MacArthur Math Department
Guidelines for Success
Contact Information:
This is the first time a high school geometry independent study/distance learning class is being offered to students currently enrolled in middle school. It’s certainly the first time I’ve had the opportunity to be in charge of one. As such, this will be a learning experience for all involved. My personal experiences with them have been self-paced courses where interaction with the teacher was more for guidance on how to submit assignments and to ask questions when things didn’t seem to work properly. This class will be a blend of a traditional classroom and an independent study class. Instruction will be presented in video form. The lessons and assignments will be created over the course of the year and be uploaded to my website.
Expectations for the Teacher:
- Create relevant lessons covering topics related to Euclidean Geometry
- Post lessons, assignments and assessments for students in a timely manner
- Provide grades and feedback in a timely manner
- Respond to emails/comments related to the course and/or material within 24 hours.
- Be flexible
Expectations for the Student:
- Log into Mr. Pearcy’s Google classroom daily to check for announcements and posted work
- Submit work by the due date
- Ask for help if you don’t understand something
- Use technology wisely and properly. The student academic code of honesty will be adhered to
- Be flexible
Tutoring: Tutoring needs will be addressed as they come up since traditional tutoring may not be an option.
Sequence of Topics –
1st Nine Weeks – Logical Arguments & Constructions, Coordinate Geometry
2nd Nine Weeks – Congruent Triangles, Relationships in Triangles, Right Triangles & Trig Ratios
3rd Nine Weeks – Polygons and Circles
4th Nine Weeks – Circles, 3-D Figures, Probability
Grades – (* I reserve the right to change the percentages as the needs of the course change.)
Nine weeks' averages are derived from the following:
Homework/Class work: 20%
Quizzes: 25%
Tests/Project 55%
Semester Exams will count 20% of the Semester Average.
Required Materials: Folder or 3-ring binder with dividers, pencil andpaper. Compass, protractor and ruler (for constructions).
Colored pencils and highlighters are not required, but may be useful.
Calculators: Students will be provided TI Inspire graphing calculators to use in class. We won’t use the graphing capabilities of the calculator much in geometry, however, I recommend students have one for home use since that’s what they’re trained to use and it will last them all through high school and college. Regardless, students will need a minimum of a scientific calculator (an actual calculator or app on a phone) to use at home for trig ratios.
Any gradednon-digital work MUST be done in Pencil Only.
Homework Assignments: These may be assigned as an online or a traditional paper/pencil assignment. They will be checked on specified days and questions will be answered on any problem spots. Homework may be graded by completion as its purpose is to help you learn and grow, not as a measure of perfection. Work must be shown (when applicable) to earn credit!
Quizzes:There are scheduled on a regular basis and check your understanding of recently covered concepts. They are generally shorter in length than a test and only cover one to two sections at a time. Please use these quizzes as a resource in better preparing for upcoming tests.
Tests will be given at the completion of each unit and to assess student comprehension. There will be at least one every three weeks. Retakes will be available only for tests only below 70 for up to a maximum of 70 within the announced window or as otherwise required by district guidelines.
Be prepared and ready to participate in class.
Respect everyone in the classroom.
Ask for help!
Have a positive attitude.
Make an effort to always perform to your highest potential.
Appropriate language, behavior, and attire are always expected.
School district rules and procedures always apply.