Deerfield Beach Middle School

School Advisory Council Meeting

February 17, 2016

Media Center

Principal, Ms. Francine Baugh

SAC Administrator, Mr. Ryan Atwood

SAC Chair, Adriana Karam


I. Call to Order at 6:05pm

Pledge of Allegiance

II. Welcome by Mrs. Karam

III. Order of Business

  1. Minutes from January 20, 2016 meeting were approved. Motioned by Sharon Paslauski and seconded by Michelle Taylor.

B.  SIP Curriculum updates by content area, Mr. Atwood, Mr. Dukes, Mrs. Livingston

Mr. Atwood shared the Civics curriculum update. CFA # 4 is currently being administered and CFA #5 will be in two weeks. Following CFA #5, the Civic’s team will take the Post-test. This data will guide the instruction for the remainder of the Crunch Time Civics Plan. Additionally, Civics camp will be occurring on 4/16, 4/23, 4/30 & 5/7.

Mrs. Livingston shared curriculum updates on Reading, LA, Math & Science.

Reading and Language arts are using the iReady program during the Extended Block, which is giving students the opportunity to work on their reading skills. Additionally, 2/11 & 2/17 were the dates that the Mock Writing exam was administered. 6th & 7th grade took a paper-based exam and the 8th grade used Schoology to submit their essay electronically.

Math & Science are focusing on FDA Stations where students are grouped for “Foundation” “Developing” and “Applying” students. This allows for teachers to reteach and remediate the instruction for students who have not mastered the concepts as well as enrichment activities for those students who have mastered it.

C.  USA Test Prep data, Mr. Atwood

Mr. Atwood shared the USA Test Prep data, which consists of over 45,000 logins as well as a breakdown of usage by month, teacher logins, students logins, total test, games, videos and total practice activities. He also shared that the individual test data is reported to administration after each CARE Cycle.

IV. Other Business

  1. 2016-2017 Parental Involvement Plan, Ms. Kearse-Creech: Ms. Creech shared the parental involvement plan where she discussed the Parental Involvement Plan. Curriculum Night (Technology Night) Parent Seminar, Incoming 6th grade matriculation night. Michelle Taylor suggested personal invitations/contact to get the parents involved. Sharon Paslauski asked if we could have more “Open House” type activities rather than strictly curriculum nights. Alexis Marion suggested more nights that are focused on one or two curriculum nights. Report Card/Interim Report Card Night.
  1. 2016-2017 Positive Behavior Plan, Mr. Atwood and Mrs. Karam

Mrs. Karam shared the SIP SPBP from last year, which will be modified slightly for this year’s plan.

LMS: Michele Taylor shared information from the Learning Management System presentations that she attended. She did not like “It’s Learning,” “Canvas” or but she did like Schoology. Mrs. Baugh gave a breakdown of the three of them and the basic functions of each of them. At the end of the meeting, there was a vote of which program they preferred. All of the programs are available in an app form

V. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn is Sharon Paslauski and seconded by Alexis Marion.