Spring 2016 PE Final Study Guide
- Why is it important to stretch before a major workout?
Stretching prevents injuries
- What is a set?
Sets refers to how many times you will repeat that exercise for the set number of repetitions. For example, you do 12 squats and rest. Then you do another 12 squats, rest, and then another 12. You have now completed three sets of 12 reps.
- What is a repetition?
Repetitions defines the number of times to perform an exercise. For example, you do 12 squats, then stop. The 12 squats you perform are considered 12 repetitions.
- How long should you rest between sets?
30-60 seconds
- Please list the 10 main muscles used while exercising
Pectoral- Bench Press, Back- Rows, Biceps- Bicep curl, Triceps- Dips, Forearm- Twist bicep curls, Deltoid- Shoulder press, Quadriceps- Lunges , Hamstring- Leg curls, Calf Muscle- calf raises, Gluteus Maximus- Barbell hip thrusts
- What is a name of one exercise that can be done for each of the 10 muscles listed above?
See above
- What type of equipment would you use when focusing on endurance training?
Exercise/Resistance Bands
- What is cardiovascular endurance?
The ability to get enough oxygen to your muscles. The blood carries the oxygen to you muscles
- What activities focus on improving your cardiovascular endurance?
Running, Biking, Swimming, Soccer, Hockey, ect.
- What is happening to your muscles while exercising?
Your muscle fibers are breaking slightly.
- What happens to your muscles after they rejuvenate?
Your muscles grow back bigger and stronger due to rest, protein, and nutrients.
- Study guide was assigned and reviewed.
- What tab do you click to change the names of the pages?
- What tab do you click to change the theme of your website?
- How do you place text on the website?
Click, drag, drop the text element in build then add your text.
- How do you place a video on the website?
Click, drag, drop, the Embed Code element in Build. Copy the embed link in the video and copy it in the Embed Code element box.
- How do you place a picture on the website?
Click, drag, drop the Image element. Save the photo you want to your computer. Click the Image box and upload the photo where it was saved.
- Why can it be useful to know how to make a website?
Websites may be needed in other high school classes, college classes, start a business, or advertise yourself.