Outwood Grange Academy
Law and Citizenship
Number of staff/support staff / This year (2014-15) there are 3 Law teachers and 10 teachers delivering core Citizenship. Most are drawn from the combined departments of R.E., Law, LIFE and Citizenship – the Faculty of Culture and Society.Most of the faculty’s teachers contribute to RE and LIFE.
Courses delivered at KS3, KS4 and KS5(including specification and exam boards where appropriate) / Law and Citizenship -
GCSE Core subject completing the last year in year 11: Citizenship (Edexcel)
GCSE Option subject: Law in year 11 one year course, and in years 9 and 10 over a two year course.(AQA)
AS Law
A2 Law
KS3 Religious Studies
KS4 years 9 and 10 LIFE
Departmental Structure / Head of the Faculty of Culture and Society Line manages all subject areas
Second in the Faculty is in charge of RS and Law
[Department subject to restructure]
Exam results / 5A*-C including. English/Maths : 80% on the new measures
A*-C in Law GCSE: 67% (year 11)
A2 Law -100% A*-D60% A-C. This is the first time through.
AS Law -86% A*-E 64% A-C
RS: A2 – 100% A* - C
GCSE 97.4% A8 – C
LIFE: 97% Entry level GCSE WHAC (Work Hazard Awareness Course)
Special features / Use of visiting speakers and experts especially in LIFE
Trips to Houses of Parliament and the Crown court in Leeds.
Accommodation / 7 dedicated classrooms with an interactive whiteboard TV and computer and DVD.
Other teachers use their own teaching space as far as possible.
Structure of timetable (eg taught in half/quarter year blocks) / Citizenship: Core GCSE taught 3 or 1 lesson(s) a week year 11. (this is the last year Citizenship will be taught as a core subject) It will then continue as an option taught 3 lessons a week in year 9 and 4 lessons a week in year 10.
Law: option GCSE; taught as an option in year 9 and 10 (3 and 4 lessons a week respectively) and as a 1 year option in 6 hours a week in year 11.
LIFE: core, 1 lesson a week in years 9 and 10.
Local, national or international departmental recognition / Head of Faculty has AST status and organises the area links with PSHE coordinators.
Subject specific professional links / Magistrates.
The houses of Parliament.
Local authority subject links.
Links with Wakefield central NHS (e.g. CASH nurses, community health and teenage pregnancy)
West Yorkshire Police (though the Academy now employs a Safer Schools Police Officer)
RSE project via Spectrum
Amicus PALS
Teenage Cancer Trust
Terrance Higgins Trust
Yew Tree Theatre in Education group
Also links with ACT and PSHEe Association RE today
Number of ITT/GTP students annually / Citizenship students from Sheffield Hallam. RE students from TASC and York St Johns.