Report Title:Review of Neglect and the Graded care Profile Training from April 2017 – January 2018
Report Date:21/2/2018
1.0 Introduction
1.1 This report has been prepared as part of the ongoing WSCB evaluation strategy, which is used to measure the success of multi-agency training and improvement of outcomes of children and young people in the Wirral.
2.0Neglect and the Graded Care Profile Training
2.1 The Neglect and the Graded Care Profile multi-agency training has been running in its current format for 2 years. It has been delivered during this time by a colleague from Health and a colleague from Social Care. The event currently runs bi-monthly and is always in high demand.
2.2 In the period identified a total of 103 people attended 5 full day events with a further35 people having booked a place and failing to attend. A breakdown of attendance on each session can be seen below.The Neglect training continues to be one of the most in demand, however the figures show that none of the events in 2017 ran to full capacity due to the number of people failing to attend on the day or cancel within the 3 day period before the event. The average attendance on each event was 20. Lack of cancellation of training places means others cannot book onto the event and leads to wasted spaces. This lack of attendance is something the WSCB is still trying to address.
2.3Looking at a breakdown of those people thathave attended the events throughout the year, and for the second year running, by far the majority of people attending have been from Childrens Services, which includes Social Care and Targeted Services. This year has seen a much smaller representation from Health and Schools and no representation from Housing or Criminal Justice. This does mean that training events will have been more dominated by the needs of Social care, but also leaves the question as to why less partner agencies are attending and where they see their role in completion of the Graded Care Profile.
2.4 Feedback regarding the Neglect and Graded Care Profile Training has always been largely very positive particularly around the practical exercises of using the Graded Care Profile Tool. The main criticism within the feedback is that people have had to wait quite some time to get on the training. Some examples of feedback immediately after theevent stated the following:
2.5Longer term feedback has been sought with a follow up evaluation sheet sent out to people asking particularly how the training has impacted on practice. Whilst the return rate for these follow up evaluations is disappointing, the feedback that has been sent back has been very positive:
3.0 Plans for future training.
3.1 The training still continues to be in high demand and will continue to run bi-monthly for the forth-coming year. The demand on the two current trainers still remains very high so there is a hope that more people from the training pool will take some part in the delivery to ease that moving forward.
3.2 In response to the most recent Serious Case Review where the link between neglect and CSE was highlighted, the neglect training event has been reviewed to ensure it addresses some of those key issues identified. This reviewed event has only been delivered once so far and there will be a focus group held to gain feedback from those participants. The materials will undergo formal evaluation at the Trainer Pool meeting later in the year.
3.3 The high rate of non-attendance on all courses is being addressed by the WSCB by way of sending out reminder e-mails a week before each event. This serves to remind people of their booking but also to give them the opportunity to cancel if necessary and free up spaces for others to book on. This however does not detract from the responsibility of individuals to ensure they cancel any bookings more than 3 days before the event.