1.0 Policy Statement

2.0 Carbon Reduction

3.0 Energy Services

4.0 Energy Intensity

5.0 Energy Conservation

6.0 Energy Efficiency

7.0 Water and Waste Water

8.0 Strategic Travel Plan

9.0 Recycling

10.0 New Builds

11.0 Maintenance and Refurbishment

12.0 Leased Property

13.0 Student Accommodation

14.0 Equality and Diversity

1.0 Policy Statement

The UK HE Sector is tasked with achieving legislative climate change through the same Carbon Reduction Commitments (CRC) as the wider public sector with an 80% reduction targeted for year 2050. The internal context is influenced primarily by the following legislation:

-  Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and associated Climate Change Duties

-  Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) embedded in Scottish building standards

In addition to these primary elements of legislation there is a cost risk to the University from the following legislative controls used to drive carbon reduction:

-  CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme

-  EU Emissions Trading Scheme

In addition to the legislative environment, the Scottish HE sector has committed to an EAUC initiative ‘Universities and Colleges Climate Change Commitment for Scotland’ (UCCCfS), which is a public declaration of the University’s intent to address climate change.

While these commitments and associated targets remain a long term challenge there is also opportunity in addressing energy and utilities consumption to address carbon reduction but also as an ongoing cost reduction opportunity. The University’s policy is to combine its obligations and aims for climate change, CRC and cost reduction associated with energy and utilities.

Physical infrastructure investments in renewable energy projects and technologies such as Combined Heat and Power (CHP) are not in scope before the 2012 review date of this policy unless they have a less than three year financial payback or are being assessed for feasibility or option appraisal.

University Court are accountable for the University’s compliance with legislation and the University Senior Management Group (SMG) will be responsible for ensuring that the University meets its legislative obligations and delivers carbon reductions.

2.0 Carbon Reduction

The University has embedded CRC targets in the Infrastructure chapter of its Strategic Plan ‘Glasgow 2020: A Global Vision’. University Court has also endorsed the use of a Carbon Management Plan (CMP) certificated by the Carbon Trust. The University’s Strategic Plan target is that University carbon dioxide emissions from its energy, water and waste consumption will reduce from its 2007/08 baseline of 43,700 tonnes to 35,000 tonnes by 2014/15 (20% reduction). University plans and documents relative to carbon are as follows:

-  Glasgow 2020: A Global Vision

-  Carbon Management Plan (CMP)

-  Strategic Travel Plan

-  Capital Plan

A Carbon Management Committee (CMC) will be established with a remit to progress all carbon related projects and initiatives to advise SMG and University Court on the implementation of the CMP and Strategic Travel Plan.

Green champions will be appointed by Colleges and University Services and be members of the University’s Carbon Management Committee (CMC). Green champions will lead energy conservation activities within their College, from educating and encouraging staff and students through to monitoring and evaluating energy usage and identifying opportunities to reduce it. The scope will cover carbon reduction, energy saving, recycling, travel reduction and other climate impacts.

CRC will be achieved through a focused effort on reduction in consumption of energy services

3.0 Energy Services

Colleges and University services will be provided with two primary energy services – electricity and gas and a small amount of secondary energy services – gas oil and steam. The main utility beyond this will be water and waste water. The primary energy services are used in heating (space, washing, processing), lighting (interior and exterior) and powering (equipment and appliances). The University recognises the ongoing need for energy services and that these can never be reduced to zero.

4.0 Energy Intensity

Energy Intensity is the specific measure of energy consumption. Energy Intensity will be measured by kWh/sq.m and £/sq. m and embedded in internal space charging.

5.0 Energy Conservation

Energy conservation is the reduction in consumption of energy services. Conservation is the area where all University staff can contribute to savings by simply using less energy and utilities in every day activities within the University.

The University’s strategy for energy conservation will focus on a communication programme which provides awareness and education to all stakeholders in order to influence behaviour and reduce the requirement for energy services

6.0 Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is savings in energy without a reduction in energy services. Efficiency relates to technological improvement or reduction in waste in the provision of heat, light or power and will be achieved through investment in energy related physical infrastructure.

The University’s strategy for energy efficiency is to identify efficiency improvement projects which provide energy savings and carbon reduction and embed these in the University’s Carbon Management Plan (CMP).

Energy Efficiency will be led by Estates and Buildings with support from the range of Technical staff within Colleges and other University Services.

7.0 Water and Waste Water

Estates and Buildings will be responsible for minimising system losses in water and waste water through responsive and planned maintenance.

8.0 Strategic Travel Plan

College and University Services management will be responsible for minimising business travel in line with the University’s Strategic Travel Plan and CMP targets with a focus on reduction in air miles travelled.

9.0 Recycling

College and University services management will be responsible for leading maximisation of recycling in order to minimise waste to landfill and related carbon and cost charges

10.0 New Builds

All New Builds will be designed to be energy efficient and employ the use of the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Model (BREEAM) to and EPC modelling to minimise wider carbon and environmental impacts. Project Sponsors will be accountable for ensuring that each new build meets BREEAM ‘Excellent’ and EPC B+ ratings.

Estates and Buildings will be responsible for ensuring that all design teams employ the University’s Carbon and Energy Efficiency Brief in their design processes.

11.0 Maintenance and Refurbishment

The University’s Maintenance and Refurbishment Policy prioritises the following areas relative to Carbon and Energy reduction:

- Statutory and Legislative compliance through Energy Performance Certificates

- Keeping Fabric Wind and Watertight

- Maintenance, replacement, refurbishment or overhaul of Plant and Infrastructure

12.0 Leased Property

This policy will apply to leased property where legislative and lease obligations permit

13.0 Student Accommodation

Only retained Student Residential Accommodation is included in this policy

14.0 Equality and Diversity

All carbon and energy management will comply with the University’s Equality and Diversity Policy and Disability and Equality Scheme (DES) Action Plan

Date Reviewed: December 2010

Version Number: 1

Author/Revised by: Director of Estates

Approved by: SMG XX/XX/XX University Court XX/XX/XX

Next Review Date: December 2011