24 MAY 2005





1.1To update the Learning Overview Group on the capital planning for the SEN Campus Model of Provision in Poole.


2.1Elected Members agree that the SEN Campus is not part of the Targeted Capital Fund covering the period 2006/07 and 2007/08.

2.2Elected Members agree that officers pursue obtaining the site at Branksome Triangle for education purposes.

2.3Elected Members approve further, more detailed, feasibility studies be carried out on the three sites to continue to develop this work.


3.1SEN Campus Plan

A full review of special needs provision in the Borough was carried out in 2003. This identified that:

  • there was a growing need to develop provision for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • there was no in-borough provision for children with Behaviour, Emotional and Social Difficulties (BESD) at Key Stages 3 and 4
  • the accommodation of Winchelsea School was deemed unsuitable to deliver the specialised secondary curriculum for children with learning disabilities
  • by co-locating the two schools for children with learning disabilities on one site, better use could be made of both facilities and resources, while still maintaining parents' and local community needs for separate schools
  • health and social care services could be delivered more effectively on a co-located school site.

3.2In addition, the Pupil Referral Unit Ofsted report in 2004 identified a priority need for suitable accommodation as it currently has no permanent base.

3.3In response to these recommendations, the following proposals were drawn up:

  • to co-locate Winchelsea School with Montacute School to make use of the Lodge Hill site which had been vacated by Adult Social Services
  • to move Longspee School (Key Stages 2, 3 and 4) to the Winchelsea School site where there is sufficient space and facilities (Key Stage 1 is shortly to be located off-site at a local mainstream school)
  • to locate the Pupil Referral Unit in the Longspee School building which would give it a permanent site.

3.4A feasibility study was then commissioned to determine the capacity on each of the local special schools sites in relation to these proposals. Terence O’Rourke Architects have been working on this during the Spring term. A copy of the Study has been placed in each of the Members’ Group Rooms.

3.5Campus One

Campus One was to develop the Montacute School/Lodge Hill site to provide facilities for pupils with learning difficulties, including severe learning difficulties (SLD), autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD). It was intended that Winchelsea School would move to this site and that we would work in partnership with health and an independent special school.

3.6Preliminary feedback has indicated that there would not be sufficient space on the Lodge Hill site to accommodate all this provision.

3.7The DfES informed us in early March that the joint bid with Bournemouth for Building Schools for the Future (BSF) covering the north Poole and Bournemouth area would be Waves 4-6 of BSF. Three Poole schools are in this area and Winchelsea School is one of them. BSF is the government initiative to “rebuild or refurbish” every secondary school in the country. The DfES will announce Waves 4 and 5 in Autumn 2006 for funding in 2008-10 and Wave 6 in Autumn 2008 for funding in 2010-12.

3.8As a result of this, it is proposed that Winchelsea School should remain on its current site and awaits this investment opportunity.

3.9Montacute School, along with the independent special school and other partner organisations, could still develop the Lodge Hill site to improve provision for pupils with ASD, SLD and PMLD. Funding for this development will be sought in partnership with Dorset Scope.

3.10Campus Two

Campus Two was to develop the Winchelsea School site to provide education for pupils with behaviour, emotional and social difficulties (BESD) up to age 16 and facilities for children and mental health services (CAMHS). The Longspee School site accommodation would then be used for the Pupil Referral Unit.

3.11Officers working with Terence O’Rourke Architects have identified another area at Branksome Triangle which would be appropriate for building a new school for Key Stage 2, 3 and 4 pupils with behaviour, emotional and social difficulties (BESD). It is currently leased for car parking, but this lease is due to be reviewed. It is also sited within the area identified for Building Schools for the Future (see para 3.7) and the DfES have indicated it could be included in this arrangement.

3.12Headteachers and Chairs of Governors of Longspee, Montacute and Winchelsea have been fully involved in looking at these options as well as the Headteacher of Langside School and the Chief Executive of Dorset Scope. They are in agreement with the revised plans for developing SEN provision in Poole.


4.1Terence O’Rourke Architects have presented officers with information on proposed feasibility work to progress the following:

  • Montacute/Langside – co-location
  • Development of the Winchelsea site for Building Schools for the Future.
  • Development of the Branksome Triangle site.

4.2This work is commissioned to progress these projects.


5.1Not extending provision for Key Stage 4 pupils at Longspee will mean that from September 2007 potentially 3-7 pupils each year may require out-borough placements. This would put further demands on the SEN Budget.



Contact Officers:

Nicola DenduraDi Mitchell

Senior Education OfficerSenior Adviser

(Planning & Development)01202 633769

email: ail:


Report to Learning Overview Group – 2 December 2003 (Special Educational Needs Review)

Report to Learning Overview Group – 30 November 2004 (Special Educational Needs Campus Planning)

Report to Learning Overview Group – 15 March 2005 (Education Capital Programme 2005-06)