“The Devil and Tom Walker” Name ______Block _____ Date ______
Directions: As you read, or afterward, complete the questions on a separate sheet of notebook paper. Answer in complete sentences, making sure to include part of the question in the answer.
1. What is the setting (location and year) for this story?
2. What is supposed to be hidden under one of the big trees in the inlet? Why is that a good hiding place?
3. What happened to the person who hid it there? Who supposedly watches over the treasure?
4. What bad trait do both Tom Walker and his wife have? How is this trait shown in the way they collect eggs?
5. Where does Tom pause to rest? Why would most people not have stopped there?
6. On page 260, the narrator uses the term “savages.” What group of people does he mean? What does this show us about the narrator?
7. What does Tom discover in the ground at his feet? What happens when he kicks it?
8. What does the tree with Deacon Peabody’s name on it show about him? (How is it used as a symbol of his character?)
9. After the devil cuts down a tree, what does he do with it? What do you think this symbolizes?
10. What does the devil offer Tom? What does the devil want in exchange?
11. When his wife hears Tom’s story, what is her reaction? How does this change Tom’s attitude?
12. What different clues does Tom find of what happened to his wife?
13. How does Tom feel about the devil after this incident?
14. What different ideas does the devil suggest for how the money should be used? What is Tom’s response to each?
15. When he gets old, what different things does he do to avoid keeping his end of the bargain he had made with the devil?
16. What has happened to Tom’s wealth by the end of the story?
17. What is the lesson that the story teaches?
18. Do you believe that money is the most important thing in life? If so, why? If not, what is more important?
19. Did Tom deserve his fate? Why or why not?
20. Would you have felt more sympathy for Tom if he had sold his soul for knowledge or love instead of money? Explain.