Title of Paper (max. 75 characters)

N. Name, O. Name & P. Name

Institution, Town (City), Country

ABSTRACT: The abstract text should begin on the same line as the word “Abstract:” and should be between 12 and 15 lines (maximum) long.The text should be written using the “Abstract” template, in Times New Roman (11 point). Further, it should have exactly 12 point line-spacing and be justified on both margins.


The “Introduction” heading should be in capitals, use the “Einleitung;Introduction” template and be written inTimes New Roman (11 point). Further, it should have exactly 12 point line-spacingand a 36 point space before and a 6 point space after it.


All the main headings should use the “Überschrift 1;Heading 1”template, be in capitals, use Times New Roman (11 point) and have exactly 12 point line-spacing.

2.1Save data as

Save your data using the following name: “Surname, title”, using a maximum of 40 characters.

2.1.1Third level heading




The margins for A4 format paper are: top 2.5 cm; right, left and bottom 3.0 cm. The text should fit into a space of 150 mm x240 mm.

3.2Title and Author

The title should not be longer than 75 characters and use the “Paper Title” template.It should be written in Times New Roman (16 point) and have exactly 18 point line-spacing.

The authors should be written using the “Author” template, Times New Roman (12 point) and have exactly 14 point line-spacing.If there is more than one author from the same institution, they should be separated with a comma; the last author in each line with an “&”. The maximum number from different institutions is two.

The institution should be written using the “Institution;Affiliation” template,Times New Roman (10 point) and have exactly 11 point line-spacing.


The different headings should be written using the following templates:

  • 1st level headings: template “Überschrift 1;Heading 1”
  • 2nd level headings: template “Überschrift 2;Heading 2”
  • 3rd level headings: template “Überschrift 3;Heading 3”


The first paragraph of the text should be written using the "First paragraph” template, Times New Roman (11 point). Further, it should have exactly12 point line-spacing and be justified on both margins. All of the following paragraphs in the same heading should be written as “Standard;text”, Times New Roman (11 point), should have exactly 12 point line-spacing and be justified on both margins, except for the first line which should be indented 0.4cm.Do not use italics, bold or underlined formats and more than one empty character between two words.

The first line after the heading is not indented (i.e. holds left margin).With each further line break, indent the “first line” 0.4 cm.


For numbering use the template “Aufzählung”.The settings are “Punktaufzählungszeichen” with an indentation of 0.63 cm:

  • Austria
  • Germany
  • Sweden

3.6Tables and diagrams

The text within tables should be written using the template “Table text”, with Times New Roman (10 point), have exactly 11 point line-spacing and be justified on the right margin.Do not use italics, bold or underlined formats.The table heading is always over the table and notes/explanations under it.

Use the template, Tab. 1, to create the table. See below template “Table caption”, Times New Roman (10 point), exactly 11 point line-spacing

Tab. 1: The word “table” is abbreviated to “Tab.”

Region 1 / 1968 / 1970 / 1972 / 1974
Europe / 172 / 27 / 85 / 128
America / 392 / 326 / 301 / 297
Asia / 4395 / 4111 / 2312 / 297

1 In Europeonly one important casein 1970

Diagrams should be written using the template “Figure caption” in Times New Roman (10 point), and have exactly 11 point line-spacing.The heading for the diagram is always written under it.

Diag. 1: the word “diagram” should be abbreviated to “Diag.”

Diagrams and photographs should be included in their original size and useeps, tiforjpgformats. Resolution for photographs should be at least 300 dpi and for line drawings and graphs 1200 dpi.

Photographs and diagrams should be in black & white, as the conference proceedings will be printed this way. Number the tables and diagrams consecutively (beginning with 1).


Formulae should be written using the “Formula” template in Times New Roman (10 point), exactly 11 point line-spacing. They should be indented 1.2 cm.

Number formulae on the right hand side of the text field and refer to the number within the document text. See the example below:


Use international abbreviations:

Mg, Kg, m, kJ, cm, etc.

9,000 not 9000


Within the text, cite using the surname of the author (without initials) and give the year of publication in round brackets (Surname Year). With multiple citations, separate them using commas.

Examples: (Baumann 1994), (Steffen 1984), (Stressel 1997a), (Stressel 1997b), (Baumann 1994, Steffen 1984)

At the end of the paper, all of the citations used are listed in alphabetic order. If there are more works from the same author in the same year, these are given using small letters after the year(1999a, 1999b, etc.).

4Submitting materials to the editor

A printable Word document (in addition to photos or diagrams in eps, tifor jpg formats – in the appropriate resolutions, see point 3.6 Tables and Diagrams) should be forwarded before the end of the application period, i.e. by <date> at the latest. Papers arriving too late will not be accepted!

Please note that, because of the need for consistent publishing parameters, papers not formatted in the manner described in this document will, without exception, not be eligible for entry.

5conclusion, summary



References should be listed alphabetically.The bibliography should be written using the template “Literatur;Reference text”, in Times New Roman (10 point), and haveexactly 11 point line-spacing. The second and following lines are indented 0.4 cm.

Citation rules for books and journals are:

Surname, Initials (ed.) (year)Book title. Town, Country: Publisher.

Surname, Initials (year) Article title. Journal name (ISSN) Volume number, Page number(s).


Baumann, W.& Herberg, B. (1994) Papierchemikalien. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.

Brook, N.W., Duckett, R.A. & Ward, I.M. (1995) Modeling of double yield points in polyethylene: temperature dependence. Journal of Reology 39, 425-436.

Steffen, H. (1984) Report on two dimensional strain stress behaviour of geomembranes with and without friction. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Geomembranes. Denver, CO, USA: Industrial Fabrics Association International, pp. 181-185.

Stressel, R.I. (1997) Optimal configuration and test parameters for the comprehensive test system for geomembrane liners. In: Proceedings of the Air & Waste Management Association 90th Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, USA: Air & Waste Management Association.

Jappelli, R. & Marconi, N. (1997) Recommendations and prejudices in the realm of foundation engineering in Italy: A historical review. In: Geotechnical engineering for the preservation of monuments and historical sites; Proceedings of the international Symposium. Rotterdam: Balkema.