Scrapbook Rubric
Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding
Level / Descriptor0 =50 / Student has no project
1-2 = 60-74 / The student demonstrates very little knowledge and understanding of the subject matter and uses unrelated or irrelevant facts. The use of terminology is inconsistent or incorrect. There is little evidence the student understands issues, events and relationships outlined in the scrapbook instructions. Students do not provide nor has minimal facts and explanation for each of the assignments. Only 1-3 assignments completed
3-4 = 75-85 / The student demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of the subject matter for each of the assignments. The use of terminology is satisfactory and there is some evidence the student understands issues, events and relationships in the scrapbook assignments. Students demonstrate relevant but incomplete information in their own words for the scrapbook assignments. Only 4-6 assignments completed
5-6 = 86-92 / The student demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and understanding of subject matter for of the assignments for the scrapbook. The use of terminology is accurate and there is clear evidence the student understands issues, events and relationships in the scrapbook assignments. Students demonstrate an adequate but not well-developed understanding of relevant information in their own words for the scrapbook assignments. All assignment completed. 1-2 assignments missing.
7-8 = 93-96 / The student demonstrates good knowledge and understanding of subject matter for each category. Student shows a good command of Humanities terms and uses them to demonstrate an understanding of issues, events and relationships in the scrapbook assignment. Students demonstrate a good level of understanding of relevant information in their own words. All assignments completed.
9-10 = 97-100 / The student demonstrates excellent knowledge and thorough understanding of subject matter for each category. Student shows and excellent command of Humanities terms and used them in a precise manner to demonstrate understanding of issues, events and relationships for the scrapbook assignments. Student work demonstrates a high level of understanding or relevant information in their own words. All assignments complete.
Criterion D: Communicating
Level / Descriptor0 = 50 / Student has no project
1-2 = 60-81 / The project submitted by the student lacks clear structure and some of the material selected may not be relevant to the assigned scrapbook categories. The overall project is poor. Scrapbook assignments are not connected to the project and do not enhance the overall presentation of the project.
3-4 = 82-92 / The student has produced a structured and organized project. The material presented is usually relevant to the assigned scrapbook categories and is generally well-presented. Scrapbook assignments are mostly connected to the project and enhance the overall presentation of the project
5-6 = 93-100 / The student has produced a well-constructed and organized project. The material selected is always relevant to the assigned categories. The work is clearly expressed and well-presented. Scrapbook assignments are connected to the project and enhance the overall presentation of the project.
All essays must be written in students own words (no cut/paste or copying from Internet). A Works Cited page (correct MLA format) must be at the end of each section of the scrapbook. If no Works Cited page or students cut/paste or copy from the Internet the resulting grade will be a ZERO for the project. All students were given a copy and posted on web page.