Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) –Ontario Regional Council (ONRC)

RESP - Systemic Change Project – Overview Presentation

RESP Project

Canada Learning Bond and Canada Education Savings Grant Programs

Sponsored by

SSVP Halton Particular Council ( HPC)

The Project:

The RESP project has the objective of supporting our children in pursuing post- secondary education (Full Time or Part Time studies in: Apprenticeship Programs, Colleges, Trade Schools, Universities) in order to break the cycle of poverty.

This program will be administered by the Halton Particular Council.

The project is funded jointly by ONRC (40%) and HPC (60%)

Parties being helped:

Children of financially in need families who need support in order to reach post- secondary education.


The goal is that every child under our SSVP ‘umbrella of care’ will have an RESP account opened in order to provide the expectation and hope for their post- secondary educational future .

The statistics show that ‘the mere existence of educational savings makes a child 50 percent more likely to pursue post- secondary education’ and this is a very powerful and hopeful statistic.

The RESP project has 4 main goals.

1. To educate the SSVP volunteers on the Canada Learning Bond and Canada Education Savings Grant

Programs so they can reach out to each client under our SSVP ‘umbrella of care’ and inform and support

the parents in accessing this funding for their children.

2. To encourage the SSVP volunteers to reach out to their contacts in their communities to further increase

the awareness of these programs ( speak with their contacts at Ontario Works, Ontario Housing, and

other outreach groups that they have relationships with)

3. To continue to offer ongoing follow up support to our families in need to ensure that their children

receive the funds to which they are entitled.

4. To provide a financial contribution into each child’s RESP account.

Why – This initiative: (the change?)

Education is one of the most critical and important elements in breaking out of the cycle of poverty.

The Canada Learning Bond (CLB) offers up to $ 2,000 in free education money for children born after January 1, 2004 but only 1 in 4 children who are eligible for the Canada Learning Bond have received it.

The Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG) offers a matching grant for contributions into RESP accounts.

We have ongoing and trusted relationships with our clients and can provide the information and support to ensure that every child who is eligible for this funding will receive the funds that they are entitled to.

What: (needs to change)

The lack of awareness of the government program is causing children to miss out on funds that they are entitled to.

Our team of SSVP volunteers must advocate for these children and support their parents in accessing the funding for them.

Many families cannot afford to make contributions into RESP’s and with a start up funding support of

$ 50.00 per child, we can help to ensure that RESP accounts are established, Canada Learning Bond funding is accessed, and the Canada Education Savings Grant proceeds are received.

A relatively small amount of funding can reach a very large number of children, so the reach of this program is very great.

Where: (will the changes occur)

The changes will be made in each of our SSVP conferences.

With the support of our volunteers, each family will be made aware of the Canada Learning Bond and Canada Education Savings Grant by receipt of an information package per family and the volunteers will ensure that follow up guidance is also provided.

How: (will the changes be made)

  • Training will be provided to a Lead Person within each Conference and an information package will be provided to each client
  • A list of eligible children will be created and a follow up system will be put in place at each conference
  • Each family that has opened up an RESP will receive a $ 50.00 cheque for deposit into the child’s RESP account
  • Cheques will be made out to : First and Last Name of Parent / First and Last Name of Child / Financial Institution Name/ Child’s RESP account number
  • A covering letter on SSVP conference letterhead will accompany the cheque
  • Processes will be established by the Halton Particular Council project committee and communicated to the Halton Particular Council and their Conference members
  • Conferences members will perform the identification process for applicants.
  • Submissions will be made by conferences to the HPC and evaluated. Screening will be done and cheques will be prepared.
  • It is hoped that the conferences will establish an ongoing follow up contact relationship with each child in need to show support for this educational development and to be able to assess the need for any future funding in subsequent years.
  • A certificate congratulating the child in having their RESP account open will be provided.

Who: (will carry out the changes)

  • This initiative will be sponsored by the Halton Particular Council.
  • The RESP committee will lead this initiative.
  • Communications will be made through our various communication channels (HPC Website, Council meetings/ Conference meetings / Individual communications)
  • Conferences will initiate Application submissions with help and coaching if required from the RESP committee members.
  • Conferences will retain an on going follow up relationship with each person receiving the funding.

When: (will it be done)

  • Names for eligible children have been received as at July 17, 2012
  • Project application was submitted on July 25, 2012
  • Project approval was obtained in early Aug. 2012
  • Communicate the plan and processes to conference members – on going
  • Cheques to be produced for clients starting mid Aug. 2012
  • Project results to be monitored (see metrics below) with reports as indicated

Costs: (Funding and Expenses)

  • Initial funding was obtained from ONRC in the amount of $ 3,200 and the HPC for $ $ 4,800 for a contribution of $ 50 dollars for a target group of 320 children
  • With a relatively small amount of funding, the SSVP organization will be able to reach over 300 children and offer the hope and encouragement of post-secondary education to so many children


  • The Project Manager will provide bi-monthly reports and a final One year report to the ONRC - SCPC.


  • Number of families provided with an information package
  • Number of children for whom an RESP has been opened
  • Number of children who have received the Canada Learning Bond
  • Number of children who have received the $ 25.00 SSVP contribution

Sustainability: (How will the changes be sustained?)

  • Plans are that every year over 300 children in need in Halton can be provided with support, hope and expectations of post-secondary education for very minimal funding support.
  • It is hoped that in the long run, the Halton Particular council will be able to sustain this program on it’s own by encouraging parties to contribute directly to this worthy cause.

Replicability: (How can it be replicated?)

  • This HPC initiative can be replicated elsewhere in other SSVP jurisdictions in Canada as these are Federal government programs.


President Halton Particular Council: Paul LaFontaine 905-681-6140

Project Manager: Linda Alexander 905-339-1976

Chair Systemic Change PC Jere Hartnett 905-637-3934

September 8, 2012