Plant Systematics May 10th, 2005 :
2nd Lab practical will be on Thursday June 2 at 12noon in the lab room (Thimann 239)
It will cover ALL lab families but most will be from the last 5 weeks of class.
Lecture Final will be on Monday June 6 from12-3 pm. It will be 1/4 from the 1st half of class and 3/4 from the 2nd half.
NEXT WEEK:EUDICOTS:Lamiaceae, Apiaceae,Caprifoliaceae, Asteraceae. MONOCOTS:Juncaceae,Cyperaceae,Poaceae
Keying - If you need help, bring plants in to lab and we can help you key them. Stay until the end of lab you should be able to get 5 plants done in lab time, especially if you work in pairs. Don't spend too much time trying to get the exact species if it seems to be trouble, write down where there are ambiguities or conflicts (2 sentences) and the possible choices and move on- keep a sample or take a picture and Jeremy or I may be able to help narrow down the choices later. Pop quiz at end of lecture will give up to 5 extra points that can be used to offset any deficiencies.
There were questions about what you will be responsible for from week 5.
A. Fagaceae and Onagraceae.
Phylogenetic tree reviewwith features characterizing the clades.
For lecture test know the clades in figs 9.6-9.8, and the descriptions for the groups outlined below, more descriptions will come each week. Note that there are new differences between Judd and the APGclassifications (
especially with the "ales". It is good to know them but realize that the hypotheses about what belongs in them are changing. They still form a framework upon which to "hang" the families, it's just a changing one.
For the families, read what is written in Judd and try to understand the terminology and meaning of the initial description but most of the test will come from my lectures.For Judd, focus on the Distribution and Ecology, the Economic plants and products and the pollination section of the Discussion. Read some other parts of the Discussion section so you are familiar with what they are saying - I may have a fictitious or real example of this type of discussion as part of a question.
Floral formulas: Know how to read them and what all the symbols mean. Do not memorize the general floral formulas for the families. Be able to use floral formulas as an aid in family description - I may give you a specific floral formula and ask you what family this is likely to be in.These will be based on family descriptions given in lecture.
Eudicots(Tricolpates)(p297) - tricolpate pollen, flowers in whorls, slender well-differentiatedfilaments, S-type plastids in sieve elements (long tube, phloem)
Rosids- heterogeneous group with weak support, no good synapomorphies
Eurosids I - no good synapomorphies
Betulaceae,(lab only)
Juncaginaceae,(lab only)
Eurosids II -no good synapomorphies
Sapindaceae/Aceraceae (lab only)
Asterid(Sympetalae)(p 421) ovule with single integument (unitegmic)
Cornales (Corn-, Hydrange-)
Core Astrids(Euastrids 1 and II)(p421,436) - stamen# ≤ petal#, sympetalous corolla, epipetalous stamens, gynoecium of 2 fused carpels
Euasterids I - Inflorescence cymose
Boraginaceae (Hydrophyllaceae)
Apocynaceae (Adsclepiadaceae)
Euasterids II:
random info:
This species has internal phloem (arrows): phloem that is located to the inside of the primary xylem, in the pith. (Be careful of the name: this is internal phloem; in an unusual type of secondary growth, phloem is located inside the wood, the secondary xylem; that phloem is included phloem.) This is a bicollateral vascular bundle because there is phloem to both the outside and inside of the xylem
Solanaceae: Solanales
Habit: Herbs, shrubs, trees, vines
Hairs: Often stellate, prickles or spines
Leaves: Simple, alternate, exstipulate (sometimes deeply lobed), may be adenate to stem
Inflorescence: Determinate, cymose or solitary
Flowers (overall): Showy, bisexual
Floral Symmetry: Radial
Calyx: 5 connate sepals, often persistent
Corolla: 5 connate petals, rotate to tubular, plicate (folded), lobe end turned inward or reflexed
Androecium: 5 epipetalous stamens, alternate, connivient anthers (touching)
Gynoecium: 2 connate carpels, tilted, superior ovary, terminal (gynobasic) style
Placentation: axile
Fruit: Berry or capsule
Pollination regime: Bees, wasps & flies (pollen sp. only). Moths, butterflies (nectar sp.)
Interesting Species:Tomato, eggplant, tobacco, jimsonweed, petunia
Gestalt:"5-5-5-2"Hairs, plicate corolla, berry, rotate flower,connivient anthers
Habit: Herbs, shrubs, trees, woody vines(lianas)
Hairs: Rough bristly hairs
Leaves: Alternate, simple, exstipulate
Inflorescence: Helicoid (Scorpoid) cyme, determinate
Flowers (overall): Bisexual, funellform or tubular
Floral Symmetry: Actinomorphic
Calyx: 5 connate sepals
Corolla: 5 connate petals
Androecium: 5 epipetalous stamens, alternate the lobes
Gynoecium: 2 connate carpels, deeply 4-lobed, gynobasic style (or terminal), superior ovary, nectar disc around ovary base
Placentation: axile
Fruit: 4-parted nutlet
Pollination regime: bees wasps, butterflies, flies, (also moths, beetles, bats and birds)
Interesting Species:Heliotrope, borage, hounds tongue, forget-me-not, bluebells, amsinkia, popcorn flower
Gestalt: round stems, 4-part nutlet, gynobasic style, bristly, helicoid cyme, often toxic ( alkaloids, nitrates), "5-5-5-2"
Habit: Herbs and shrubs
Hairs: hairy or spiny
Leaves: Alternate (basal), simple but sometimes compound
Inflorescence: Helicoid (Scorpoid) cyme, determinate
Flowers (overall): Bisexual, rotate
Floral Symmetry: Actinomorphic
Perianth: Of
Calyx: 5 connate sepals
Corolla: 5 connate petals, often with appendages within
Androecium: 5 epipetalous stamens, alternate lobes
Gynoecium: 2 connate carpels, ovary superior, styles often 2-lobed,not gynobasic numerous ovules on 2 parietal placentas,
Placentation: parietal
Fruit: capsule
Interesting Species: Baby blue eyes, phacelia,
Gestalt: helicoid cyme, round stem, split style, hairy, entire ovary, many ovules on parietal placenta (look for this in lab), "5-5-5-2"
Habit: Trees, shrubs, vines, herbs with milky sap
Leaves: Simple, entire, opposite or whorled, exstipulate,
Inflorescence: Racemose, cymose or solitary, often determinate
Flowers (overall): Bisexual
Floral Symmetry: Actinomorphic
Calyx: 5 connate sepals, glandular inside
Corolla:5 connate petals,spiral or contorted in bud
Androecium: 5 epipetalous stamens
Gynoecium: 2 connate carpels (apically united), ovary superior or half-inferior
Placentation: Marginal
Fruit: follicle, capsule, drupe or berry, seed with tuft of hair
Pollination regime: great diversity, specialized mechanisms, 3-zone style (deposition, sticky middle, reception)[get nectar from base of stylar head and deposit pollen, get sticky, pick up pollen on the way out]
Other comments: Contain poisons, poison arrows, oleander
Interesting Species: Vinca, Oleander, Dogbane
Gestalt: Milky sap, opposite leaves, contorted bud, "5-5-5-2", glandular calyx. 3-part style
Apocynaceae ("Asclepiadaceae"):Gentianales
Corolla: reflexed petals
Androecium: 5 stamens = 5 x 2 united pollinia, corona(nectar accumulates here), adenate to gynoecium
Gynoecium: elaborate 3-part structure
Fruit: pair of follicles
Pollination regime: get nectar from corolla, foot get lodged on pollinia, fly away, dislodged on next flower.
Plantaginaceae ("Old Plantaginaceae"):Lamiales
Leaves: Basal rosette, prominant parallel veins
Inflorescence: Scapose, stout or wirey scapes, spike
Flowers (overall): bisexual
Floral Symmetry: Actinomorphic
Perianth: Of
Calyx: 4 connate sepals, herbaceous
Corolla: 4 connate petals, scarious
Androecium: 4 epipetalous stamens
Gynoecium: 2 connate carpels, superior
Placentation: axile, basal
Fruit: U
Pollination regime: U
Floral Formula: Basal rosette, wirey scape, 4-merous flowers, spike
Plantaginaceae ("Old Scrophulariaceae"):Lamiales
Habit: Herbs , rarely trees
Leaves: Simple exstipulate
Inflorescence: variable
Flowers (overall): Bisexual
Floral Symmetry: Zygomorphic
Calyx: 5 connate sepals
Corolla: 5 connate petals, 2 lipped, 2upper + 3 lower
Androecium: 2 or 4 stamens, didynamous (2long, 2 short) + staminode
Gynoecium: 2 connate carpels, ovary superior, style terminal
Placentation: axile
Fruit: capsule (berry)
Pollination regime: bees flies birds (nectar) nectar guides often present
Notes: hemiparisites moved to Orobanchaceae (Aureolaria, Castilleja, Pedicularis, Agalinis, Buchnera). Verbascum and Scrophularia retained in Scrophulariaaceae