Entrepreneurial Management
Prof Bharat Nadkarni
Question Bank
- Many may aspire and wish to become entrepreneurs but only a few really take the leap. How are such persons different from the others?
- Elaborate on ‘Entrepreneurial Theories’.
- Evaluate the contribution of David McClelland and Joseph Schumpeter with regard to Entrepreneurship. Explain the concept of Innovation in business.
- Define the term ‘Intrapreneur’. What steps would you advocate to promote intrapreneurship in an organization? How will it support organizations in globalization?
- What role do entrepreneurs play in economic development of India in global competition.?
- Define Small Enterprises. Explain characteristics of small-industry. What are the factors responsible for their success?
- What are the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs and what is their contribution in urban, semi urban and rural areas of India?
- What are the salient features of Industrial policies in India since independence? Highlight the New small enterprise policy?
- What are the main sources of entrepreneurial ideas? How does an entrepreneur go about short listing ideas and zeroing in on a particular line of new business activity?
- What is Social Entrepreneurship? Discuss their contribution in today’s context in urban, semi urban and rural areas of India.
- A comprehensive Business Plan must contain all the vital data for the guidance of the entrepreneur as well as the banks/ financial institutions. Discuss in detail.
- Identify two routes that are start-up related as well as growth oriented. Narrate any one from the point of view of the concept, advantages and limitations.
- What are the Sources of Capital and explain the factors determining the capital requirement of a venture. What is the specific role of a venture capital partner?
- What are the Social, Economic, Political and Psychological barriers to new entrepreneurs?
- ‘Starting a new venture in modern India has distinct advantages.’ Elaborate.
(One line answers)
•Born not made
•Anyone can start a business
•Are gamblers
•Are own bosses
•Work longer and harder
•Only for rich
•Age is a barrier
•Motivated by quest for the money
•Seek power and control over others
•Anyone with good idea can raise capital
•Once with enough capital cannot fail
•If talented success must come in 1- 2 years
- Short note
- Franchising
- Venture Capital
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship training programmes.
- Managing Risk in Entrepreneurship
- Incentives to small / tiny sector.
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Sickness