Appendix B

District Councillors Report to Parish Council Meeting

April 2013.

Shevington Library

This matter is now with the Chief Executive of Wigan Council – Donna Hall. We hope to have some news on this soon. To be clear this is Plan A, which is the reintroduction of Saturday morning opening.

We request that if not already done so, the Parish Council write to the Chief Exec to support our request and to express concerns at the lack of consultation on the changes.

If Plan A is unsuccessful, we have some other alternatives worked up and will bring these to the PC for consideration. We are remaining hopeful that this will not be required.

Herons Wharf Development

We held a very well attended public meeting at the Waters Edge on 15th April 2013. Thanks to Parish C’llrs McKnight and Horridge for their attendance and support and we would also like to thank Barry King for his attendance and valuable input on the evening.

We’ve had excellent feedback from lots of residents who are extremely pleased to see the District C’llrs and their local Parish C’llrs supporting them over this matter.

Needless to say, work is continuing on the ‘No’ campaign with residents and we will update the PC with any relevant news going forward.

Shevington FC and Shevington Sharks

We had an excellent meeting with representatives of both clubs to discuss their activities. We should all be very proud of the work that is being done by these clubs within our community and as District C’llrs we are looking forward to working more closely with them in the future.

Friends of Shevington Park (FOSP).

We would like to put on record we are all extremely impressed with the plans for the redevelopment of Shevington Park. Obviously this is a hugely ambitious project, as mentioned previously we are happy to offer any help and assistance to the group.


We are continuing to report potholes across the ward. We have had several contacts regarding this issue and so far they seem to be getting resolved within a reasonable timeframe.

Parking Issues: Update Requested

Can we ask if any further consideration has been given by the PC to the matter below?

Residents opposite the village shops have raised issues concerning a number of vehicles parking on the pavement outside their houses.

Last time we reported this to the Parish Council we suggested that a possible solution could be to strategically relocate a couple of black planters from outside the shops, across the road and on to the pavement. This would prevent vehicles from parking along that area and would also give a nice display of flowers through the village centre on both sides of the road.



P. Collins,

M. Crosby,

D. Edwardson.