(Revised essay November 2015.)
14 April 2008
“The only thing to fear is fear itself.” Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 - 1945)
“Soul singer Alicia Keys has given a bizarre interview to Blender magazine detailing her new conspiracy theories about 'gangster rap'. The 27-year-old - sporting a new gold AK-47 pendant "to symbolize strength, power and killing 'em dead" - told her interviewer she believed Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G.' s murders were fuelled by the American government. Keys, who revealed she's been reading several Black Panther autobiographies, claimed Biggie and Tupac's famous feud was in fact perpetuated "by the government and the media, to stop another great black leader from existing". She continued, "'Gangster rap' was a ploy to convince black people to kill each other.” (From NewsFeed Researcher, April 14, 2008---Get more info on Alicia Keys Reveals Gangster Rap Conspiracy Theory by using the iResearch Reporter tool from Power Text Solutions.) (See: https://www.google.com/search?q=Alicia+Keys&hl=en-US&sourceid=gd&rlz=1D1DLUS_enUS303US315&aq=t&gws_rd=ssl)
You will notice that President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s famous quote is filled with soundness and stability. Soul singer Alicia Keys words are filled with nonsense that creates fears and prejudice.
I have personally been exposed to several conspiracy theories when I worked as a counselor for the Region III Chemical Dependency Program, in Mooreville, Mississippi. I have had clients in counseling sessions; both private and in-group’s voice their outrageous ideas. Not one time, at no time could I shake or change their mind. This is scary! From whence do they obtain such outrageous ideas?
We wonder, yet more than wonder if such people get this unfounded and false information from some of the church pulpits such as Jeremiah Wright's, and his “God Bless America. No, no, no, God dam America...” comment or other type of power hungry individuals? What does this type of deceitful teaching produce? The answer is fears and hate! Now is that not sad? The type of fear we must cultivate is a marvelous wonder and obedience toward our Creator. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools (the foolish---ASV) despise wisdom and instruction" (Proverbs 1:7).
NOTE: For further study see essays “HATE UNFOUNDED” and “BLACK THEOLOGY."