District Name: Campbell County School Name: Grant’s Lick Elementary
Plan Year: 2011-2013 Current Date: October 2011
Grant’s Lick Elementary
Everybody Learns Every Day!
School Improvement Plan
The Grant’s Lick Elementary SBDM Council reviewed the assurances in the Kentucky Comprehensive Improvement Planning School Framework prior to approval of our plan.
Amity Kukla, Chair SBDM Council Date
Glen Miller, Superintendent Date
Approved by the Council on:
Council Members:
Dee Daugherty, Parent
Candice Kelsch, Teacher
Sarah Pershing, Teacher
Kristina Sheehy, Teacher
Tracy Smith, Parent
Link to current District Assurances on KDE web page:
We respect the learner before the learning and celebrate success!
School Plan Format Copyright Ó Kentucky Department of Education, 2003
Process/ PLAN summary
Teachers and administrators met in late September and reviewed and analyzed qualitative and quantitative data (KCCT data, MAP data, district survey results, etc.) to determine areas of need and possible steps for improvement. Based on this needs analysis, goals were set and a draft of the School Improvement Plan (SIP) was developed. The SIP draft was shared with teachers at the October staff meeting and feedback from teachers was given. Revisions were made, and the draft was reviewed by the Council at the November meeting. It will be posted on the school’s website during the month of December in order to obtain feedback from other stakeholders. The SIP draft will be presented and approved by the Council at the January SBDM meeting.
The plan will be evaluated throughout the school year as it is implemented. Implementation and Impact checks will be conducted in February 2012. In addition, staff members will be collecting evidence of the strategies that are implemented throughout the school year.
Communication Plan:
The Grant’s Lick Elementary School Improvement Plan will be posted on the school web page, and all teachers will receive an electronic copy of the plan.
Component A: Promote High Academic Achievement/College & Career Readiness
Priority Needs / Goal (Addresses the Priority Needs)According to the 2011 KCCT report, Grant’s Lick Elementary scored below KY’s goal of 100% meeting college and career readiness benchmarks as follows:
Percentage of Students Scoring Proficient or Higher:
Reading / 90.27
Mathematics / 83.19
Science / 80.00
Social Studies / 75.00
On-Demand Writing / 63.90
/ The 2012 NCLB goals for Grant’s Lick Elementary are 86.82 for reading and 80.61 for mathematics. Although our 2011 KCCT results have already surpassed the 2012 goal, we strive for continuous improvement. Our goals for the 2011-2012 school year are as follows:
Measured Annual Progress (MAP) Goals:
Percentage of Students Scoring Proficient or Higher:
January MAP 2012 / May MAP 2012
Reading / 90.50 / 91.00
Mathematics / 83.50 / 84.00
Science / 81.50 / 83.00
K-PREP Goals:
Percentage of Students Scoring Proficient or Higher
Reading / 91.00
Mathematics / 84.00
Science / 83.00
Social Studies / 77.00
On-Demand Writing / 65.00
In order to meet these overall goals, more specific goals with specific strategies/activities for each have been set. The specific goal areas are as follows: Instructional Strategies/Student Engagement, At-Risk, Gifted & Talented, Extended School Services, Special Education, Response to Intervention, and Service Learning.
Goal A1: Instructional Strategies/Student Engagement
Teachers will provide research-based, engaging instruction to promote high academic achievement for all students.
Strategy/Activity / Responsible Person(s) / Timeline / Estimated CostTeachers will be given the opportunity to observe research-based, engaging instruction in other classrooms within our school and district (e.g., participate in district learning walks) and will be expected to reflect on their observation, implement new strategies based on the experience, and share what they have learned within our PLCs. / Amity Kukla
Melanie Schaefer / 11/11 – 6/12 / $1200 (subs for district learning walks)
Walk-through observations will be conducted regularly in all classrooms and specific feedback for continuous growth will be provided. Each teacher will meet with the principal once per trimester to discuss his/her progress on his/her professional growth plan. / Amity Kukla
Melanie Schaefer / 8/11 – 6/12 / N/A
Effective engagement strategies will be used during instruction in all content areas. / Melanie Schaefer
Classroom Teachers / 8/11 – 6/12 / N/A
Formative and summative assessments will be used effectively in all content areas. PLC groups will meet regularly to analyze assessment data in order to make informed instructional decisions. / Amity Kukla
Melanie Schaefer / 8/11 – 6/12 / N/A
Differentiated learning experiences will be provided for all students in all content areas. This will include differentiation in content, process, and product. / Amity Kukla
Melanie Schaefer / 8/11 – 6/12 / N/A
Students in all grade levels will be given frequent, grade-level appropriate instruction and practice in writing constructed responses. Job-embedded professional development on constructed responses will be provided, and the staff developer will model lessons in all classrooms. / Amity Kukla
Melanie Schaefer
Classroom Teachers / 10/11 – 6/12 / $700 (subs for half-day planning day for K-2/3-5)
Teachers will review, analyze and begin to revise the school writing program to ensure alignment to the revised state guidelines. The writing program will include communication portfolio development, on-demand writing skills, and constructed response skills. Writing to learn, writing to demonstrate learning and writing for publication will all be included. / Amity Kukla
Melanie Schaefer
Classroom Teachers / 1/12 – 6/12 / $700 (subs for half-day planning day for K-2/3-5)
Goal A2: At-Risk
Students and their families will be provided with services and resources that they need to be successful.
Strategy/Activity / Responsible Person(s) / Timeline / Estimated Cost /Continue system with FRC of identifying needs through classroom teachers and parent referral (home survey, backpack meal recipients, etc.) / Amity Kukla
Linda Cross
Andrea Spears / 8/11 – 6/12 / N/A
Home visits to the homes of students new to GLE will be conducted on a monthly basis to answer questions and welcome to school and to the area. (Friday afternoon once a month as needed based on list of new students) / Linda Cross
Andrea Spears / Monthly / N/A
Weekly attendance letters will be mailed for students missing 3 or 6 days of school- unexcused. / Sandy Bunting
Amity Kukla / Weekly / N/A
Phone contact will be made for families with more than 4 unexcused absences and notification will be sent to Central Office. (Teachers and staff will utilize the district Parent/Guardian Contact Form.) / Amity Kukla
Sandy Bunting
Linda Cross / 8/11 – 6/12 / N/A
Administrators and teachers will compile listing of families that will benefit from contact regarding programs, events, support, etc. / Amity Kukla
Melanie Schaefer
Andrea Spears
Linda Cross
Classroom Teachers / 8/11 – 6/12 / N/A
Goal A3: Gifted & Talented
All identified Gifted & Talented students will meet their individual MAP assessment growth goals in May 2012.
Strategy/Activity / Responsible Person(s) / Timeline / Estimated CostParents will be notified of extra-curricular programs/ classes/ opportunities (e.g., ExploreMore, Duke TIP) that are available for students identified as GT. / Melanie Schaefer / 8/11 – 6/12 / N/A
A parent meeting will be held informing parents of the identification process, services provided, etc. / Amity Kukla
Melanie Schaefer / 1/12 / N/A
Students identified as GT will receive specially designed instruction in a pull-out program provided by the staff developer. / Melanie Schaefer / 10/11-6/12 / N/A
Differentiation strategies will be implemented in the classroom to meet the needs of students identified as GT. / Amity Kukla
Melanie Schaefer
Classroom Teachers / 8/11 – 6/12 / N/A
Goal A4: Extended School Services (ESS)
All students receiving extended school services (ESS) will show a 5% growth in their targeted content areas on the May 2012 MAP assessment.
Strategy/Activity / Responsible Person(s) / Timeline / Estimated CostStudents will be referred by teachers for ESS based on formal (e.g., MAP) and informal classroom assessments. Parents will be notified of the referral and available services. / ESS Coordinator
(Chrissy Roseberry) / 10/11 / N/A
A daytime waiver will be used to provide strategic support for 1st-3rd grade students. / Amity Kukla
ESS Coordinator
(Chrissy Roseberry) / 10/11-5/12 / $2065
(ESS funds)
Compass/Odyssey labs will be provided after school (fall and spring sessions) for students in 2nd-5th grades. Students will work on activities specifically geared towards their academic needs and performance levels. / Amity Kukla
ESS Coordinator
(Chrissy Roseberry) / 10/11-12/11
3/12-4/12 / $1830
(ESS funds/ instructional budget may be needed for overage)
A summer “Kindergarten Camp” will be provided for incoming kindergarten students in order to better prepare them for kindergarten. / Amity Kukla
Kindergarten Teachers / 7/12 or 8/12 / $420
(ESS funds)
ESS teachers will complete a data sheet to show/monitor the students’ progress. / ESS Teachers
ESS Coordinator
(Chrissy Roseberry) / October 2011 – May 2012 / N/A
Data will be collected in an ESS folder for each student receiving services and will be entered into Infinite Campus. / ESS Coordinator
(Chrissy Roseberry) / October 2011 – May 2012 / $25 for folders
Goal A5: Special Education
All special education students will show a 5% growth in their targeted content areas on the May 2012 MAP assessment.
Strategy/Activity / Responsible Person(s) / Timeline / Estimated CostThe special education team will meet with the staff developer weekly (PLC meeting) to discuss student progress, needs, and resources. / Melanie Schaefer / Weekly / N/A
Effective collaboration strategies will be used in all grade levels. General education teachers and special education teachers will communicate about students’ progress frequently. / Teachers / 8/11-6/12 / N/A
Students with special needs will receive effective, consistent accommodations during regular classroom instruction in order to best meet their needs. Special education teachers will communicate the students’ accommodations to classroom teachers and assist in providing accommodations and modifications. / Amity Kukla
Special Education Teachers / 8/11-6/12 / N/A
Goal A6: Response to Intervention (RtI)
The Response to Intervention (RtI) program will effectively meet the needs of all students not reaching proficiency.
Strategy/Activity / Responsible Person(s) / Timeline / Estimated CostStudents will be referred by the classroom teachers for Response to Intervention (RtI) based on MAP scores and classroom performance. The RtI team, including the classroom teacher, will communicate the interventions that are in place and the students’ progress with parents/guardians on a consistent basis. / Melanie Schaefer
Andrea Spears
Classroom Teachers / 8/11-6/12 / N/A
In addition to the core reading and math programs, students in RtI will receive targeted interventions within the classroom. Those requiring more intensive intervention programs will participate in research-based intervention programs, such as Voyager Reading, V-Math, and Fast ForWord. The students’ progress will be consistently monitored in order to determine next steps. / Melanie Schaefer
Andrea Spears
Amity Kukla / 8/11-6/12 / Varies (cost of Voyager materials)
Primary teachers will provide intentional integration of science and social studies concepts during the reading block. (Students who participate in Fast ForWord often miss science/social studies time.) / Classroom Teachers / 8/11 – 6/12 / N/A
Goal A7: Service-Learning
All students will participate in service-learning projects that are closely connected to the curriculum and make a positive impact on society.
Strategy/Activity / Responsible Person(s) / Timeline / Estimated CostImplement a “Service-Learning Showcase” wall to display information about GLE’s successes, current projects, and possible future projects. / Darcy Albers
Michele Augsback
Caity Baker (SL coordinator) / 1/12-6/12 / $300 (grant funds)
Increase student reflection during and after service-learning projects are completed. / Classroom teachers / 8/11-6/12 / N/A
Continue to serve as a model for service-learning in our district and community and encourage other schools to participate. / Amity Kukla
Caity Baker (SL coordinator) / 8/11-6/12 / $3000
(grant funds)
Component B: Promote School Community Relations
Priority Needs / Goal (Addresses the Priority Needs)1. Communication: A District School Improvement Survey was conducted in the fall of 2011. While survey results showed overall satisfactory ratings in communication, the need for better two-way communication (across the district) was less satisfactory, and we believe this should always be a goal for improvement.
2. Community & Family Engagement: While GLE has active community partners and family involvement, it is always important to continue increasing these partnerships in order to increase student achievement. / 1. Communication with families and community members will be frequent, timely, and focused on meeting students’ needs and increasing student achievement.
2. Community and family involvement will increase.
Goal B1: Communication
Strategy/Activity / Responsible Person(s) / Timeline / Estimated CostA1. Parent phone calls and emails will be returned within a 24-hour period. / All staff members / Ongoing / N/A
A2. Classroom newsletters will be sent home at least biweekly. An office newsletter (principal, staff developer, and counselor), special areas newsletter, and FRC newsletter will be sent home monthly. / Amity Kukla
Classroom Teachers
Linda Cross / 8/11 – 6/12 / N/A
A3. The school and classroom websites will be kept updated at least monthly. This will be monitored on a monthly basis by the principal. / Amity Kukla
Classroom Teachers
School Website Manager
(Rebecca Nadeau) / 8/11 – 6/12 / N/A
Communication with families and community members will be frequent, timely, and effective.
Goal B2: Community and Family Engagement
Community and parent involvement will increase.
Strategy/Activity / Responsible Person(s) / Timeline / Estimated CostB1. There will be a focused effort to increase community business involvement in the classrooms. Every classroom will involve at least one community business in at least one learning activity throughout the year. (i.e., service learning project, guest speaker, field trip, etc.) / Classroom teachers / 8/11-6/12 / Varies depending on project
B2. School-wide curriculum-related family nights will be offered at least once per trimester. (Individual grade levels may also provide family nights.) / Amity Kukla
Melanie Schaefer
Classroom Teachers / 8/11-6/12 / Varies depending on event
B3. In order to increase the involvement of male family members, the Watch D.O.G.S. program will be implemented. / Linda Cross / 11/11 – 6/12 / $300 (FRC funds)
Component C. Promote New Technology