Kylen N. Gartland

University of Oregon

Department of Anthropology

304 Condon Hall

1321 Kincaid St.

Eugene, OR 97403



2019 M.S. – Anthropology

University of Oregon, Eugene, OR

Advisor: Dr. Frances White

2017 B.A. – Anthropology and Classics Ancient Studies

Washington University in Saint Louis, Saint Louis, MO

Advisor: Dr. Crickette Sanz


2018 Special Opportunity Travel and Research Award, University of Oregon, $1,000

2018 Aaron G. Thomas Family Scholarship, University of Oregon, $2,700

2017 Excellence in Anthropological Research, Washington University in St. Louis

2017 Carl Conrad Prize, Washington University in St. Louis

2016 $1000 Saint Louis Zoo Research Internship Stipend, Career Center, Washington University in St. Louis

2016 Alternate for Goldman Fellows Program, Gephardt Institute for Civic and Community Engagement, Washington University in St. Louis


2018 Gartland, K.N; McDonald M; Braccini Slade S; White F; Sanz C. (In press). Behavioral Changes

following Alternations in the Composition of a Captive Bachelor Group of Western Lowland Gorillas

(Gorillagorilla gorilla). Zoo Biology.


2017-Present University of Oregon, Graduate Employee, 2017-Present.

Courses: Introduction to Monkeys and Apes, Evolution of Human Sexuality, Introduction to Human Origins, Primate Conservation Biology, Introduction to Nutritional Anthropology


2016-2017Hybrid Baboon Social Behavior, Research Assistant, Washington University in St. Louis.

Supervisor: Monica McDonald and Dr. Crickette Sanz

Analyzed aggressive male-male social interactions in a hybrid Kinda x Grayfoot baboon group;

prepared professional presentations based on preliminary results; preparing results for


2016Goualougo Triangle Ape Project, Research Assistant, Washington University in St. Louis.

Supervisor: Stephanie Musgrave, Dr. Crickette Sanz and Dr. David Morgan

Reviewed camera trap videos recorded at field site in the Republic of Congo to identify and archive footage of chimpanzees and other large mammals.

2016Saint Louis Zoo, Animal Behavior Research Intern.

Supervisor: Eli Baskir

Collected behavioral data both from video and live observation using multiple ethograms and protocols on multiple species including equids, primates, birds and bears.

2014-2016Gorilla Social Behavior, Independent Research, Washington University in St. Louis.

Supervisors: Dr. Crickette Sanz and Monica McDonald

Collected and analyzed behavioral data on captive bachelor gorilla group at Saint Louis Zoo; prepared professional presentations based on data; submitted article for publication in Zoo Biology.

2014-2015Bachelor Gorilla Group Behavior, Research Assistant, Saint Louis Zoo, 2014-2015.

Supervisor: Dr. Stephanie Braccini

Entered data sheets from research on captive bachelor gorilla group; conducted analyses of individual activity budgets.

2014Kasanka Baboon Project, Research Assistant, Washington University in St. Louis, 2014.

Supervisor: Anna Weyher

Coded behaviors of kinda baboons from video recorded in Zambia.


2018Gartland, K.N. and White, F. (2018), “Behavioral Responses to the Introduction of Immature

Members to a Previously Established Bachelor Group of Western Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)”, American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Austin, TX.

2018Gartland, K.N. and White, F. (Accepted), “Testing Similarities and Differences in Japanese Macaque

(Macacafuscata) Maternal Personalities”, International Primatological Society, Nairobi, Kenya.


2018 Gartland, K.N.; Minton, I.; White, F.J. (Accepted), “Concordance of captive Japanese macaque (Macaca

fuscata) mother personality with infant behaviors”, American Society of Primatologists, San Antonio, TX.

2017Gartland, K.N. and McDonald, M. (2017), “Bark vs. Bite: An Assessment of Dominance Hierarchies

UsingDifferent Agonistic Behaviors”, American Association of Physical Anthropologists Undergraduate Research Symposium, New Orleans, LA.

2017Gartland, K.N. and McDonald, M. (2017), “Bark vs. Bite: An Assessment of Dominance Hierarchies

UsingDifferent Agonistic Behaviors”, Anthropology Undergraduate Research Poster Session, Washington University Department of Anthropology, Saint Louis, MO.

2017Gartland, K.N. and McDonald, M. (2017), “Bark vs. Bite: An Assessment of Dominance Hierarchies

UsingDifferent Agonistic Behaviors”, Saint Louis Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, Saint Louis, MO.

2016Gartland, K.N; McDonald, M; Sanz, C;Braccini, S. (2016), “Social Instability in a Captive Bachelor

Group of Western Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla),” Anthropology Undergraduate Research Poster Session, Washington University Department of Anthropology, Saint Louis, MO.

2016Gartland, K.N; McDonald, M; Sanz, C.;Braccini, S. (2016), “Social Instability in a Captive Bachelor

Group of Western Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla),” American Association of Physical Anthropologists Undergraduate Research Symposium, Atlanta, GA.

2015Gartland, K.N; Boyer, D; Emerson, K; Sheehan, J; Strickland, C; Braccini, S; McDonald, M. (2015),

“Behavioral Maturation of a Western Lowland Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in a Bachelor Group”, Midwest Primate Interest Group Poster Session, Saint Louis, MO.


Seattle Aquarium, High School Volunteer, Seattle Aquarium, 2012-2013

Supervisor: Dave Glenn

Docent and exhibit interpretation, guest interactions.


Spanish: Conversational, proficient

Italian: Rudimentary

Irish: Conversational


Eta Sigma Phi, Honorary Society for Classical Studies

Lambda Alpha, Honorary Society for Anthropological Studies

American Association of Physical Anthropologists; Student Member

American Society of Primatologists; Student Member

International Primatological Society; Student Member


Frances White, PhD

Department Chair

Department of Anthropology

University of Oregon

304 Condon Hall

1321 Kincaid St.

Eugene, OR 97403

Stephanie Braccini Slade, PhD

Vice President of Living Collections

Birmingham Zoo

2630 Cahaba Road

Birmingham, AL 352223

Monica McDonald, PhD

Program Coordinator

AZA Reproductive Management Center

Saint Louis Zoo

One Government Drive

Saint Louis, MO 63110