
The model Statement of Work (SOW) that begins on the following page provides a format and instructions for preparing a SOW and the Items to be Furnished and Deliverables Schedule.

The following are instructions on how to use the model SOW:

  • Delete the instructionsthatare provided in italics after you complete the section.
  • Do not delete the headings in bold.
  • You may not need all sections of the model SOW. You may modify a section to fit the particular situation. Delete any section that is not used.
  • Generally the SOW and the Items to be Furnished and Deliverable Schedule are included in the contract as an Attachment at Section J, Documents, Exhibits and Other Attachments. In some instances, depending on length, the SOW is included in the contract as part of Section C, Description/Specification and the deliverables list is included at Section F, Deliveries and Performance. In both instances it is necessary to provide the SOW in electronic format, as well as in hard copy.
  • Prepare and submit the Deliverable Schedules as a separate document.

Please contact your respective Contract Specialist prior to submitting the Request for Contractin order to set up a meeting to discuss the SOW and impending procurement. This will allow for any questions that you might have to be resolved and any changes to be made to the SOW prior to its submission. A good SOW will avoid many problems.


(Provide Name of Project)


(Provide a brief statement and introduce the project to the reader.)

A. Background

(List background information that will aid an offeror in understanding the nature and origin of the project. Include a brief summary of statutory program authority, as well as any previous or current projects related to this effort.)

B. Purpose

(Provide a succinct statement of the overall purpose of the project and the specific objectives or goals.)

C. Technical Considerations (Optional Section)

(This section contains technical considerations that may influence a Contractor’s approach or efforts. Any known specific phenomena, techniques, methodologies, and results of previous related work that may influence a contractors efforts or direction of approach should be specified.)


Independently and not as an agent of the Government, the Contractor shall furnish all the necessary services, qualified personnel, material, equipment, and facilities, not otherwise provided by the Government, as needed to perform the requirements of this Statement of Work.

A. Requirements/Tasks to be Performed.

(Tell the offeror what requirements are to be performed and what is to be delivered as precisely, clearly, and completely as possible. Tell the Contractor WHAT to do NOT HOW to do it whenever possible! State the results or products required, allowing the contractors to devise and propose various approaches to satisfy the requirements. If the what cannot be stated without giving specific step by step procedures or a phase-by-phase approach is to be used, clearly state so, and present specific tasks within each phase. However, do not present the requirements in any manner that suggests the Gov’t believes there is only one approach to the work. If, however, the state-of-the-art of an effort is such that a specific methodology or approach is warranted, indicate the desired methodology or approach. This may include specific software or information technology systems to be used to complete the required tasks. REMINDER - Use “Shall” NOT “Will”.)

B. Report Requirements

(This section is not a list of deliverables. Report requirements may include financial, management, progress, draft and final reports, as well as any other data requirements. This section will include the format and content of each report, number of copies, expected length, and place and method of delivery. Example:

Draft Final Report:

The Contractor shall submit 2 Hard Copies plus 1 Electronic Version in WP 6.1 of a draft final report to the Project Officer, and a copy of cover letter to the Contracting Officer, no later than March 31, 1998. Although not all inclusive, the draft report shall be submitted in the following format and include the following various elements:

Cover to contain:

Contractor’s Name and Address

Contract Number

Report Number and Date including Deliverable Number

Title and Period Covered

Main body to contain:

Breakdown of project into functional subjects.

Discussion of each functional subject. Include for each subject a

detailed narrative or analysis of the work performed or of the

completed phases of study. Also include any charts, tables, or

diagrams relevant to the subject. Present negative findings as

well as positive findings. Identify any innovations and general

advances of special interest.

Conclusions and recommendations drawn from the results to date.)

See separate document for a complete listing of “Items to be Furnished and Deliverable Schedule”.

C. Period of Performance

(Provide a brief description of the period of performance in terms of weeks, months or years. For example: The period of performance for completion of all requirements under this contract is 12 months from contract award (or from January 1, 1998 thru December 31, 1999). OR, The period of performance for this effort is one year plus 3 one year options. It may be necessary to discuss a phase by phase approach here if it is used in the effort.)

D. Government Property

(Provide an explanation of any Government property to be furnished or that is available for the successful Contractor to use on the contract. Then a listing of all the equipment must be shown. The following issues must be discussed:

Condition of equipment.
Availability and location of equipment
Responsibility for transportation of equipment.
Rental equivalents (See FAR Part 45)

It may be necessary to tell the Contractor what property is to be purchased with Government funds (i.e., Contractor Acquired/Government Furnished Property)

E. Level of Effort or Key Personnel Requirements

(If this is to be a level of effort contract then the professional and technical effort must be specified in this section. This can be done by listing the labor categories and hours, weeks, months or years, that are required of the Contractor to complete the job. This section can also be converted to Key Personnel Requirements. Here you should provide minimum qualifications for Key positions.)


(There is Quality Assurance in every SOW. The quality assurance measures that the Gov’t will use should be clearly spelled out in this section. This part of the SOW deals with the quality of the Contractor’s performance and of the items to be delivered to the Gov’t. This may include; 1) Performance of certain tests; 2) Review of work in progress; 3) Progress reports at the end of each phase, task or time period; and 4) Requirements for certain levels of supervision. Examples include:

Inspection of articles to be delivered.
Review and approval of interim or draft reports.
Progress meetings.
Review and approval of progress at prescribed points before authorization to
continue is given to the Contractor.

Provide inspection and acceptance criteria. Acceptance criteria are developed by establishing milestones or Gov’t management control points in the sequence of tasks where Gov’t actions for review, approval, acceptance, or rejection are to be introduced. Establish well defined baselines for Contractor performance measurement. The baselines will serve at least 4 purposes, 1) It prevents a Contractor from drifting into areas not pertinent to the effort; 2) Measure the results of completed work; 3) Assists in defining whether or not subsequent changes or redirection of effort falls within the original scope of work; and 4) Assists the program official and the Contracting Officer in monitoring the progress of the work. Although not all inclusive, examples include:

Progress meetings shall be held between the Contractor and the Project Officer on a monthly basis via teleconference. The dates and times of the progress meetings shall be established mutually between the Project Officer and the Contractor.

The Project Officer will review draft reports described in section II.B. of this SOW and provide comment(s) to the Contractor within 30 days of receipt.)

The monthly statistical report shall be submitted to the Project Officer by the 5th working day after the end of each month. The report shall be current as of the end of the month.


(Include items such as bibliographies, protocols, standards, specifications, legislation, and glossary. Lengthy materials, of whatever nature, should be included in this section or provided as an Attachment to the contract, rather than in another portion of the SOW. In many instances it is not necessary to attach all references. In these instances, note where the particular document can be seen, or purchased. In addition, the glossary can have significant meaning where terms have a unique meaning to the agency. List terms and their definition here.)


The Contractor shall submit all required reports and deliverables in accordance with the following schedule. Reports and/or deliverables submitted under this contract shall be in accordance with the Statement of Work entitled.

IAW= In Accordance With


Example: (Do NOT list what is to be in reports in this section. Descriptions of content and format for reports are contained in the SOW.)

1 / Monthly Progress Report IAW / 1 cy - Project Officer
By the 5th / SOW Section II.B.1 / 1 cy - Contracting Officer
Working Day
of the Month
2 / Draft Final Report IAW SOW / 1 cy - Project Officer
5/1/98 / Section II.B.2
3 / Final Report IAW SOW Section / 1 cy - Project Officer
6/1/98 / II.B.3 / 1 cy - Contracting Officer

Recipient Addresses:

Jane Doe Project Officer Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Clinical Standards and Quality 7500 Security Blvd., S1-11-07 Baltimore, MD 21244-1850

Kathy Doe Contracting Officer Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Clinical Standards and Quality 7500 Security Blvd., C2-21-15 Baltimore, MD 21244-1850