Panmure District School News
No.5 - Term.1, Week 5 – Monday 27February 2017
Greetings, Kia ora, Talofa lava, Kia orana, Malo e lelei, Fakalofa Lahi Atu, Namaste, An Young Haseyo, Konichiwha, Bula Vinaka, Sawadee, Dobra Dan, Ni Hao, As-salamu alaykum, Hola
Positive Behaviour for Learning:
We are now a positive behaviour for learning school. Positive Behaviour for Learning initiatives help parents, whānau, teachers, and schools address problem behaviour, improve children’s well-being, and increase educational achievement.
By strengthening relationships and creating more positive home and school environments we remove barriers to engagement and improve students’ chances to achieve at school and beyond. PB4L is a long-term, systemic approach involving ten initiatives. These include whole-school change initiatives, targeted group programmes, and individual student support services. Five of the initiatives are in development.
We are looking for a parent representative to be on our team at school. If you are interested in joining this team, please contact the office and let them know. If you would like to find out more please visit the Positive Behaviour for Learning website:
Hearing and Vision
A reminder that the Mobile Ear Clinic will be on site this week, fromWednesday 1st March to Friday 3rd March
Visit to Ruapotoka Marae
The school will be visiting the Marae on 13 March. Updated information regarding the trip will be given later on. Everyone is looking forward to the visit.
Rippa Rugby
Last week Friday our school played their first Interschool Rippa Rugby Tournament. Thank you to the whanau who came to support our students.
Years 5 – 6 Years 7 – 8
Boys Boys
Juan Lizasoin RenMiracle Vaovasa
Mormon SchwenkeTevita Tupou
Jasper SanidadZeeshaan Baker
Benedict MbalaziSione Taulanga
Joshua MbalaziTupara Harrison
Faioso Uilou
Anton Ameke
Niukasela PhillipsRachel Hepana
Ana KaufusiFatima Kaufusi
Samiya BakerTeamo Atkins-Hooper
Summer HepanaEphesians Mana
Micaela Lizasoain RenMeleseini Vea
Mariesal SchwenkeBronte Tonga
Uini TaiMonalisi Tupou
Hayley Pawhau
Fakauta Kaufusi
Upcoming Events Dates:
Friday 3rd March 2pm – Assembly run by Room 10
Tuesday 7th March – Eastern Zone Boys Softball
Thursday 9th March – Eastern Zone Girls Softball
Friday 10th March 2pm – Assembly run by Room 6
Monday 13 march – Marae Visit
Tuesday 14 March – HPV1 and Boostrix Injection
Wednesday 15 March – Student Led Conference
Time: 2.00pm to 8.00pm
Thursday 16 March – Student Led Conference
Time: 2.00pm to 6.00pm
There are still some students without their proper stationery. Please make arrangements to purchase them as this affects your child’s daily recording of what they learn in school.
Home and Emergency Contacts
If you have changed your details please inform the school office as is very important to have updated details for the students at school.
Environmental Award – Room 6
For silhouette self-portrait representing aspects of their identity. Students were creative and imaginative.
Merit Awards –
Room 3 –
Niukasela Phillips for taking risks and trying new things in her learning.
Anton Ameke for showing great interest in a variety of sports.
Room 4 -
Krishan Patel for his progress in learning his basic vocabulary.
Faioso Uilou for his positive attitude towards reading and written language.
Room 5 -
Micaela Lizasoain Ren - for understanding and using place value knowledge to solve work problems involving four operations.
Benedict Mbalazi - for gaining confident to apply place value knowledge and skills to solve problems involving additions, subtractions operations.
Room 6 –
Marshall Hepana - for being on your best behaviour.
Summa Baker - for showing interest and enthusiasm for the things we do in Room 6.
Room 9 -
Manatu Tupou – for settling into class routines.
Elijah Kaisa – for being a responsible and great lunch monitor.
Room 10 -
Dwayne Aukuso for great improvement in swimming skills for breaststroke and gliding
Atiyab Chepuwala for working independently and completing tasks on time.
Duffy Book Awards
Mariann Ares for enjoying reading stories and willing to discuss what she read.
Tevita Tupou for asking questions and being curious about what he is reading.
Jasper Sanidad for recalling and retelling the main ideas from the story.
Evlyeen Ram for showing fabulous decoding and comprehension skills.
Joshiah Vea for demonstrating a love for books and reading.
Krishan Patel for developing strategies to understand the meaning of unknown words in the text.
Abigail Vea for reading at home regularly and making progress.
Emmanuel Suamili for reading fluently and with expression.
River Hooper for progressing in using basic strategies in reading unfamiliar words.
Khoruz Tawhiti for his ability to take risks and attempt unknown words.
Gamza Dakum for being engaged when learning word sounds.
Christian Comer for sharing his ideas in discussions when reading and writing.
Thank you parents for ensuring students –
- Are swimming regularly throughout the week
- Are wearing the correct uniform items and looking very smart
- Have their stationery
- Enjoying their learning
- Attending school everyday