TC Bullock, Chair
South Hill
Penny Cameron, Vice-Chair
Great Falls
John Barrett
Richmond / Deb Lochart
State Human Rights Director
Kli Kinzie
Executive Secretary
Ann Bevan
Victoria Cash Graff
Marietta Cottingham
Pete Daniel
Charlotte Court House
Sam Dillon
Big Stone Gap
Timothy Russell
Williamsburg /


Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Post Office Box 1797
Richmond, Virginia 23218-1797



Richmond Behavioral Health Authority
Board Room
107 S. Fifth Street
Richmond, Virginia
Thursday and Friday
December 11 and 12, 2014 / DBHDS
Office of Human Rights
1220 Bank Street
Richmond, VA 23219
P.O. Box 1797
Richmond, VA 23218
Fx: 804- 371-2308
Special Meeting
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Richmond Behavioral Health Authority
Board Room
3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Members Present / TC Bullock, Jr., Chairperson; Penny Cameron, Vice-Chairperson; John Barrett; Ann Bevan; Vicki Cash-Graff; Pete Daniel; Sam Dillon
Members Excused / Marietta Cottingham, Timothy Russell
Staff Present / Kli Kinzie, Secretary
Deb Lochart, Human Rights Director
Karen Taylor, DBHDS Special Counsel
Present Via Teleconference / Jennifer Barker, Patient Relations, Central State Hospital
James Bell, Director of Forensic Services, Central State Hospital
Michael Curseen, Regional Human Rights Advocate
Jonathan Howard, Information Technology Specialist
Walter Small, Human Rights Advocate
Rebecca Vauter, Ph.D., Facility Director, Central State Hospital
Juliann Wareham, for Patient Relations, Central State Hospital
Sridhar Yaratha, Psychiatrist, Central State Hospital
Cal to Order / At 3:04 p.m. T.C. Bullock, Jr., Chairperson, called the December 11, 2014, Special Meeting of the State Human Rights Committee to order.
Appeals: B.F. and CSH / This case came before the SHRC on appeal of the decision of the Central State Hospital Local Human Rights Committee. At 3:04 personnel at Central State Hospital initiated the connection with the State Human Rights Committee via web link.
Michael Curseen, Regional Human Rights Advocate, and Walter Small, Human Rights Advocate, were present to support B.F. and to provide technical assistance in presenting the appeal. Central State Hospital (CSH) was represented by Rebecca Vauter, Ph.D., Facility Director, Jennifer Barker and Juliann Wareham, Patient Relations, James Bell, Director of Forensic Services, and Sridhar Yaratha, Psychiatrist. SHRC members present were: T.C. Bullock, Jr., Chairperson; Penny Cameron, Vice Chairperson; John Barrett; Ann Bevan; Vicki Cash-Graff; Sam Dillon; and Pete Daniel. Others present were Deb Lochart, Human Rights Director, Karen Taylor, DBHDS Special Counsel, and Kli Kinzie, Executive Secretary.
Walter Small, Human Rights Advocate, reported that Central State Hospital Staff were checking on the status of B.F. and attempting to bring B.F. to the meeting room so he could come before the Committee to present on his own behalf.
Upon a motion by Marietta Cottingham and seconded by Vicki Cash-Graff the State Human Rights Committee convened in closed session pursuant to Virginia Code §2.2-3711 for the purpose of discussion and consideration of matters lawfully exempt from open meeting requirements.
Upon reconvening in open session, the State Human Rights Committee
certified that to the best of each member’s knowledge, only public business matters lawfully exempt from statutory open meeting requirements, and only public business matters identified in the motion to convene the closed session were discussed in closed session.
SHRC Meeting
Friday, December 12, 2014
Richmond Behavioral Health Authority
Board Room
8:30 a.m.
Members Present / TC Bullock, Chairperson; Penny Cameron, Vice-Chairperson; John Barrett; Ann Bevan; Vicki Cash-Graff; Marietta Cottingham; Pete Daniel; Sam Dillon; Timothy Russell
Staff Present / Sarah Burlar, Human Rights Advocate
Chuck Collins, Regional Human Rights Advocate
Michael Curseen, Regional Advocate
Carrie Flowers, Human Rights Advocate
Beverly Garnes, Human Rights Advocate
Taneika Goldman, Human Rights Advocate
Kli Kinzie, Executive Secretary, Office of Human Rights
Beth Lee, Human Rights Advocate
Deb Lochart, Human Rights Director
Tammy Long, Human Rights Advocate
Stewart Prost, Human Rights Advocate
Karen Taylor, DBHDS Special Counsel
LaDonna Walters, Human Rights Advocate
Others Present / Laura Minnick, Richmond Behavioral Health Authority
Call to Order and Introductions / At 8:38 TC Bullock called the December 22, 2014, State Human Rights Committee meeting to order. A call for introductions took place prior to proceeding.
Adoption of Agenda / At 8:38 upon a motion by Marietta Cottingham and seconded by Ann Bevan the SHRC unanimously adopted the December 12, 2014, meeting agenda.
The SHRC received copies of Commissioner Ferguson’s communications. Deb Lochart offered to forward the communications to SHRC members via email in real time on an ongoing basis.
Deb Lochart reported on Department activities and current initiatives. Ms. Lochart provided an update on the budget.
Correspondence and Information: Dept activities; Goals Workplan; Communications / At 8:39 the SHRC reviewed correspondence and information. The Committee reviewed Commissioner Ferguson’s communications. Deb Lochart provided an update on Department activities. The SHRC reviewed the Goals Workplan and discussed communications via web postings. Deb Lochart reported that Dee Keenan, Assistant Commissioner of Quality Management and Development, plans to attend the January 23, 2015, SHRC meeting.
VCBR: Appeal Responses, Monthly Report / The SHRC reviewed VCBR Appeal Responses, and the October, 2014, VCBR Monthly Report.
VCBR RAC Subcommittee / At 8:57 Vicki Cash-Graff reported on behalf of the VCBR RAC Sub-Committee.
VCBR Medical / At 9:07 Penny Cameron provided an update on the status of VCBR medical policies and protocols revision.
LHRC Vacancy Tracking / At 9:09 the SHRC reviewed the LHRC Vacancy Tracking Sheet.
2015 Meeting Schedule / At 9:22 the SHRC discussed the updated draft meeting schedule for 2015.
9:30 a.m.
Members Present / TC Bullock, Jr, Chairperson; Penny Cameron, Vice-Chairperson; John Barrett; Ann Bevan; Vicki Cash-Graff; Marietta Cottingham; Pete Daniel; Sam Dillon; Timothy Russell
Staff Present / Sarah Burlar, Human Rights Advocate
Chuck Collins, Regional Human Rights Advocate
Michael Curseen, Regional Advocate
Deb Ferguson, Commissioner, DBHDS
Carrie Flowers, Human Rights Advocate
Beverly Garnes, Human Rights Advocate
Taneika Goldman, Human Rights Advocate
Kli Kinzie, Executive Secretary, Office of Human Rights
Beth Lee, Human Rights Advocate
Deb Lochart, Human Rights Director
Tammy Long, Human Rights Advocate
Janet Lung, Director, Child and Adolescent Services
Jim Martinez, Director, Behavioral Health Services
Stewart Prost, Human Rights Advocate
Michael Schaefer, Director, Forensic Services
Karen Taylor, DBHDS Special Counsel
LaDonna Walters, Human Rights Advocate
Others Present / Laura Minnick, Richmond Behavioral Health Authority
At 9: 30 TC Bullock, Jr., Chairperson, announced the convening of the Regular Session of the December 12, 2014, SHRC meeting to order. Introductions took place prior to proceeding.
Commissioner’s Report / At 9:30 Deb Lochart introduced Debra Ferguson, Ph.D., Commissioner, DBHDS. Commissioner Ferguson provided a brief background on herself and discussed the Department’s Mission and Values. Among topics discussed were current DBHDS initiatives, concepts of recovery, quality of services, crisis intervention, and family integration in services delivery.
BREAK / At 9:55 Chairperson Bullock called for a break.
At 10:06 the meeting reconvened. A call for introductions took place prior to proceeding.
Review of Draft Minutes / Upon a motion made and properly seconded the minutes of the October 23 and 24, 2014, SHRC meeting were unanimously approved as submitted.
Forensic Services Report / At 10:07 Michael Schaefer, Ph.D., reported on the addition of VCBR to the purview of the Office of Forensic Services. Dr. Schaefer discussed statewide issues of crisis intervention, training of police officers when dealing with individuals in need of services as well as issues specific to VCBR such as census and double-bunking.
VCBR Variances / At 10:30 Jason Wilson, provided annual reporting on VCBR Variances:
Variance to Complaint Procedures; 12 VAC 35-115-…:
…50 D 3 e (5), Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation
…60 B 1 d, Services
…140 A 2 4., Complaints and Fair Hearing
…150, General Provisions
…170, Formal Complaint Process
…180, LHRC Hearing and Review Procedures
... 190, Special Procedures for Emergency Hearing by LHRC
...200, Special Procedures for LHRC Reviews Involving Consent and Authorization
...210, State Human Rights Committee Appeals Procedure
Upon a motion by Penny Cameron and seconded by John Barrett the SHRC unanimously granted extensions to the above variances until April 2015.
Public Comment / At 11:35 Chairperson Bullock called for Public Comments. No Public Comments were offered.
Region 1: Report from Chuck Collins / At 11:35 Chuck Collins, Regional Human Rights Advocate for Regions 1 and 2, said words of farewell to the Committee. Mr. Collins gave an history of his employment as an Advocate and complements the SHRC on the quality of its membership.
BREAK / At 12:00 Chairperson Bullock called for a break for lunch.
Youth in Transition / At 12:30 Janet Lung, Director of Child and Adolescent Services, and Jim Martinez, Director of Behavioral Health Services, Reported on transition services for children and crisis intervention as pertains to populations aging into adulthood.
Liaison Reports / At 1:20 John Barrett reported on a meeting of the Middle Peninsula-Northern Neck Local Human Rights Committee.
LHRC Membership / At 1:23 the SHRC considered local human rights committee membership.
Upon a motion by Penny Cameron the SHRC convened in closed session pursuant to Virginia Code §2.2-3711(1) for the purpose of discussion and consideration of appointments to and removals from Local Human Rights Committees.
Upon reconvening in open session, the State Human Rights Committee certified that to the best of each member’s knowledge, only public business matters lawfully exempt from statutory open meeting requirements, and only public business matters identified in the motion to convene the closed session were discussed in closed session.
Appointments / Upon a motion by Pete Daniel and seconded by John Barrett the SHRC unanimously moved to make the following local human rights committee appointments, reappointments and removal.
Region1 and 2 / Alexandria Area LHRC
Appoint: Amanda Mehlenbacher
Fredericksburg Area LHRC
Appoint: Ms. Barbara Deal
Loudoun County CSB LHRC
Appoint: Ms. Marcia Di Trapani
Prince William LHRC
Appoint: Miss Juanita James
Region Ten CSB LHRC
Appoint: Mr. Eddie Banks, Mr. Daniel Tripp
Region 3 / New River Valley LHRC
Appoint: Mr. Joseph Roy-Stewart
Region 4 / Petersburg Regional LHRC
Appoint: Ms. Gwendolyn C. Roy, Ms. Kathleen (Kate) Wiltsie , Ms. Kathy Elliott
Phoenix LHRC
Appoint: Ms. Kenya Williams
Region 5 / Bay Regional LHRC
Appoint: Ms. Elizabeth Houston
Chesapeake Regional LHRC
Appoint: Ms. Juanda Antrum
Mid-City LHRC
Appoint: Mr. Norm Stein
Ocean View Regional LHRC
Appoint: Ms. Nicole Armstrong, Ms. Christina Mortin
Southeastern Virginia Training Center LHRC
Appoint: Mr. Matthew Shipley
Removal: Region 3 / Virginia Highlands LHRC
Remove: Ms. JoAnn Johns
Adjournment / Having no further business the meeting adjourned at 1:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,


T.C. Bullock, Jr., SHRC Chairperson Kli Kinzie, Secretary