The PortsmouthCitySchool Board

Portsmouth, Virginia


The members of the PortsmouthCitySchool Board held their regular meeting on Thursday,January 25, 2007in the City Council Chamber, which is located in the CityHallBuilding, 801 Crawford Street, Portsmouth, Virginia.

Call to Order

Chairman Bridgefordcalled the regular meeting to order at 7:11p.m. Ms. Kathy L. Chambliss, the Clerk, and Mrs. Laura C. Chandler, the Deputy Clerk, recorded the proceedings of the meeting.

Israel Denson, a sixth-grader at Douglass Park Elementary led the Pledge of Allegiance andKai Harris, a fifth-grader, offered a statement. Mrs. Ridenourpresented each student with a pin as a token of appreciation for their participation in the meeting. The board and the audience paused for a moment of silent prayer.

Roll Call

The following Board members were present: Ms. Sheri H. Bailey, Mr. James E. Bridgeford, Dr. Elizabeth Daniels, Mr. James E. Hewitt, Mrs. Elizabeth Hudgins, Mr. B. Keith Nance, Mrs. Linda D. Ridenour, Mrs. Jean H. Shackelford, and Dr. Mark M. Whitaker.

The following members of the professional staff were also in attendance: Dr. David C. Stuckwisch, Superintendent,Mr. Dan Pendarvis, Assistant Superintendent for Budget and Planning,Dr. Patricia H. Fisher, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction,Dr. Margaret R. Buxton, Director of Human Resources, Mr. Joseph L. Wiggins, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, Dr. Margaret R. Buxton, Director of Human Resources, and Mr. George M. Willson, School Board Attorney/Deputy City Attorney. (Mrs. Nita R. Mensia-Joseph, Director of Operations was absent).

Approval of the Agenda

Mr. Nance moved to approve the agenda for Thursday, January 25, 2007. The motion carried by common consent.


Dr. Stuckwisch recognized Christa L. Johnson, a student at I. C. Norcom High School, and Mrs. Dorothy W. Dray, an English instructor. Miss Johnson was presented with a plaque in

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recognition of being awarded a scholarship by TNT and Cox Communications,for submitting a winning essay entitled “My Teacher, My Story, My Life.”

Lefcoe Alumni Education Committee

Chamber of Commerce Education Committee

Church and Community in Action

Mr. Jack Tynch, Chair of the Portsmouth Division of the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce,addressed the Board regarding an educational metric letter sent to each School Board and City Council member. Mr. Tynch acknowledged Dr. Denise Key, Vice President of Church and Community in Action;Ms. Kelly McCain, Chair of the Chamber’s Education Committee; and Mr. Barrett Richardson, Chair of the Vann H. Lefcoe Alumni Education Committee.

Mr. Tynch reported that the combined memberships of the organizations are committed to annually tracking the progress of the school system. He noted that the three measures of focus are 1) school accreditation, 2) teacher retention, and 3) teacher salaries. Mr. Tynch further stated that the metrics provide the citizens of Portsmouth an objective snapshot of the educational health of Portsmouth public schools, noting that significant and meaningful progress has been made. Mr. Tynch also noted three primary expectations of the school board.


Dr. Stuckwisch recognized the I. C. Norcom High School Band and presentedMs. Juliet Boykins, Band Director of I. C. Norcom High School, with a plaque in recognition of winning first place honors at the national high school high stepping marching band championship competitionheld in Birmingham, Alabama, November 11-13, 2006.

Dr. Stuckwisch also acknowledged ThirdBaptistChurch for their support of the band and in recognition of their commitment to Portsmouth Public Schools. Dr. Stuckwisch presented Mrs. Marion Ransom, former supervisor of English for Portsmouth Public Schools, with an award on behalf of FirstBaptistChurch and its pastor, Joe B. Fleming, who was unable to be present.


Mr. Nance moved to approve the minutes for the Special Meetingheld on Tuesday, December 7, 2006 and the Regular Monthly Meeting held on Thursday, December 14, 2006. The motion carried by common consent.


Dr. Whitaker moved to approve the Resolution recognizing African American History Month, February 2007. The motion carried by a unanimous-roll call vote.

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Monthly Report (Curriculum and Instruction)

Dr. Patricia H. Fisher offered a report on the following: 1) professional development, 2) standards of learning benchmark initiative, 3) standards of learning assessment, and 4) grant awards.

Social Studies Programs

Mr. Richard C. Carter, Director of Social Studies, offered an update of the division’s social studies programs. Mr. Carter explained that the Teaching American History Grant is being completed and highlighted the following programs: 1) the Youth Advisory Commission program, 2) Model Government day, 3) the Annual Flag Day program, 4) History Bowl 2007, 5) celebrating 400 years with Jamestown, 6) the Jamestown Yorktown Foundation(outreach program), 7) Portsmouth Museums Tour,8) Portsmouth History Commission, and 9) the Portsmouth Court Docent Program.

Middle School Athletic Programs

Mr. Jimmie R. Williford, Supervisor of Health and Physical Education, offered a report on the expansion of middle school athletic programs for the 2007-08 school year. Mr.Williford also reported that seasons have been completed in soccer (boys and girls), track and field (boys and girls), scholastic bowl, and wrestling.

Monthly Report (Human Resources)

Dr. Buxton offered a report on the following: 1) 2008-09 school calendar, 2) human resources notifications, 3) teacher of the year,4)partnerships, and 5) recruitment schedule.

Human Resources Report

Mr. Nance moved to approve the Human Resources report as amended (omission of line 1, page 6) for January 2007. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote.

Monthly Report (Budget and Planning)

Mr. Pendarvis offered a report on items in the areas of Information Technology, Operations and Finance.

Annual Food Services Report

Mrs. Cindy B. Rogers, Coordinator of Food Services, offered the annual food services report. Mrs. Rogers shared the strategy for promoting healthier students from the school nutrition program prospective. She highlighted the goals and objectives of the program: 1) leader in nutritional wellness, 2) provide a wide variety of wholesome foods, and 3) 100% participation. A pyramid was used to illustratethe district’s transition from less healthy food choices to

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healthier food choices. Mrs. Rogers also used a chart for a comparative analysis of healthy choices and least healthy choices. She further explained how Portsmouth Public Schools’ menu currently measures up and noted that 90 percent of the food served is less healthy choices and 10 percent is healthy choices. Mrs. Rogers also noted that goals have been set and a time frame to achieve the goals.

Finance Report

Mr. Nance moved to approve the financial report for December 2006. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote.

Superintendent’s Report

Dr. Stuckwisch’s report included the following: 1) shared a letter recognizing Mrs. Jean Shackelford, recipient of the first Bettie Minette Cooper Arts Educator ALLI Award, 2) announced that the Association for Career and Technical Education will observe Career and Technical Education month in February, 3) congratulated Mrs. Sharon Bullock’s Bright Start class at the DAC Center whose art work was selected for holiday wrapping paper, 4) congratulated Mrs. Lorena Smith, a special education teacher at Churchland High School, who received national certification, 5) reminded Board members of the VSBA Legislative Conference, scheduled for February 8-9, 2007, Richmond, Virginia, 6) reminded Board members of their winter retreat scheduled for Friday, February 9, and Saturday, February 10, 2007, at the Holiday Inn, and 7) briefed the Board on the need for a public hearing for a high-school rezoning recommendation involving Churchland and I. C. Norcom high schools.

School Board Policies

Mrs. Hudgins moved to approve School Board Policies IKFA, JECB, JGD/JGE, and KF. The motion carried by a unanimous roll-call vote.

Sportsmanship and High School Athletics

Mr. Jimmie R. Williford, Supervisor of Health and Physical Education, addressed the issue of preventing recruiting. He referred to the VHSL handbook, noting that an exception has been added that someone can apply for a waiver through the superintendent’s office. Mr. Williford noted that a waiver could be granted depending on that particular situation. There was some discussion on this item.

Prequalification Ordinance

Dr. Stuckwisch explained that this issue (prequalification ordinance providing for minority participation in municipal construction contracts in accordance with §2.2-4317 D. of Virginia Code) was researched, and information had been submitted to the Board. Mr. Willson, School Board Attorney, responded to the question raised by Dr. Whitaker. There was some discussion on this item.

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Public comment

  • Sheriff Bill Watson, 1725 Green Street, Portsmouth, VA 23704

(Gang activity in the schools)

  • Miss Mariah Beck, 5670 Rivermill Circle, Portsmouth, VA 23703

(Magnet program)


The meeting was adjourned at 9:59p.m.


James E. Bridgeford, Chairman Kathy L. Chambliss, Clerk

February 22, 2007


Date of Adoption by the Board