storage areas. Desktops, countertops, and ledges must be clear of all items.
  2. Personal items should not remain in the classrooms. All personal items must be removed from coat closets, lockers, and from desk drawers. Storage closets have to be emptied of all personal items. If you have a personal fan or other personal equipment, please remove it from your classroom.
  3. Remove all food items from desk drawers and closets in the classroom. If you have a refrigerator in your classroom, please remove all food items and unplug it from the wall receptacle. If the refrigerator is yours, please take it with you. If you leave the refrigerator, you must clean it out yourself. Microwaves must be cleaned out or removed from the classroom.
  4. Chalk boards must have all work erased.
  5. Bulletin Boards must have all items removed from it.
  6. Items hanging from ceilings and fixtures must be removed.
  7. Charts, pictures, posters, and other items taped on the classroom walls have to be pulled down and stored away or discarded.
  8. Remove all trash from your classroom.

Due Date:June 21, 2016

Outstanding Student Obligations

  1. Teacher notifies student of obligation.
  2. Teacher develops a system to retrieve obligation from student, i.e. notice home, phone call, etc. (Department Chairs will assist with this).
  3. When student pays obligation or returns book, etc., teacher notates this to the designated administrator.
  4. Collected money is to be turned in to the secretary by 12:00 noon each day.
  5. Form with unpaid obligations is given to the Department Chair by June 17, 2016. Department Chair should continue to attempt to collect.
  6. All forms should be turned in to secretary on June 17, 2016.

Student / HR / Title / Number / Date Returned / Amount Collected

Room Repair ChecklistDue Date: June 17, 2016

Teacher: ______Room No.: ______

Please identify items in your present classroom that are in need of repair or replacement. This information will help us in making summer repair schedules.

Item / Repair / Replace / Specific Comments on Problem
Window Blinds
Book Shelves
Storage Cabinets
File Cabinets
Teacher’s Desk
Work Table
Student Desks
Student Chairs
Pencil Sharpeners
Bulletin Boards
Chalk Boards