July 2001 Newsletter
Associated with the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ
Dear Friends,
SAY YES TO JAPAN stirred up interest for Japan in Tampa June 26-29 at the North American Christian Convention (9,000+ attenders). The convention theme was "Encouraged" which fit right in with SAY YES TO JAPAN's "Year of the Fan" theme. Thanks to my crew: Jenna Lusby (decorator and right hand); Karis Pratt, Clinton Pratt (general assistants); Paul & Rickie Clark, Kevin & Cara Boone (missionaries); Ayumi Saito (Japanese Christian and recruit); Harold & Lois Sims, Bill & Betty Turner (former missionaries).
We were able to show contributors what their missionaries are doing; handed out general info on Japan; promoted our "real live missionaries" (Clarks, Boones, Ayumi); connected with several possible recruits, including a few who already know they want to do mission work in Japan; handed out resources to people who have non-Christian Japanese friends; and we always enjoy our young groupies who follow us from convention to convention to make origami!
While other exhibitors complained that it was a slow crowd, the SAY YES TO JAPAN booth was, as always, one of the busiest. We handed out lots of origami and trinkets as prayer reminders. I came in one a.m. to find this note, written in a child's hand: "Your cultural is very cool. I wish I lived in Japan. I will be praying for you every day."
CC/CofC missionaries, there are 3 months left in the "Year of the Fan." I would be happy
to send material to your "fans" (contributors) with info which will encourage them to maintain/increase your support. Let me know.
In addition to convention work, I:
*continued the usual assistance in connecting people to Japan churches, missionaries, Christian Japanese materials.
* wrote to the mid-size churches featured in the CHRISTIAN STANDARD to introduce the needs of Japan and urge them to sponsor a Japan missionary.
* wrote Bible college missions departments and invited them to visit me at the conventions. Also offered to provide info on Japan stats, missionaries, job opps for students.
* went to Pittsburgh for orientation for 4 twenty-somethings who will help missionary Tim Turner (Machida, Tokyo) this summer. Tremendous young adults!
* am working on a letter to the 90+ CC/CofC in Japan to see if there's some way I can assist them.
I will be sending info on all CC/CofC missionaries to the directories once a year. (That's Directory of the Ministry, Anukan, Mission Services list, and World Convention list.) You must let me know if you do NOT wish to be included.
* Missionaries Al & Rhonda Juve have had "Uncle Joe" on hand to help with international students, prayer ministry, and computer stuff. It occurs to me that computer-savvy supporting church members might be willing to assist a missionary for a week, if the missionary would ask. Or I could advertise this need to the general public, if you let me know.
* Missionary Jodi Flowers has a praise: During her first six months in Japan, she had visa complications. Had to leave the country twice. Finally, the Chicago office has approved the proper visa. Jodi will return to Kansai Christian School in the fall. Feeling all along that it was God's will for her to be in Japan, she held onto his words in Isaiah 43:13: "When I act, who can reverse it?"
* The very small Higashi Hiroshima CofC distributed 10,000 leaflets announcing a special program. Thirty-two people attended. One older lady made a decision.
* Dave Kennedy of the Returnee Christian Network in Japan reports that in one month, he "connected 27 returnees with churches and missionaries throughout the country." Most of these returnees are college age Japanese who have been introduced to Christianity while in the U.S. If your church in Japan would be a good match for someone like this, contact Dave and get yourself put on his list of "good ministries." .
* Josh, young non-denom missionary assisting International Bible Chapel in Osaka writes, "A friend who knew nothing of Christ until recently approached me about some struggles I've been going through. 'Josh, listen,' he said. 'Jesus loves you and He's not gonna let anything happen that's not for your good.' My jaw dropped on the floor. I asked, 'How long you been believing that?' He thought a bit and said, 'Well, I'm not sure I do. But that's what YOU'D say.'"
* Several reports of older people making decisions, Japanese men not only attending services, but crying . . . . Things almost unheard of in the past. PTL!
* I had several productive e-chats with a minister on the west coast who has a heart for Japan. He said what we in Japan missions often hear (don't get your hackles up, missionaries--it's a legitimate question): "What's the problem in Japan? Whatever we've been doing, we need to do something else."
I told him we'd be hard pressed to think of something that hasn't been tried. Still, two things worth mentioning: 1) There's no such thing as too much prayer (see spiritual warfare item under NEW WEB SITES); 2) Churches in Japan that are now growing do appear to have one thing in common: reaching out into the community. It doesn't seem to matter whether the church is large or small, traditional or contemporary, or any particular denomination. It's the churches/ministries taking Christianity OUTSIDE instead of waiting for people to come INSIDE. This would involve not only the missionary/minister, but the congregation being visible out in the neighborhood.
If any of you have tried (or heard of) OUTSIDE ideas that seem to be making an impact, I'll be happy to showcase those in upcoming newsletters.
YATES, LUKE. Australian. Age 24. Pentecostal/inter-denominational. Certified English teacher. Wants to help with evangelism, possible English teaching, prefers youth related. Finishing 1 year at Hisai Bible Church 9/01. E-mail: .
No more new ones; but I want to remind you of several still ACTIVELY heading toward Japan:
ACTON, STEVE. Now back in U.S. to get work visa. Rejoining John Taylor (Niigata) for English teaching/ministry. Prayers. E-mail: .
BAILEY, DELAINA. Will take a teaching seminar in CA, then join a music tour in Japan. Finish up to help the Craft/Regan/Herbert team in Sapporo. Prayers. E-mail: .
BOONE, KEVIN & CARA. Previously in Japan as English teachers. Now preparing to join Tim Turner and Shingo Tsuda as ministry associates. Prayers and $. E-mail: .
HUDDLESTON recruits. Six who were summer help for Chad and Jennifer Huddleston (Osaka) are heading back. Three arriving about now (Tim Natale, Cass Tallon, Leah Shy). Three more working toward '02. 1-2 year commitment. Prayers and $. Inquire through Huddlestons: .
PITTSBURGH team. Helping Tim Turner August '01. Prayers. Inquire through Tim: .
SAITO, AYUMI. Has already done 2 Campus Crusade projects. Joining Tokyo's CC office for one year. Prayers and $. E-mail: .
SHIELDS, COREY & NICKI. She interned for Dave Hinson (Tanabe). They hope to go '03. Prayers and $. E-mail: .
TRAVELING LIGHT team. My sister Jenna Lusby will take a camp team summer '02. She's had experience with 2 singing group tours in Japan; member Arian Houp has done 2 Campus Crusade projects. Prayers and $. E-mail: .
In the past, missionaries had horror stories about young people coming for short stays. Often there was more trouble than help. And the intern's interest seemed to end with the project. I am encouraged that, of this list of recruits, MOST of them are RETURNING to Japan after a short project. I would urge missionaries wanting long-term help to start with interested short-termers.
Missionary Jodi Flowers, doing U.S. church camps this summer, has found junior high kids "so much more enthusiastic and interested in God's work in Japan than many adults!"
It's been said that this Millennial Generation is unfocused, without purpose. It's true. They've been dumped in day care, abandoned through divorce, unchallenged in mediocre churches. But when they find purpose, they are passionate about it. Michael Thompson said, "I am convinced the reason that Satan has assaulted this generation as much as he has, the reason he is doing everything he can to destroy it [think of the thousands of this group who were aborted] or capture it . . . is because he knows this generation can wreak havoc on the kingdom of darkness. He realizes that if these kids are surrendered to Christ, they are going to recreate church! And Satan will have a lot more trouble with church the way THEY do it than he's had with the way WE'VE done it." ("Ministries Today" mag. Mar-Apr '94)
As if in confirmation.... Sunday I witnessed 2 teenagers baptize their parents in the Lord!
* Japanese Christian Fellowship Network. Looking for a bilingual associate for 3-12 months in their Denver CO office. Computer skills, people skills. Contact: . See their web site at
* International Students, Inc., is looking for a City Mobilizer in the Seattle area. This area has many Japanese. Get more info through my ISI contact, Carol Beal: .
* Missionary John Taylor wishes to re-word his ad from last time ("English teacher in Niigata Prefecture"). While English teaching is part of the job, John really wants someone with a heart for ministry, a mission associate. Ask him for details: .
There are still numerous long-running job openings including Christian school teacher, long-term missionary, English teachers, missionary associate.... Ask me for details.
Campus Crusade related. Info on the JESUS video. Other general info on Christianity. In Japanese. Our own Ayumi Saito helped translate this =)
Very interesting Southern Baptist site. Guidelines for mission workers. Virtual prayer walk. To read about Japanese Christian history and spooky spiritual warfare, click on Pro Team, then Japanese People Profile, then Spiritual Barriers/Spiritual Warfare.
[NOTE: Each newsletter lists only NEW recruits, job opps and web sites. You may request a complete, updated list of any of these.]
* Missions Alive can: video your work on the field, edit and add special effects to your video footage, copy slides, develop your web page, etc. .
* Dr. Takashi Baino edited a book written by Japan Inter-Varsity (KGK) graduates. The book, SHU NI ATTE HATARAKU TO IUKOTO (Word of Life Press), addresses issues Christians have in the secular workplace in Japan.
* If any missionaries are thinking of changing health insurance companies, please contact me for VITAL INFORMATION. I can save you some agony!
FINANCIAL REPORT (11/9/00 - 7/3/01)
Income = $3581.05. That's balance brought forward of 833.30 and 14 unsolicited contributions totalling 2747.75.
Expenses = $3984.67. Copies - 47.32. Postage - 93.71. Office supplies - 7.40. Phone/computer - 48.95. Hired help - 591.00. Display materials, subscriptions - 188.32. Convention (exhibitor fees, hotel, travel, food, helper stipend) - 2782.72. Other travel - 225.25.
Balance = -$403.62.
Contributions for SAY YES TO JAPAN are NOT tax deductible.
The National Missionary Convention will meet in Tulsa October 25-28. Convention president Ajai Lall has invited President Bush to attend! The SAY YES TO JAPAN exhibit is #141/160. Missionaries, urge your contributors to stop by--we advertise on your behalf!
Also, prior to this convention (on the eve of the 24th and morn of the 25th) are sessions and help for missionaries only. Counseling is also available. I personally recommend Dr. Ken Goble who is always on hand. Great opportunity. For more info, contact the NMC office at: .
This convention will kick off SAY YES TO JAPAN's "Year of the Warrior." Betty Turner has already loaned me her samurai warrior helmet for display. We are preparing part of the exhibit as a strategic game board. Join us?
Sincere thanks for your interest in the Japanese people.
Lynn Lusby Pratt
5759 Desertgold Drive
Cincinnati OH 45247
Tel. (513) 385-4570