Alvord Unified School District
Special Projects and School Accountability Department
Assessment Office
Early Assessment Program (EAP) Information Sheet
Upcoming Essay Testing Windows
2011 Window – March 1 thru March 31
2012 Window – March 6 thru March 31
Student Status Information
The EAP student results appear in the bottom left hand corner of the back side of the STAR grade 11 student report. The information is also included on the STAR data CD-Rom. The statuses on the CD-Rom are shown as numbers.
The definition for the numbers is as follows:
Number / EAP English1 / Ready for CSU or CCC college-level English courses
2 / NEW for 2012 -
3 / Not yet demonstrating readiness for CSU or CCC college-level English
4 / Incomplete
Number / EAP Math
1 / Ready for CSU or CCC college-level mathematics courses
2 / Ready for CSU or CCC college-level mathematics courses-Conditional
3 / Not yet demonstrating readiness for CSU or CCC college-level mathematics
4 / Incomplete
Student Reports Results
Students can access their EAP results on-line at
If a paper copy of an EAP report is needed, a request can be made by e-mail to . The information needed for the request is the student’s full name, date of birth, high school, and year attended the 11th grade.
Please note: EAP results are only valid for the year following high school graduation.
Web addresses
CSU EAP Web Site –
Information for students –
List of CSU EAP Campus Coordinators –
Important Information about English
It is important to remember students participating in the EAP English must complete an essay as well as the CST grade 11 ELA and 15 additional EAP questions. Students not completing all three sections will not be eligible for exemption from the college’s English Placement Test.
Administering the EAP Essay
It is best if the essay could be administered on the same day and at the same time for all students at a school; however, that is not always possible. Administering the EAP essay on multiple days is allowed. We ask that students be discouraged from discussing the topics with other students.
Test Security
All EAP essay topics are to be returned to Special Projects Office with non-scorable test materials by the end of March. These secure test materials are not to be photocopied or retained for any reason.
Students should not be allowed to take the essay topic sheet or a completed essay outside of the testing room. Taking pictures of the topic sheet or essay is also not permitted.
Administering the EAP Multiple-Choice Tests
The additional EAP English multiple-choice test questions are included with the CST grade 11 English Language Arts test. The additional EAP math test questions are included with the CST Algebra 2 and Summative High School Mathematics test. These tests are untimed.
Alvord Unified School District
Special Projects and School Accountability Department
Assessment Office
Early Assessment Program (EAP) Script
To be read to ALL 11th grade students taking the 11th Grade CST, the Algebra II CST, and the High School Summative Math CST IMMEDIATELY PRIOR to reading the Directions for Administration in the STAR Examiner’s Booklet.
These directions are NOT part of the STAR administration, but supplemental information to ensure students are aware of the importance of the Early Assessment Program (EAP).
When you take the test, you will see a section entitled “Early Assessment Program (EAP)”. This assessment is designed to determine your readiness for college level work in English/Language Arts and/or mathematics at the California State University (CSU) and the California Community Colleges (CCC).
It is in your best interest to take this exam and do your best on it, regardless of your plans after high school, for the following reasons:
- If you “score well” on the EAP, you will not have to take the required English and/or mathematics placement tests for CSU or community college.
- If you do not “score well” on the EAP , you will be given assistance in choosing senior-year classes that will help you better prepare for the CSU or community college placement tests.
- You can avoid the extra time and money needed to take remedial courses at the CSU or community college that will not count towards your degree.
- Many community colleges now use the EAP for placement purposes and the UC system is discussing the possibility.
Please answer all of the questions for the English CST, the Algebra II CST, and/or the High School Summative Math CST, including the questions in the “EAP – Readiness for College – EAP Augmentation” section. Your EAP results will be decided by how well you do on both the CST questions and the EAP questions.
In addition, it is important that you fill in the “bubble” to the right of these sections to give permission to share your score with the CSU, and/or California Community Colleges and/or the CCC and CSU.
· Students will receive a copy of the EAP results on their STAR Grade 11 Student Score Report.
· The students release authorization asks them if they want their results to be shared with CCC, CSU or both CCC and CSU.
· CSU campuses will receive EAP results for those students who authorize the release to CSU or both and are admitted to the campus.
· Participating CCC campuses will receive the results of those students who released their results to CCC or both.
· Students who do not authorize the release of their results will have to provide a copy of their STAR report to the campus they plan to attend.
Please keep in mind that these tests are untimed, so if you are actively working on your test at the end of the scheduled time, you will be given the time to complete it.
The results of the EAP tests are included on the reverse side of the STAR Student Score Report that will be mailed home later this summer and will also be available on-line. If you have any questions regarding your performance on the EAP, please see your counselor in the fall.
We encourage you to do well on the EAP tests and hope you will take advantage of what the EAP tests have to offer. As a result, you will be more prepared for what lies ahead after high school.
Early Assessment Program (EAP)
Best practices for administering the EAP
· Ensure that all stakeholders (administration, counselors, teachers, students, parents) are knowledgeable about the EAP
· EAP explanatory letters
· EAP site “leader(s)”
· Required participation
· Administer the ELA CST with English teachers and the Algebra II/HS Summative Math CST with math teachers
· EAP script read to students before each exam
EAP Testing Timeline
March 6-30, 2012
EAP Essay testing
April 16-27 2012
CST-EAP testing
August 2012
EAP/STAR results and Student Scheduling