May 20, 2014

The Zeeland Charter Township Board held a Regular Board meeting on May 20, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Township Hall at 6582 Byron Road, Zeeland, Michigan. Members present: Supervisor Nykamp, Clerk Evink, Treasurer Myaard, Trustees Barkel, Brink, Oonk, and Zylstra.

1.  Supervisor Glenn Nykamp called the meeting to order.

Recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Invocation offered by Clerk Evink.

2.  Motion made by Trustee Brink to approve the minutes of the May 6, 2014 meeting. Trustee Barkel supported the motion which passed.

3.  Citizen Participation / Public Comment.

a.  Geoff Haveman introduced himself to the board and stated he is a candidate for State Representative in District 90.

4.  Business Items:

a.  Audit Report. Mr. Joseph Kuiper and Mr. Matt Sinnema, representing Kiekover, Scholma & Shumaker, reported the audit shows the township is in good financial position.

b.  Ottawa County Treasurer Brad Slagh presented a power point tutorial outlining the process of handling delinquent property at the county level.

c.  Public Safety Building Construction. A synopsis of total low bids submitted at the May 15th bid letting totaled $2,460,950. Interviews with the low bid winners will be held May 22, 2014 to determine final acceptance of bids.

Trustee Brink motioned to continue with the Public Safety Building project for the original bid of $2,460,950. Trustee Oonk supported the motion which passed unanimously with a roll call vote.

d.  Cemetery Sexton Approval. Barkel motioned to approve the appointment of Mr. Jim Timmer as sexton for all three township cemeteries. Trustee Zylstra supported the motion which passed unanimously with a roll call vote.

e.  Road Committee Report of their May 13, 2014 meeting.

i.  Nine sections of gravel road totaling 4.98 miles will receive additional gravel and ditch work at an estimated cost of $133,206.48.

ii. Bituminous resurfacing of existing pavement and restoration of shoulders at a total estimated cost of $360,332.50 for:

1.  North Wind Drive: 96th Ave to East Wind Dr. – 2520’

2.  South Wind Drive: North Wind Dr. to East Wind Dr. – 2474’

3.  West Wind Trail: south Wind Dr. to N of North Wind Dr. – 498’

4.  East Wind Trail: south Wind Dr. to North Wind Dr. – 305.’

5.  South & East Maple Court: 84th Ave to North Maple Ct – 1388’

6.  North Maple Court: 84th Ave to East Maple Ct – 1175’

7.  Bennigan Lane: 84th Ave to E cul-de-sac – 1409”

8.  Sun Place: Sunburst Dr. to Gordon St – 741’

iii.  Trustee Zylstra motioned to approve the proposed list of road improvements including gravel work, ditch work, and repaving at a cost of $493,538.98. Treasurer Myaard supported the motion which passed unanimously with a roll call vote.

Supervisor Nykamp stated an article in the Holland Sentinel incorrectly stated Zeeland Township would be spending $640,000 on road projects.

Ottawa county road commission will repave 96th Ave from Ottogan N to Perry Street in September. Supervisor Nykamp hopes to time this project after the sewer line installation.

Trustee Oonk requested Supervisor Nykamp check on road damage caused by trucks turning onto Quincy St. from 84th; the gravel could ruin the new road.

f.  Copy Machine Purchase. Supervisor Nykamp reported the office printer continues to smudge copies. He recommends purchasing a new printer with color printing as an option.

Trustee Brink motioned to approve purchasing a new color printer at a cost of $3,000. Trustee Barkel supported the motion which passed unanimously with a roll call vote.

g.  Approve FOIA Administrator. Supervisor Nykamp recommended his appointment to replace Ms. Tami Koomen as FOIA Administrator. Trustee Zylstra motioned and Trustee Oonk supported approving the Township Supervisor as the FOIA Administrator for Zeeland Charter Township. Motion passed unanimously with a roll call vote.

h.  Legal Notice and Ordinance Publications. Supervisor Nykamp recommended changing from the Holland Sentinel to the Zeeland Record as the publication of choice stating the updated Master Plan will require additional publications and the Zeeland Record offers better pricing.

Trustee Barkel motioned and Trustee Brink supported the recommendation to publish Township legal notices and ordinances in the Zeeland Record. Motion passed unanimously.

5.  Zoning Administrator Don Mannes reported an increase in building permits in April. Logan Estates has new owners who are running the park effectively; no rentals allowed and only 5 empty lots remaining.

6.  Committee Reports:

a.  BOARD OF APPEAL. A request from Ron Meyer for a side yard variance was denied because he failed to show hardship for constructing a building without the variance.

b.  BUILDING /GROUNDS. Supervisor Nykamp requested the committee inform him when the trees behind the town hall will be removed; he wants to protect the rhododendrons.

c.  CEMETERY. Supervisor Nykamp commended the good work Mr. Jim Timmer and Mr. Jack Seinen performed cleaning up the cemeteries.

d.  ROADS. The OCRC requested a poll of the Trustee Board concerning levying a countywide road millage. Trustee Zylstra recommended returning the poll with comments stating the board decided to hold off on a decision until the state legislature publishes what they will provide concerning road repairs.

e.  PARKS/RECREATION. Supervisor Nykamp stated a permit, bonding, and approval of designated trees will be required before trees can be cut and removed from township parks.

f.  ELECTION. Clerk Evink reported she is scheduled to receive a new Qualified Voter File in June.

7.  Attorney Issues – none.

8.  Supervisor’s Report.

a.  Black Creek Ridge received their water resources permit. There will be a pre-con meeting this week; OCRC determined a passing lane will be appropriate.

b.  Copper Field’s Wood Sage Court condominium project began.

9.  Citizen / Public comment

a.  Ottawa County Treasurer Slagh reported Crockery Twp entered into an agreement for the county to do their assessing. Ferrysburg and Spring Lake villages will have Ottawa County Sheriff’s Dept. provide police service in their units.

10. Additional Board Comment - none.

11. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marilyn Evink – Clerk

Lisa Freeman – Recording Secretary