Hugglescote & Donington Le Heath
Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Group
Meeting Thursday 23rdNovember 2017
Notes of the meeting
Present: Will Jennings, John Jordan, Ian Abbott , Gary Kirk Yourlocale, Simon Weaver
Apologies Russell Johnson
- Declarations of interest
- Outcome of the launch event /Scoping / Theme Groups.
It was agreed that the Plan would focus on three main areas:
Housing and Built Environment
Lead Russell Johnson
Four laminated copies of the map of the area required
Environment Historic and Present
Historic Heritage, Community assets
To pull together the historic details of the village and to start the introductory paragraphs for the Neighbourhood Plan that describe the village.
Area / Place
To include: Community Facilities, Transport, Roads, Traffic and Flooding.
Lead Ian Abbott
Theme Groups,once established, will also be able to influence and amend the scope of the plan. A theme group launch event was agreed to be held January 2018, with all interested parties attending. Invites to go out to persons from the open event
This would enable people to have more information, help advise the content, detail and membership of the groups.
From the launch event, individuals have already expressed an interest in particular themes and will be approached once a date has been agreed.
Yourlocale would facilitate and Gary to advise on dates.
Date for event to be advised
Vision statement
Having an identifiable vision Statement was discussed and agreed.
Actions: Members of the Advisory Group to produce individual vision statements for distillation into one draft statement.
To meet at Ian’s on Monday 4 December 7.30 to progress
- Questionnaire
Suggested and agreed that a questionnaire be circulated to all residents to help inform the plan.
Gary to circulate questionnaires from other plans for consideration.
Agreed that once received Ian would arrange for group to meet to determine content.
Yourlocale would co-ordinate responses through survey monkey although paper returns could be received at the Community Centre.
It was agreed that the questionnaire be delivered as Bear Facts, in February date for copy to community voice middle of January.
To Discuss on Monday 4 December 7.30 to progress questionnaire content ?
- Logo
It was agreed that the Hugglescote Primary Schooland Newbridge Academy be approached to seek pupil’s involvement in designing a logo. All ideas would be considered by….
Action Will to approach Hugglescote Primary
- Newsletter, publicity and informing statutory and local stakeholders
An article will be published in Bear Facts on progress to date with the plan, advertising the Theme Group launch
Action:Willto prepare a draft article for Bear Facts
- Programme review
Gary advised that the programme had slipped from the launch event but hopefully momentum will increase once theme groups are established.
- Budget
Simon presented a financial statement and reported that the first grant funding had been received from Groundworks.
Gary advised that Awards for all Funding was also available.
It was agreed that at this stage no further budget allocation was required for the Plan.. Agreed that should funds be needed then these would be vied rather than have money allocated from general funds.
- Housing Survey
Simon suggested contacting NWLDC who were carrying outa housing needs survey. being undertaken. Richard Mugglestone, Project Delivery Manager, Midlands Rural Housing be contacted to help inform the plan
Simon to contactRichard Mugglestone,
- Date of future meetings
December 4th Ian’s
January Theme Group Launch