English IV: British & World Literature Syllabus
Mrs. Clair Pennycuff
Room 103 ♦ Voicemail: 322 ♦ Email: ♦ Office hours: 7:30-7:50, 3-3:30, or by appt.
Course Overview:
English IV is the culmination of your Language Arts education here at KMC. This course is meant to challenge you and prepare you for life after high school. This course will focus on developing your proficiency in all of the elements of Language Arts including reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language usage. The reading will focus on British and World literature as well as independent book reading. Writing will consist of daily journals, essay exams, summary-response essays, analytical essays, creative writing, grammar exercises, and book reports. The speaking and listening element will require participation in class discussion and various presentations. In addition, you will also be developing your understanding and practice of justice and charity.
Required Texts & Materials:
Listed below are the texts and materials required for this course. Texts and materials need to be brought to class EVERY SINGLE DAY unless I tell you otherwise. Failure to bring these texts or materials will result in a demerit and/or loss of participation points.
· Texts: McDougal Littell Literature (1989); Grendel by John Gardner; Shakespeare’s Macbeth (in textbook)& Hamlet; 1984 by George Orwell; Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
· Agenda book
· Independent Reading Book (Quarter 1: Historical Fiction, Q2: Fantasy/Science Fiction,
Q3: Drama/Poetry, Q4: Non-fiction)
· College-ruled, loose-leaf no fringe paper (to be put in binder)
· 3-ring binder with at least 5 dividers (to separate literature units & writing handouts)
· Black/Blue pen AND #2 Pencil
· Post-it notes (Recommended)
· Flash-drive (Recommended)
Book Rental:
You may rent classroom novels and independent reading books for $1.00. You are required to sign out the book and pay me before borrowing the book.
Grading Policy:
Grading Scale! (KMC): A=92-100, B+=90-91, B = 83-89, C+ = 81-82, C = 74-80, D =65-73, F=64-0.
Assignments: Each assignment will be worth points as determined by me. Larger, long-term assessments will be worth more points than daily assignments. All assignments will be categorized and weighted as follows:
Reading—30% Oral Communication—10%
Writing Skills—25% Critical Thinking—10%
Study & Life Skills—15% Final Exam—10%
Grading Rubrics: Whenever I assign a large project (ie: paper or presentation), you will also receive a grading rubric. The rubric will break down the specific criteria I will be grading you on as well as how much each of the criteria is worth. I highly recommend that you read the rubric carefully as it will tell you how you can achieve the grade you desire.
Additional & Extra Credit:
Additional credit is defined as an optional activity designed to help you better refine an assessed skill. Additional credit will be treated as an additional assignment where the numerator and denominator are added to the grade book entry under the appropriate category (see above).
You will also have various opportunities throughout the course of the semester for extra credit. Extra credit may include various service projects. You may not exceed earning 50 points of extra credit per semester.
Regular attendance and positive participation are a required element of success in this classroom. If you are absent from class, YOU are responsible for turning in assignments that were due, finding out what was missed in class, and making up whatever work was assigned. In short, check the wiki page (see below).
· If you have an excused absence, you have a due date extension equal to the number of school days you were absent plus one as determined by school policy in the handbook.
In any case, you MUST complete the missed assignments by Thursday of the following week. I will stay after school until 4:00 every Thursday for you to make up any work. If you do not make this deadline, scores will be entered as ZEROES. No exceptions.
· If you have a scheduled absence (ie: vacation, dentist appointment), you are required to turn in your work ahead of time.
· If you have an unexcused absence, all in-class activities will be forfeited. This includes tests, quizzes, homework due, etc.
· NEW KMC Policy! If you miss 8 class periods, your grade will be withheld.
Due Dates:
1. All essays and projects are due at the beginning of class, and should be placed in the inbox unless otherwise noted. Daily homework will be turned in as per my request.
Procedure for days when Projects/Papers are Due:
· Instructions for the assignment due will be posted on the board.
· The assignment must be complete, printed, and present the moment the bell rings.
o DO NOT ask me to print your assignment. No excuses.
· Place the assignment in the inbox at the beginning of class.
· Anyone late to class (unexcused) or trying to turn it in after I’ve collected it from the inbox will NOT get credit.
2. LATE WORK IS NOT ACCEPTED. It is considered late if you do not turn it in when requested.
· “OOPS!” In the instance you do happen to forget a homework assignment, you will be able to make up 1 homework assignment of 50 points or fewer per semester. You will receive a physical “OOPS!” pass (see attached) to submit with the completed assignment by the Thursday following the original due date without penalty. The physical “OOPS!” pass MUST be submitted to use it. You will receive extra credit for a pass not used at the end of a semester.
Typed Writing Assignment Format:
All assignments (including rough drafts) must be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins, and stapled; in other words, MLA format is required for this class. No excuses. Consult available handouts and student handbook; we will review it in class.
For all thesis-driven writing assignments, you will always be required to UNDERLINE your THESIS. It will help you better articulate your point and help me evaluate what your point may be. Electronic submissions will not be accepted, except when approved by the instructor or as dictated by the assignment.
Wiki page & Email:
To help you and your parents/guardians keep track of what is happening in class, I have created a wiki page. You can access the wiki page by going to http://cpennycuff.pbworks.com. Or go to kapaun.org, access my teacher bio, and click on the link below my photo.
You’ll find classroom announcements, the daily agenda, homework assignments, helpful website links, and most documents distributed in class on the wiki. Be sure to check this if you are absent or need clarification. Please print off any additional study guides or handouts as you need them.
If you need to contact me personally, please email me. It is the most reliable way to contact me. Do not expect immediate responses, however, after school hours, during weekends or holidays.
Plagiarism & Cheating:
Plagiarism is defined as taking someone else’s words or ideas and claiming them as your own. You do not give the true author credit. This includes copying answers from a peer and copying from a book or article word for word without citation. This is a serious offense. DO NOT BE TEMPTED TO DO THIS! You will be discovered, and you will receive a zero on that homework assignment. You will also be subject to consequences as defined in your student handbook on page 12.
Classroom Procedures:
1. Class begins the moment the bell rings, and it ends when I excuse you. Anyone entering the room after the bell will receive a demerit.
2. The day’s agenda and homework will be posted. Read it upon entering the room.
3. Each day will start with board work, a quiz or silent sustained reading. Board work and quizzes typically will be based on the previous lesson or that day’s reading. You will immediately begin working once you have taken your seat.
4. A typical class period will involve various learning activities. It is your responsibility to listen to all directions carefully and follow them through.
5. Class will end with brief review, which may take the shape of a written reflection, quiz, but most commonly a homework assignment.
6. Restroom breaks should be taken care of during passing time. My room is located immediately across the hall from the restroom, providing you ample time to use it. DO NOT ask me if you may use the restroom. Do so before class or after. If there is an emergency, you are mature enough to get up and use the restroom without interrupting class.
7. Passes to other parts of the building require a signed pass in your agenda (signature of teacher visiting required) and my hall pass. Without both you may not leave the room. Unnecessary or excessive trips to other destinations (ie: locker) will result in a demerit and/or detention.
8. Dress Code will be enforced. Button and tuck in your shirt. Belts must be worn by young men. Skirts must be knee length for ladies. No large purses (textbook fitsàtoo big) or book bags.
9. Practice good hygiene. With the onset of the cold/flu season, I want everyone to limit the spread of germs. Stay home if you are sick (fever of 100˚or higher). Sneeze into your sleeve or a tissue. Use hand sanitizers or wash your hands after coughing, sneezing, or using the restroom.
Classroom Rules:
1. Respect yourself, everyone and every object at all times.
2. Be responsible for all of your actions.
3. Come to class prepared. Be prompt and bring all materials to class every day.
4. No excuses.
1. Warning verbal or with eye contact.
2. Assign demerit(s) and/or detention.
3. Teacher assigned detention at the teacher’s convenience.
4. Conference with teacher.
5. Referral to the office.
6. Parental contact.
(These consequences will be applied at my discretion, thus they may not be applied in this particular order.)
1. Self-satisfaction in completing requirements and passing the course.
2. Verbal or written praise for a job well done.
3. Special activities.
4. Opportunities for extra credit.
“OOPS!” Pass Semester I 2011
Point Value:
Reason for not submitting on time:
Using pass for Extra-Credit
With this OOPS pass you may submit one completed assignment worth 50 points or fewer one week late. If you complete all homework assignments on time this semester, you may turn in this slip for extra-credit. This physical copy must be submitted in order to use your “OOPS!” pass or to receive extra-credit. NO EXCEPTIONS.
You MUST submit this pass by December 9, 2011.
“OOPS!” Pass Semester II 2011
Point Value:
Reason for not submitting on time:
Using pass for Extra-Credit
With this OOPS pass you may submit one completed assignment worth 50 points or fewer one week late. If you complete all homework assignments on time this semester, you may turn in this slip for extra-credit. This physical copy must be submitted in order to use your “OOPS!” pass or to receive extra-credit. NO EXCEPTIONS.
You MUST submit this pass by May 4, 2011.
Parent/Guardian & Student Signature Sheet: Syllabus
Please sign, detach and return this slip by August 22 (A) or 23 (B)
I have read the syllabus for Mrs. Pennycuff’s English class. I understand and will follow her classroom policies and procedures. My student will keep a copy of the syllabus in his/her English binder.
Signature of Parent/Guardian Date School Year
Signature of Student Date Block #