Town of Port Royal
Council Minutes
January 17, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
Port Royal Town Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: MayorJim Heimbach, Bill Henderson, Alex Long, J P Wilkerson, and Gladys Fortune.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Monica Chenault and Sharon Farmer.
OTHERS PRESENT: Interim Town Manager Steve Crosby, Clerk of the Court Susan Minarchi.
OTHERS ABSENT: Town Clerk M. Therese Harrison.
AUDIENCE: Chris Flora, Larry Weeden, Helmut Linne vonBerg.
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm
Clerk of the Court Susan Minarchi gave the Oath of Office to each member of Council present. Sworn in were Jim Heimbach, Bill Henderson, Alex Long, J P Wilkerson, and Gladys Fortune.
Upon motion of J P Wilkerson to nominate Jim Heimbach as Mayor, seconded by Bill Henderson, there being no additional nominations, Council voted to name Jim Heimbach as Mayor of Port Royal.Voting Aye: Henderson, Long, Wilkerson, Fortune, and Heimbach.Absent: Chenault and Farmer. Jim Heimbach was named Mayor.
Upon motion of J P Wilkerson to nominate Monica Chenault as Vice Mayor, seconded by Bill Henderson, there being no additional nominations, Council voted to name Monica Chenault as Vice Mayor of Port Royal. Voting Aye: Henderson, Long, Wilkerson, Fortune and Heimbach.Absent: Chenault and Farmer.Monica Chenault was named Vice Mayor.
Mayor Heimbach announced that the line of credit loan closing was scheduled for Friday, January 20, at 12:30.He also reported that he had received a letter from A P Hill regarding a proposed equipment site on the base with request for any comments. He indicated that he had none.
Interim Town Manager reported little activity for the last month due to the holiday schedule.
The minutes of the December meeting and the financial report were received by Council. Alex Long questioned the finance report regarding listing the Fire Programs money as an asset and J P Wilkerson had questions about the large amount of revenue listed as miscellaneous. Mayor Heimbach explained that $10,000 was the new deposit into the Fire Programs fund.Upon motion of Bill Henderson, with a second by Gladys Fortune, Council voted to accept the Consent Agenda Voting Aye: Henderson, Wilkerson, Fortune, and Heimbach. Abstaining: Long. Absent: Chenault and Farmer. Motion carried 4-0.
Update on the Water System:
The Mayor gave an update on the water system project, showing locations suggested by Dewberry for the pump house and storage tank. Council members requested Dewberry to look into locating the pump house and storage tank closer to the intersection of Market and Cumberland streets.
Planning Commission Report:
Street Light Update:
Financial Audit Update:
Steve Crosby reported on the financial audit and stated that the auditors would begin their work within 60 days.
Town Code Review:
The Mayor gave Council a list of possible days to meet with the Town Attorney to go over the draft Town Code. Council members are to e-mail the Mayor with dates and times that are suitable.
Appointment of Town Official to Receive Confidential Financial Information:
Mayor Heimbach pointed out that this cannot be an elected official and suggested that the Town Clerk is the obvious designee.
Upon motion by Alex Long, and seconded by Bill Henderson, Council voted to authorize Terri Harrison to receive confidential information from the Commissioner of Revenue. Voting Aye:Henderson, Long, Wilkerson, Fortune, andHeimbach. Absent: Chenault and Farmer. Motion carried 5-0.
After the vote, Mayor Heimbach signed a letter requesting the Commissioner of Revenue to share appropriate information with Port Royal Town Clerk Terri Harrison.
Establishment of a Debt Reserve Account at Union Bank and Trust:
Upon motion of Gladys Fortune and seconded by J P Wilkerson, Council voted to authorize a Debt Reserve Account at Union Bank and Trust. Voting Aye: Henderson, Long, Wilkerson, Fortune, andHeimbach.Absent:Chenault and Farmer.Motion carried 5-0.
Upon motion of Alex Long and seconded by J P Wilkerson, Council voted to authorize transferring fifteen thousand nine hundred six dollars, ($15,906.00) into a Debt Reserve Account at Union Bank and Trust and have Mayor Jim Heimbach as the sole signatory. Voting Aye: Henderson, Long, Wilkerson, Fortune, andHeimbach.Absent:Chenault and Farmer.Motion carried 5-0.
Authorization of Town Officials to Sign Checks and Access On-Line Bank Accounts:
Upon motion by Alex Long and seconded by Bill Henderson, Council voted to authorize Mayor Jim Heimbach and Vice Mayor Monica Chenault as signatories on the Water Project Construction Account. Both signatures shall be required on checks from that account.Mayor Jim Heimbach and Accountant Jamie Brissey are authorized as the signatories on the Water Account and CorporateAccount. Only one signature is necessary on those two accounts. Voting Aye: Henderson, Long, Wilkerson, Fortune, andHeimbach. Absent: Chenault and Farmer. Motion carried 5-0.
Upon motion by Alex Long and seconded by Gladys Fortune, Council voted to authorizeMayor Jim Heimbach to access the Line of Credit at Union Bank up to fifty five thousand dollars, ($55,000.00) in order to pay Dewberry invoices. Voting Aye: Henderson, Long, Wilkerson, Fortune, andHeimbach. Absent: Chenault and Farmer. Motion carried 5-0.
Upon motion by J P Wilkerson and seconded by Bill Henderson, Council voted to authorize Mayor Jim Heimbach as the on-line banking administrator for Union Bank and Trust accounts. Voting Aye: Henderson, Long, Wilkerson, Fortune, andHeimbach. Absent: Chenault and Farmer. Motion carried 5-0.
It was noted for the record that all of the above motions regarding financial accounts were taken with the understanding that any other previous authorizations were rescinded.Monica Chenault would remain signatory on the Festival Account.
Proposal from Berkeley Group:
Upon motion by Alex Long with a second by Gladys Fortune.Council voted to conclude the meeting of the Port Royal Town Council. Voting Aye:Henderson, Long, Wilkerson, Fortune, andHeimbach. Absent: Chenault and Farmer. Motion carried 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted:
M. Therese Harrison
Town Clerk