Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Swampscott, MA 01907

Attendance: Chairman, Jill Sullivan, Vice Chair, Barry Greenfield, Selectmen John Callahan, Glenn Kessler, Matthew Strauss, and Town Administrator, Thomas Younger.

Resident Comment:

Resident Maryellen Fletcher spoke on the following questions and concerns.

Ø  Approving legal fees and speaking on what those fees are for.

Ø  Sewer Drainage Issues-spoke with residents that are unhappy. –Looking for a solid plan for flooding issues.

Ø  Detailed financial plan for the Town.

Ø  Capital Improvement projects not appropriates in 2003-2011.

Tom Younger, Town Administrator addressed the issues above. Mr. Younger will be scheduling a Town wide meeting in September at the High School to talk about the Towns drainage. Mr. younger will give a description of all legal invoices when up for approvals in the future.

SPOT Update:

Members Lynn Zabar, Jen Dorsey and Joan Cardona of SPOT spoke about the following topics:

Ø  Plan in place.

Ø  Pooch Pass / Annual fee of twenty five dollars.

Ø  Fee to go to maintenance.

Ø  Dogs have to be licensed and vaccinated.

Ø  Project started five years ago, would like to see it open this summer.

Ø  Fence Bidding & Placement.

Ø  Fundraising.

Ø  Suggestion to meet with neighbors.

Ø  Not sure what needs to be done to inform neighbors.

Ø  Selectman Kessler suggested to reach out to all abutters with information to be good neighbors.

Ø  Hours of operation –Dawn to dusk.

Resident, Gene Bardon spoke on the location of the dog park at the Phillips Beach parking lot. Mr. Bardon asked how the Town could put a dog park at that location when the Town had bought that land for beach parking only.

Selectman Sullivan believes the title has been checked and it seems there are no legal binding restrictions on the deed.

Selectman Callahan asked about hours of operation. Selectman Callahan asked if the SPOT group would be doing promotions with Petco. Selectman Callahan feels the word in the community is out there and most people should know by now that a dog park is coming.

Selectman Strauss commented he cannot wait for the dog park to open him feels it will be a great addition to the Town.

Selectman Kessler commented the community is overdue for the dog park. Selectman Kessler suggested to keep open the communication with the neighbors.

Selectman Sullivan commented that this area is a better spot and is happy with the location. Selectman Sullivan reminded the SPOT group they would need to have any fees approved by the Board of Selectman. .

Public Hearing:

The Board voted unanimously on a motion by Selectman Strauss to open public hearing on a request from Aggregate Industries-Northeast Region, Inc for an Earth Removal Permit from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, seconded by Selectman Kessler.

Speaking on behalf of Aggregate Industries was Attorney Chris Drucas, Scott Colby Plant Manager was also present. A paragraph in the permit regarding operations on closing the quarry were changed and accepted by the Earth Removal Advisory Board.

Chairman, Eugene Bardon spoke on behalf of the Earth Removal Permit which had a number of meetings and informed the Board that is very little changes from previous permit. Mr. Bardon also commented there are very few complaints if any from the Town.

The Board voted on a motion by Selectman Strauss to close the public hearing, seconded by Selectman Greenfield.

No one commented from the public.

The Board voted unanimously on a motion by Selectman Kessler to approve the Earth Removal Permit for Aggregate Industries-Northeast Region for July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2012, seconded by Selectman Strauss.

Traffic Study Recommendations:

The Board voted unanimously on a motion by Selectman Greenfield to approve the reconfigurment of the Monument Avenue, Burril Street and Humphrey Street intersection on the recommendation of the Traffic Study, seconded by Selectman Callahan.

The Board voted unanimously on a motion by Selectman Greenfield to change the 15 minute parking to 30 minutes parking on Burrill Street by Spotman Cleaners, seconded by Selectman Callahan.

Resident Gene Bardon spoke on the above plan for Burrill Street and agreed it was great plan but is concerned with the traffic becoming a bottle neck from Humphrey Street back to Burrill Street.

Selectman Kessler mentioned the traffic light at Humphrey Street at Redington and suggested changing the timing of the light.

Selectman Sullivan remembers when there used to be a Police Officer at that intersection to help with the traffic flow.

Discussion /Naming Policy-First reading.

Resident Claire Gorman spoke about her concerns with the thirty day that is in the policy pertaining to a waiting period for approval and wonders if that is enough time to make a decision. Ms. Gorman would like to see the policy on the website.

Selectman Strauss asked the community ant the Board to remember Dave Whalen from which this policy is being implemented and asked that a location to remember him is found with approval from everyone.

The Board spoke of the option to extend the time frame on a request from thirty day to forty five days. (See Votes of the Board)

Goal Discussion /1st Reading:

Chairman Sullivan opened the conversation with Board on their suggestions and thoughts for future goals.

Selectman Callahan spoke of a type of software that would be a work format, schedule in a plan, Town Building infrastructure and would be visible on line.

Selectman Strauss suggested having an open forum for the public to see what the short and long term goals are and what has been completed and not completed.

Selectman Kessler suggested implementing committee’s ideas to get some results. Selectman Kessler suggested to be more active than proactive.

Selectman Greenfield spoke on the funds found by looking into unspent capital projects, suggest looking into State projects to see if they owe any funding to the Town. Some goals that he would like to discuss are drainage studies, new & old police station, sale of town owned properties. Selectman Greenfield suggested that each year the state representatives and federal representative attend the Selectmen’s meeting and be prepared to update the Board and the community. Selectman Greenfield spoke on chapter 70 funding. Selectman Greenfield spoke on the development of the Town.


The Board voted unanimously on a motion by Selectman Greenfield to appoint Grant Voucher to the position of part time summer DPW employee seconded by Selectman Strauss.

The Board voted unanimously on a motion by Selectman Greenfield with the Board of Library trustees to appoint Joanne Van der Burg as a Library Trustees to expire on April 29, 2014, seconded by Selectman Strauss

Votes of the Board:

The Board voted on a motion by Selectman Kessler to approve the first reading of the public property naming policy with a change of a 30 day requirement of approval for a name request to 45 days time for approval, and that second reading will be at the June 19, 2013 meeting, seconded by Selectman Callahan.

The Board voted unanimously on a motion by Selectman Kessler to approve and adopt the new public property naming policy as amended, second reading, seconded by Selectman Callahan.

The Board voted unanimously on a motion by Selectman Kessler to approve from Jason Gould, 12 Bellevue Road, Swampscott, Mass to place a sign from June 1, 2013 to July 31, 2013, on the chain link backstop facing Humphrey Street advertising Sunday morning softball teams, seconded by Selectman Callahan.

The Board voted unanimously on a motion by Selectman Strauss to approve a change of manager for Chicago Uno Grill, 970 Paradise Road, Swampscott, Mass to Denise Webster. (All paperwork, payments and CORI results are completed.) seconded by Selectman Greenfield.

The Board voted unanimously on a motion by Selectman Strauss to approve meeting minutes from April 24, 2013, seconded by Selectman Greenfield.

The Board voted unanimously on a motion by Selectman Strauss to approve the executive session meeting minutes from April 24, 2013, seconded by Selectman Greenfield.

The Board voted unanimously on a motion by Selectman Strauss to approve an invoice for Anderson & Kreiger, LLP in the amount of $4,293.00 Philips Beach, seconded by Selectman Greenfield.

The Board voted unanimously on a motion by Selectman Strauss to approve meeting dates for the Board of Selectman for Monday, July 1, 2013, Wednesday, July 17, 2013, August 7, 2013 and August 21, 2013, seconded by Selectman Greenfield.

The Board voted unanimously on a motion by Selectman Strauss to approve a one day wine and malt beverage license to Marion Court College for Friday, June 14, 2013, from 10AM to 2PM for their inauguration and a fundraiser, seconded by Selectman Greenfield.

The Board voted unanimously on a motion by Selectman Strauss to approve the placing of a temporary banner and twenty four smaller temporary signs in from of residential homes on the public grassy strip (right of way) for the Farmer’s Market from June 6, 2013 through June 15, 2013, seconded by Selectman Kessler.

Town Administrator’s report

Thomas Younger, Town Administrator updated the Board on the following:

Ø  Permanent Athletic Field Study will be on the next agenda for review.

Ø  Town Hall hours on Friday for the summer / possible savings on utilities was discussed/ public comment from the community was asked.

Ø  Youth sports group meeting was successful –will be meeting quarterly.

Ø  Short term goals were discussed-leader in meeting minutes, transparency; grant funding, application process, seawall repairs, boating infrastructure grants.

Selectmen’s Time:

Selectman Callahan informed the community of his upcoming office hours on June 15, 2013, at the Ocean House Surf Shop. Selectman Callahan spoke on the Andrew’s Chapel recent open house and recognized their committee for their hard work.

Selectman Strauss congratulated the Class of 2013. Selectman Strauss whished the Bruins good luck in the playoffs.

Selectman Kessler spoke on the anniversary of D Day. Selectman Kessler spoke of having no light at the end of the pier at Fisherman’s Beach. Selectman Kessler spoke on the kayak rack being a disaster in his opinion, toms of sand at the bottom. Selectman Kessler believes in the beginning it was a good idea for the kayak rack but not working out now.

Selectman Kessler read aloud a 1903 reservation stating the eastern end of the park is to be used exclusively for fisherman and their boats. Selectman Kessler recognized the DPW Department for fixing a bolt at the launch area that had come undone. Selectman Kessler spoke on the new crosswalk at Eiseman’s Beach and suggested another crosswalk be put at the Greenway Extension. Selectman Kessler suggested a revolving account for the Harbormaster which would help fund the harbor. Selectman Kessler spoke on an old bench that is need of replacement at Whales Beach.

Selectman Sullivan thanked and recognized Veterans Agent, Jim Schultz for all his does for the community and residents. Selectman Sullivan wanted everyone to stop and think about all that Jim Schultz does for the Town and our veterans and their families. Selectman Sullivan congratulated all the 2013 graduates and their parents. Selectman Sullivan spoke on digital bill board that has been spoken of that the MBTA would like to use and own for information purposes, Selectman Sullivan would not be in support of this flashing sign as a way of communicating with the community. Selectman Sullivan reminded everyone of the upcoming Harbor Fest, Blessing of the Fleet and the Duck Tape Regatta. Selectman Sullivan reminded everyone of the upcoming Swampscott Rotary Golf tournament that will be held on July 29, 2013 which is used for a fundraiser for scholarships.


The Board voted unanimously on a motion by Selectman Strauss to adjourn meeting at 10:00PM seconded by Selectman Greenfield.


Maureen Shultz, Administrative Assistant