PG&E Attachment J2
2013 RPS RFO Project Information - Other Project Attributes Attachment J2
Project Name:
PG&E reserves the right to request additional documentation listed but not already provided in the Offer package.
Please describe other characteristics of the Project that contains at least the following information:
1. In Cal. Pub. Util. Code §§ 399.13(a)(7) it states:
“In soliciting and procuring eligible renewable energy resources for California-based projects, each electrical corporation shall give preference to renewable energy projects that provide environmental and economic benefits to communities afflicted with poverty or high unemployment, or that suffer from high emission levels of toxic air contaminants, criteria air pollutants, and greenhouse gases.”
Is your facility located in a community afflicted with poverty or high unemployment or that suffers from high emission levels? If so, the Participant is encouraged to describe in its Offer, if applicable, how its proposed facility can provide the following benefits to adjacent communities:
· Projected hires from adjacent community (number and type of jobs),
· Duration of work (during construction and operation phases),
· Projected direct and indirect economic benefits to the local economy (i.e., payroll, taxes, services),
· Emissions reduction - Identify existing generation sources by fuel source within 6 miles of proposed facility; Will the proposed facility replace/supplant identified generation sources?
o If “yes”, provide estimated reduction in air pollutants/toxics in the community over life of the project/contract due to the facility (when/how much MWh/year), and avoided emissions released into the community (within 6 miles of the project).
o If “No”, why not?
2. In D.04-07-029, the CPUC identified benefits to low income or minority communities, environmental stewardship, local reliability, repowering, and resource diversity as factors to be incorporated in PG&E’s Offer evaluation. The Participant is encouraged to describe in its Offer(s) how its ERR facility can provide these benefits. If known, list any existing or proposed generation projects within a one-mile radius of the Project offered into this Solicitation.
3. In Executive Order S-06-06, signed on April 25, 2006, Governor Schwarzenegger described the benefits of biomass resources in electricity production and established a goal that the state would meet 20percent of its renewable energy needs with electricity produced from biomass. The Participant is encouraged to describe in its Offer how its ERR facility, if applicable, can support that 20percent goal.
4. Indication of whether Participant has entered into Project Labor Agreements or Maintenance Labor Agreements in California for the proposed project and specification of when and where.