121Drysdale Boulevard, Kelowna, BC V1V2X9
Tel: (250) 870-5130 Fax: (250) 870-5007
S.D. #23 (Central Okanagan)
Re-do Application
Name: Unit:
Assessment Time (At Lunch Thursday)
NOTE: Re-do Application due by Tuesday 3:00PM
- Limit of 2 re-do's per term
- 1 week BLACKOUT period at end of the term.
The following criteria will be discussed in your Re-do Application:
- Student absences during the unit
- Student Work Ethic during the unit
- Students completion of assignments
- Student’s owninitiative towards this process
- What went wrong the first time?
- What could you have done differently?
- Do you have evidence for your learning process to share? ____Please show me.
- If No, then explain why?
- How have you been managing your time inside of class? How would you describe your work ethic?
- How often do you review your notes, read the PowerPoint notes on Moodle, and/or come in for extra help? Please circle one.
1 never 2 seldom (once a month) 3 occasionally (once a week) 4 often (twice/week) 5 3+ times/week
- Please circle G, S, or N indicating the work ethic you feel you have demonstrated in each category of the Attributes of a Learner.
Learner / Thinker / Collaborator / Contributor / Innovator
*accountability / *look for other solutions / *effective communication (peers or teacher) / *how does science connect to your life / *curious
G S N / G S N / G S N / G S N / G S N
Please remember that a re-do is a privilege and should be treated as such.
This means you should take care to complete the above seriously and sufficiently. Expect that the teacher may ask you to elaborate on your thinking or expand on your written responses.
Student Signature ______Date ______
Parent Signature ______Date ______