Lorain County, Ohio
Transportation Improvement District
June 4, 2013
The Transportation Improvement District met on Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 10:00 a.m., in the Commissioners Public Hearing Room A.
The following members attended:
Chairman Commissioner Ted Kalo
Vice-Chair County Engineer, Kenneth P. Carney
Secretary/Treasurer, James R. Cordes
Commissioners Lori Kokoski and Tom Williams
Ex-Officio Members were not present; State Representative Matt Lundy & Senator Gayle Manning.
Others in attendance were: Bill Holtzman & Bob Klaiber, County Engineer’s Office
Approval of minutes:
Ken Carney moved, seconded by James R. Cordes to approve the minutes of August 28, 2012 as submitted. Upon roll call the vote taken resulted: Ayes: All
Motion carried.
Report of the presiding officer(s), and/or acting director of staff: There were no issues for this day.
Other Reports and communications: There were no issues for this day.
Old Business: There were no issues for this day.
New business:
a. Appoint Officers
Members Ted Kalo
Lori Kokoski
Tom Williams
Ken Carney
James R. Cordes
Ex-Officio Members Senator Gayle Manning
State Representative Matt Lundy
Staff Acting Director – James R. Cordes
Clerk Theresa Upton
TID cont. Page 2 June 4, 2013
In the matter of electing the officers and)
Staff for Lorain County Transportation )
Improvement District for 2013 ) June 4, 2013
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Transportation District we hereby elect the officers and staff for Lorain County Transportation Improvement District for 2013.
Chair Ted Kalo
Vice-Chair Ken Carney
Secretary/Treasurer James R. Cordes
Members Ted Kalo
Lori Kokoski
Tom Williams
Ken Carney
James R. Cordes
Ex-Officio Members Senator Gayle Manning
State Representative Matt Lundy
Staff Acting Director – James R. Cordes
Clerk Theresa Upton
Motion by James R. Cordes, seconded by Ken Carney to adopt. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted; Ayes: All.
Motion carried. ______
b. FY2010/2011 Budget
Budget Amount $250,000 / $250,000
Invoiced to Date $500,000.00
Balance $0.00
The funds have been expended on projects per the approved budget for 2010 / 2011. Project Costs have included the following:
1.) Griswold Road Right-of-Way
2.) Dean Road Bridge Design
3.) Dean Road Bridge Right-of-Way Acquisition
4.) Station Road Right-of-Way Acquisition
5.) Chamberlain Road Bridge Design
6.) Local share on Island Road Resurfacing Project
c. FY2013 project; Lear Nagel Road, North Ridgeville
Jobs & Commerce Economic Development Agreement between State of Ohio, Department of Transportation and Lorain County TID. The project estimate is $14,604,147 and federal funds are available through ODOT for eligible costs associated with actual construction. Funds provided by ODOT to the TID shall not exceed $225,000 and federal and City of N. Ridgeville will provide other funds regards to Lear-Nagel, Avon, Ohio
TID cont. Page 3 June 4, 2013
d. FY14 projects
In the matter of authorizing the various )
projects to be submitted to Ohio )
Department of Transportation for FY14 ) June 4, 2013
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Transportation Improvement District we hereby authorize the various projects to be submitted to Ohio Department of Transportation for FY14.
1.) Cooper Foster Park Road (PH 1)
LOR-Cooper Foster-1 PID #7466
City of Lorain/City of Amherst
Project Description: Project consists of a 3 lane widening from State Route 58 to Oberlin
The roadway will be reconstructed with concrete pavement, drainage improvements,
concrete walks, and traffic signal improvements.
Project Status: Stage 1 plans were submitted to ODOT.
Summary of Costs Total Federal Local
1. Detailed Design Engineering $ 520,215 -0- $ 520,215
2. R/W Acquisition 250,000 $ 150,000 100,000
3. Construction 6,918,000 5,534,400 1,383,600
4. Construction Engineering (10%) 700,000 560,000 140,000
Totals $8,388,215 $6,244,400 $ 2,143,815
TID Request $ 250,000
2.) LaGrange Road Resurfacing
LOR-301-07.25 PID # 95246
Village of LaGrange
Project Description: Project consists of a 3 lane widening from Forest Street to the north
Limits of the Village of LaGrange to replace the existing 2 lane asphalt road.
Project Status: Project in design and on NOACA’s Plan.
Summary of Costs Total Federal Local
1. Detailed Design Engineering $324,874 -0- $ 324,874
2. R/W Acquisition 220,000 $ 85,000 135,000
3. Construction 4,983,870 3,987,096 996,774
4. Construction Engineering 375,130 300,104 75,026
Totals $5,903,874 $4,372,200 $1,531,674
TID Request $ 250,000
Resolution No. 13-2 cont. Page 4 June 4, 2013
3. Abbe Road Project
LOR-301-21.50 PID #83456
Sheffield Village
Project Description: Project consists of widening Abbe Road from the entrance to Lorain
County Community College to State Route 254, resurfacing with asphalt, and signal
Project Status: Project is currently under construction with an anticipated completion of
December, 2013.
Summary of Costs Total Federal TID Local
1. Detailed Design Engineering $383,497 -0- $383,497
2. R/W Acquisition 478,417 $208,336 $200,000 70,081
3. Construction 2,719,191 2,175,353 543,838
4. Construction Engineering 265,508 212,406 53,102
Totals $3,846,613 $2,596,095 $200,000* $1,050,518
*FY 2013 Funds
TID Request $ 250,000
Motion by James R. Cordes, seconded by Lori Kokoski. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon resulted as: Ayes: All.
Motion carried. ______(discussion was held on the above)
8. Other – there was nothing
With nothing further, James R. Cordes moved, seconded by Lori Kokoski to adjourn at 10:30 a.m. Upon roll call the vote taken, resulted as: Ayes: All.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted; Theresa L. Upton - Clerk, Lorain County Board of Commissioners
James. R. Cordes, Secretary/Treasurer, LCTID