ICA #12: Clustering Using R (Due Friday, Apr 21 at 9:00 am)

What to submit: a single word/pdf file with answers for the questions in Part 6.

Before you start

You’ll need two files to do this exercise: Clustering.r (the R script file) and Census2000.csv (the data file[1]). Both of those files can be found on the course site. The data file contains 32,038 rows of census data for regions across the United States.

Download both files and save them to the folder where you keep your R files.

Part 1: Look at the Data File

1)  Open the Census2000.csv data file in Excel. If it warns you, that’s ok. Just click “Yes” and/or “OK.” You’ll see something like this:

This is the raw data for our analysis. Each row represents a citizen respondent to the census.

The input file for a Cluster analysis follows this general format. Each row represents a case, and each data element describes that case. We will use this data set to create groups (clusters) of similar citizens, based on these descriptor variables as dimensions. A citizen of a cluster should be more similar to the other citizens in its cluster than citizens in any other cluster.

For the Census2000 data set, here is the complete list of variables:

Variable / Description
RegionID / postal code of the region
RegionLongitude / region longitude
RegionLatitude / region latitude
RegionDensityPercentile / region population density percentile (1=lowest density, 100=highest density)
RegionPopulation / number of people in the region
MedianHouseholdIncome / median household income in the region
AverageHouseholdSize / average household size in the region

2)  Close the Census2000.csv file. If it asks you to save the file, choose “Don’t Save”.

Part 2: Explore the Clustering.r Script

1)  Open the Clustering.r file in RStudio. This contains the R script that performs the clustering analysis.

2)  Look at lines 7 through 29. These contain the parameters for the clustering analysis. Here’s a rundown:

INPUT_FILENAME / Census2000.csv / The data is contained in Census2000.csv
PLOT_FILENAME / ClusteringPlots.pdf / Various plots that describe the input variables and the resulting clusters. Output from the clustering analysis.
OUTPUT_FILENAME / ClusteringOutput.txt / The output from the clustering analysis, including cluster statistics.
CLUSTERS_FILENAME / ClusterContents.csv / More output from the clustering analysis. This file contains the normalized variable scores for each case along with the cluster to which it was assigned.
NORMALIZE / 1 / Whether to normalize the data
(1 = yes, 0 = no)
RM_OUTLIER / 1 / Whether to remove outliers
(1 = yes, 0 = no)
MAX_CLUSTER / 25 / The maximum number of clusters to generate in SSE plot
NUM_CLUSTER / 5 / The number of clusters to generate for solution
MAX_ITERATION / 500 / The number of times the algorithm should refine its clustering effort before stopping.
VAR_LIST / c("RegionDensityPercentile",
"AverageHouseholdSize"); / The variables to be included in the analysis (check the first row of the data set, or the table above, for variable names within the Census2000 data set)
By the way, c() is a function that lets you build a list of values.

3)  Look at lines 33 through 41. These install (when needed) and load the cluster and psych packages. These perform the clustering analysis and visualization.

Part 3: Execute the Clustering.r Script

1)  Select Code/Run Region/Run All.

It could take a few seconds to run since the first time it has to install some extra modules to do the analysis. It also takes a little while to perform the clustering analysis. Be patient!

You’ll see a lot of action in the Console window at the bottom left side of the screen, ending with this:

Part 4: Reading Plots

1)  Now minimize RStudio and open the ClusteringPlots.pdf file in your working directory (the folder with your Clustering.r script).

2)  On page 1 of the ClusteringPlots.pdf file you’ll see this graphic:

These are histograms for the three variables used to cluster the cases. These variables were specified in line 29 of the script using the VAR_LIST variable:
We can see that MedianHouseholdIncome and AverageHouseholdSize have a slightly right-skewed distribution.

RegionDensityPercentile looks a lot different – that’s because the measure is percentile, so the frequency is the same for each level of x. Think of it this way – if you have 100 things ordered from lowest to highest, the top 10% will have 10 items, the next highest 10% will have 10 items, etc.

3)  Now look at the line graph on page 2 of the of ClusterPlots.pdf:
This shows the total within-cluster sum of squares error (i.e. within-cluster SSE) as the number of clusters increase. As we would expect, the error decreases within a clusters when the data is split into more clusters.
We can also see that the benefit of increasing the number of clusters decreases as the number of clusters increases. The biggest additional benefit is from going from 2 to 3 clusters (of course you’d see a big benefit going from 1 to 2 – 1 cluster is really not clustering at all!).
We see things really start to flatten out around 10 to 12 clusters. We probably wouldn’t want to create a solution with more clusters than that.

4)  From line 27 of our script we know that we specified our solution to have 5 clusters:

Now look at the pie chart on page 3 of the ClusterPlots.pdf:

This shows the relative size of those five clusters. The size is just the number of observations that were placed into each cluster. So Cluster #3 is the largest cluster with 8,726 observations.

Part 4: Reading Output

1)  Now open the file ClusteringOutput.txt.

It will also be in the folder with your Clustering.r script. You can open it in RStudio by choosing File|Open File.

Reading Summary Statistics

2)  The first thing you’ll see are the summary statistics for each variable (about lines 6 through 10):

> describe(inputFile[,VAR_LIST])

vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew

RegionDensityPercentile 1 31951 50.83 28.68 51.00 50.83 37.06 1 100.00 99.00 0.00

MedianHouseholdIncome 2 32038 39393.72 16426.57 36146.00 37525.23 11230.69 0 200001.00 200001.00 1.99

AverageHouseholdSize 3 32038 2.57 0.42 2.56 2.56 0.27 0 8.49 8.49 -0.01

3)  Now look the statistics about the case count (a case is an observation; a row of data). You’ll find this by scrolling to lines 54 through 70.

> # Display some quick stats about the cleaning process

> print("Total number of original cases:")

[1] "Total number of original cases:"

> nrow(inputMatrix)

[1] 32038

> print("Total number of cases with no missing data:")

[1] "Total number of cases with no missing data:"

> numNoMissing

[1] 31951

> print("Total number of cases without missing data and without outliers:")

[1] "Total number of cases without missing data and without outliers:"

> nrow(kData)

[1] 30892

You can see that we started with 32,038 observations. When we removed the cases with missing data for one or more of the variables we were left with 31,951 observations. And when we removed the outliers we have 30,892.

By the way, if you add together the cluster sizes from that pie chart on the last page, you get…30,892! So all of our cleaned data (no missing data, no outliers) are accounted for in our set of clusters!

4)  Lines 96 through 100 display the size of each cluster. Note that this matches up with the earlier pie chart:

> # Display the cluster sizes

> print("Cluster size:")

[1] "Cluster size:"

> MyKMeans$size

[1] 7257 7986 8726 2090 4833

5)  Now look around lines 111 through 117. This is the first part of the summary statistics for each cluster. Specifically, these are the normalized cluster means:
> aggregate(kData,by=list(MyKMeans$cluster),FUN=mean)

Group.1 RegionDensityPercentile MedianHouseholdIncome AverageHouseholdSize

1 1 0.8835353 -0.2681572 -0.5992532

2 2 -1.1224866 -0.5594931 -0.5055258

3 3 -0.4836836 -0.1400215 0.3502257

4 4 0.9557776 -0.3145690 1.3672892

5 5 0.8561222 1.3520755 0.2790425

The cluster means are normalized values because the original data was normalized before it was clustered. This was done in the R script in lines 82 and 83:

if (NORMALIZE == 1) {

kData <- scale(kData)}

What the scale() function does is that it will first "center" each column by subtracting the column means from the corresponding column, and then "rescale" each column by dividing each (centered) column by its standard deviation.

Why do we need to normalize the data?
It is important to normalize the data so that it is all on the same scale. This keeps data with large values from skewing the results; those variables will have larger variance and will have a greater influence on the clustering algorithm.
For example, a typical value for household income is going to be much larger than a typical value for household size, and the variance will therefore be larger. By normalizing, we can be sure that each variable will have the same influence on the composition of the clusters.
How to interpret normalized values?
For normalized values, “0” is the average value for that variable in the population.
Look at lines 40 through 44 of ClusteringOutput.txt. This is the summary statistics for the normalized data.
> describe(kData);
vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
RegionDensityPercentile 1 31951 0 1 0.01 0.00 1.29 -1.74 1.71 3.45 0.00 -1.20 0.01
MedianHouseholdIncome 2 31951 0 1 -0.20 -0.12 0.69 -2.42 9.83 12.26 2.05 9.24 0.01
AverageHouseholdSize 3 31951 0 1 -0.05 -0.04 0.67 -6.50 14.87 21.37 0.67 11.57 0.01
From the summary statistics for after normalization, the population mean for each variable becomes 0.

So now let’s look at cluster (group) 1:
Group.1 RegionDensityPercentile MedianHouseholdIncome AverageHouseholdSize

1 1 0.8835353 -0.2681572 -0.5992532

Looking at the normalized values for cluster 1: the average MedianHouseholdIncome (-0.268) and AverageHouseholdSize (-0.599) for group 1 are negative, thus are below the population average (i.e. 0). The average RegionDenistyPercentile (0.884) is positive, thus is above the population average (i.e. 0). In other words, the regions in cluster 1 are more dense, have lower income, and fewer people in their families than the overall population.

Contrast that with cluster (group) 5:
Group.1 RegionDensityPercentile MedianHouseholdIncome AverageHouseholdSize

5 5 0.8561222 1.3520755 0.2790425

This group has a higher than average RegionDensityPercentile (0.856), AverageHouseholdSize (0.279), and MedianHouseholdIncome (1.352) than the population average (i.e. 0). In other words, these regions are more dense, have more people in their families than the overall population average, and have higher income than the overall population.

6)  Detailed descriptive statistics for each group are listed below the summary of means (around lines 123 through 152):
> describeBy(kData, MyKMeans$cluster)


vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se

RegionDensityPercentile 1 7257 0.88 0.50 0.88 0.89 0.62 -0.31 1.71 2.02 -0.06 -1.13 0.01

MedianHouseholdIncome 2 7257 -0.27 0.54 -0.25 -0.26 0.53 -2.27 1.86 4.13 -0.15 0.15 0.01

AverageHouseholdSize 3 7257 -0.60 0.60 -0.51 -0.54 0.49 -3.00 0.40 3.40 -1.16 1.70 0.01



vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se

RegionDensityPercentile 1 7986 -1.12 0.41 -1.18 -1.15 0.47 -1.74 0.01 1.74 0.50 -0.61 0.00

MedianHouseholdIncome 2 7986 -0.56 0.45 -0.56 -0.57 0.39 -2.27 2.49 4.75 0.48 2.53 0.01

AverageHouseholdSize 3 7986 -0.51 0.51 -0.43 -0.46 0.41 -2.97 1.03 4.00 -1.06 2.47 0.01



vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se

RegionDensityPercentile 1 8726 -0.48 0.50 -0.41 -0.45 0.52 -1.74 0.56 2.30 -0.46 -0.47 0.01

MedianHouseholdIncome 2 8726 -0.14 0.50 -0.15 -0.14 0.49 -2.04 2.21 4.24 0.02 0.34 0.01

AverageHouseholdSize 3 8726 0.35 0.53 0.25 0.29 0.41 -0.83 2.99 3.83 1.44 3.27 0.01



vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se

RegionDensityPercentile 1 2090 0.96 0.60 1.02 1.01 0.70 -1.35 1.71 3.07 -0.68 -0.01 0.01

MedianHouseholdIncome 2 2090 -0.31 0.65 -0.28 -0.30 0.67 -2.27 1.76 4.03 -0.21 -0.25 0.01

AverageHouseholdSize 3 2090 1.37 0.72 1.21 1.31 0.78 0.35 2.99 2.64 0.57 -0.76 0.02



vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se

RegionDensityPercentile 1 4833 0.86 0.50 0.88 0.88 0.52 -1.74 1.71 3.45 -0.64 0.73 0.01

MedianHouseholdIncome 2 4833 1.35 0.63 1.26 1.30 0.66 0.26 2.99 2.73 0.66 -0.35 0.01

AverageHouseholdSize 3 4833 0.28 0.64 0.30 0.30 0.56 -2.95 2.92 5.86 -0.46 1.94 0.01

Within-Cluster SSE (Cohesion) and Between-Cluster SSE (Separation)

7)  We want to better understand the “quality” of the clusters. Let’s look at the within-cluster sum of squares error (i.e. within-cluster SSE). In R, it is called “withinss.” The within-cluster SSE measures cohesion – how similar the observations within a cluster are to each other.

The following are the lines which contain that statistic (around lines 154 through 159):
> # Display withinss (i.e. the within-cluster SSE for each cluster)

> print("Within cluster SSE for each cluster (Cohesion):")

[1] "Within cluster SSE for each cluster (Cohesion):"

> MyKMeans$withinss

[1] 6523.491 4990.183 6772.426 2707.390 5102.896

These are presented in order, so 6523.491 is the withinss for cluster 1, 4990.183 is the withinss for cluster 2, etc. We can use this to compare the cohesion of this set of clusters to another set of clusters we will create later using the same data.


Generally, we want higher cohesion; that means less error. So the smaller these withinss values are, the lower the error, the higher the cohesion, and the better the clusters.

8)  Finally, look at the sum of squares errors between clusters (i.e. between-cluster SSE). In R, it is called “betweenss”. The between-cluster SSE measures separation – how different the clusters are from each other (cluster 1 vs. cluster 2, cluster 1 vs. cluster 3, etc.).

The following are the lines which contain that statistic (around lines 161 through 173):

> # Display betweenss (i.e. the between-cluster SSE between clusters)

> print("Total between-cluster SSE (Seperation):")

[1] "Total between-cluster SSE (Seperation):"

> MyKMeans$betweenss

[1] 45301.67

> # Compute average separation: more clusters = less separation