Annual reportstate-joint-stock railway

the company"Uzbekiston Temir Yullari"by the results of 2015years

Issuer's body that approved the report: Company's Board.
Date of report approval:06.05.2017
The protocol was received by the company on 06.05.2017
Complete: / JSC"Uzbekiston Temir Yollari"
Abbreviated: / JSC "Uzbekiston Temir Yollari"
Name of ticker:
Location: / The Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent,Mirabad district,st.T.Shevchenko 7.
Mailing address: / 100060
E-mail address: /
Official website: /
Name of the serving bank: / Mirabad det.NB of FEA.Ruz
Current account number: / 20210000100600315001
MFIs: / 00875
registration authority: / №: 28 from28.05.2015.
body of the State Tax Service (TIN): / 201051951
The numbers assigned by the state statistics body:
CFS: / 144
OKPO: / 01060292
OKONH: / 51111
SOATO: / 1726273
Coefficient of profitability of the authorized capital: / 0,81
Coefficient of coverage of total solvency: / 3,28
Absolute liquidity ratio: / 0,19
Coefficient of correlation of own and attracted funds: / 0,41
The ratio of the issuer's own and borrowed funds: / 1,67
On common shares
in soums per share:
in percentage to the face value of one share:
On preferred shares
in soums per share:
in percentage to the face value of one share:
For other securities
in soums per security:
in percentage to the face value of one security:
On common shares
according to the results of the reporting period
(in soums):
on the basis of previous periods
(in soums):
On preferred shares
according to the results of the reporting period
(in soums):
on the basis of previous periods
(in soums):
For other securities
according to the results of the reporting period
(in soums):
on the basis of previous periods
(in soums):
№ / Date of change / FULL NAME. / Position / The issuer's body that made the decision / Elected () / withdrawn (dismissed, expired)
дата принятия решения / дата вступления к обязанностям
01/10/2012 / MirziyoyevShavkatMiromonovic / Chairman of the Board of Directors / Shareholder / withdrawn (dismissed)
01/10/2012 / AripovAbdullaNigmatovich / Member of the Board of Directors / Shareholder / Selected (appointed)
01/10/2012 / Zakirov Botir Irkinovich / Member of the Board of Directors / Shareholde / withdrawn (dismissed)
01/10/2012 / Akhmedov DonierBakhtiarovich / Member of the Board of Directors / Shareholde / Selected (appointed)
01/10/2012 / Narimov Rusatn Kamilovich / Member revision commissions / Shareholde / withdrawn (dismissed)
01/10/2012 / Namazov Alisher Abdukhalilovich / Member revision commissions / Shareholde / Selected (appointed)
01/10/2012 / Ergashev Alisher Rakhmatillaevich / Member revision commissions / Shareholde / withdrawn (dismissed)
01/10/2012 / Ismoilov Ibrohim Almanovich / Member revision commissions / Shareholde / Selected (appointed)
The Issuer's body that took the decision to issue: / Shareholder
Date and number of state registration / 10/07/2015 R0352-5
Number of securities: / 201483576 (pcs) 86637937680 sum
Method of placement: / closed
Terms of placement / 1 year
Start date of placement: / 07/10/2015
End date of placement: / 07/10/2016
No. / The name of thematerial fact / No. of material fact / Date of occurrence ofmaterial fact / Date of publication
essential fact
1. / Decisions taken by the supreme management body of the issuer / 06 / 11/24/2015. / 11/24/2015.
2. / Decisions taken by the supreme management body of the issuer / 06 / 07/15/2015 / 07/15/2015
3. / Decisions taken by the supreme management body of the issuer / 06 / 07/03/2015 / 07/03/2015
4. / Issue of securities / 25 / 07/10/2015 / 07/10/2015
5. / Decisions taken by the supreme management body of the issuer / 6 / 11/07/2015 / 11/07/2015
6. / Issue of securities / 25 / 07/19/2015 / 07/19/2015
7. / Change of name / 1 / 11/18/2015 / 11/18/2015
8. / Changes in the list of dependent companies / 12 / 07/03/2015 / 07/03/2015
9. / Changes in the list of subsidiaries / 11 / 07/03/2015 / 07/03/2015
10. / Changes in the list of affiliated persons / 36 / 05/20/2015 / 05/20/2015
11. / Change in the personal composition of officials (the executive body) / 8 / 05/15/2015 / 05/15/2015
12. / Accrual of income on securities / 32 / 05/15/2015 / 05/15/2015
13. / Decisions taken by the supreme management body of the issuer / 6 / 05/15/2015 / 05/15/2015
(thousand UZS)
Indicator name / Code p. / At the beginning of the reporting period / At the end of the reporting period
1. Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment:
Initial (replacement) cost (0100,0300) / 010 / 7397554242 / 7837564886
Sum of depreciation (0200) / 011 / 2414070643 / 2839410062
Residual (book) value (p. 01-01-01) / 012 / 4983483599 / 4998154824
Intangible assets:
Original cost (0400) / 020 / 1154821 / 1439850
Depreciation amount (0500) / 021 / 555174 / 806352
Residual (book value) cost (pp. 020-021) / 022 / 599647 / 633498
Long-term investments in total (line 040 + 050 + 060 + 070 + 080) including: / 030 / 96337961 / 198827699
Securities (0610) / 040 / 33158730 / 50499233
Investments in subsidiaries (0620) / 050 / 1878656 / 2134992
Investments in associates (0630) / 060 / 45096922 / 125505928
Investments in enterprises with foreign capital (0640) / 070 / 4844064 / 5626103
Other long-term investments (0690) / 080 / 11359589 / 15061443
Equipment for planting (0700) / 090 / 6162587 / 5433299
Capital investments (0800) / 100 / 1592192742 / 3013143481
Long-term receivables (0910,09,090,030,040) / 110 / 3196364 / 2876364
Long-term deferred expenses (0950,0960,0990) / 120 / 10947515 / 17247627
Total for section 1 (p.012 + 022 + 030 + 090 + 100 + 110 + 120) / 130 / 6692920415 / 8236316792
II.Current assets
Commodity stocks of all (p. 150 + 160 + 170 + 180) including: / 140 / 629083557 / 740778959
Production reserves (1000,1100,1500,1600) / 150 / 586408481 / 661537636
Incomplete production (2000,2100,2300,2700) / 160 / 28830731 / 52256325
Finished products (2800) / 170 / 1387641 / 2576252
Products (2,900, minus 2,800) / 180 / 12456704 / 24408746
expenses of future periods (3100) / 190 / 543418272 / 868301386
deferred expenses (3,200) / 200 / 0 / 0
Debtors in total (page 220 + 240 + 250 + 260 + 270 + 280 + 290 + 300 + 310) / 210 / 459586597 / 468253903
out of it overdue / 211 / 61242836 / 24341057
debt of buyers and customers (4000, minus 4900) / 220 / 123172327 / 148701321
indebtedness of separate divisions (4110) / 230 / 0 / 0
debts of subsidiaries and dependent companies.(4120) / 240 / 195601703 / 197055308
Advances issued to personnel (4200) / 250 / 307414 / 202706
Advances to suppliers and contractors (4300) / 260 / 92643705 / 103815079
Advance payments on taxes and duties to the budget (4400) / 270 / 31126342 / 12441892
Advance payments to state trust funds and insurance (4500) / 280 / 5788131 / 151843
Debt of founders on contributions to charter capital (4610) / 290 / 0 / 0
Debt of staff for other operations (4700) / 300 / 769100 / 666713
Other accounts receivable (4800) / 310 / 10177875 / 5849041
Cash total (page 330 + 340 + 350 + 360) including: / 320 / 118019889 / 126836535
Cash on hand / 330 / 515 / 825
Cash on the current account (5100) / 340 / 9214222 / 9446497
Cash in foreign currency (5200) / 350 / 96474690 / 103516126
Other cash and cash equivalents (5500,5600,5700) / 360 / 12330462 / 13873087
Short-term investments (5800) / 370 / 5596000 / 8634500
Other current assets (5900) / 380 / 3345157 / 3476418
total for section II (page 140 + 190 + 200 + 210 + 230 + 320 + 370 + 380) / 390 / 1759049472 / 2216281701
Total for the balance asset (p. 130 + 390) / 400 / 8451969887 / 10452598493
1. Sources of own funds
Charter capital Charter capital (8300) / 410 / 502851875 / 589489813
Added capital (8400) / 420 / 0 / 0
Reserve capital (8500) / 430 / 3649828891 / 3994786936
Treasury shares (8600) / 440 / 0 / 0
Retained earnings (uncovered loss) (8700) / 450 / 624715984 / 217931857
Target Receipts (8890) / 460 / 10090443887 / 1731511300
Reserves for future expenses and payments (8900) / 470 / 0 / 0
Total for section 1 (p.410 + 420 + 430-440 + 450 + 460 + 470) / 480 / 5786440637 / 6533719906
2. Commitments
Long-term liabilities total (p 500 + 520 + 530 + 540 + 550 + 560 + 570 + 580 + 590) / 490 / 2010726936 / 3243935758
including long-term accounts payable (p. 500 + 520 + 540 + 560 + 590) / 491 / 0 / 0
out of it long-term receivables / 492 / 0 / 0
Long-term debt to suppliers and contractors (7000) / 500 / 0 / 0
Long-term debt to separate divisions / 510 / 0 / 0
Long-term debt to subsidiaries and dependent business entities (7120) / 520 / 0 / 0
Long-term deferred income (7210,7220,7230) / 530 / 0 / 0
Long-term deferred tax liabilities and compulsory payments (7240) / 540 / 0 / 0
Other deferred liabilities (7250,7290) / 550 / 0 / 0
Advances received from customers and customers (7300) / 560 / 0 / 0
Long-term bank loans (7810) / 570 / 2008066936 / 3241935758
Long-term loans (7820,7830,7840) / 580 / 2660000 / 2000000
Other long-term accounts payable (7900) / 590 / 0 / 0
Current liabilities total (page 610 + 620 ++ 630 + 640 + 650 + 660 + 670 + 680 + 690 + 700 + 710 + 720 + 730 + 740 + 750 + 760) / 600 / 654802314 / 674942829
including: current accounts payable (p. 610 + 630 + 650 + 670 + 680 + 690 + 700 + 710 + 720 + 760) / 601 / 623266697 / 651211265
out of it current overdue payables / 602 / 26935189 / 18671676
Debt to suppliers and contractors (6000) / 610 / 139361433 / 132315373
Segmentation of isolated units (6110) / 620 / 0 / 0
Debt to subsidiary and dependent companies / 630 / 91925580 / 160152370
Deferred income (6210.6220.6230) / 640 / 18722 / 179635
Deferred tax liabilities and compulsory payments (6240) / 650 / 0 / 0
Other deferred liabilities / 660 / 0 / 0
Received advances (6300) / 670 / 309086582 / 247864791
Arrears of payments to the budget (6400) / 680 / 8084129 / 19262500
Insurance debts (6510) / 690 / 0 / 0
Arrears in payments to state trust funds / 700 / 18646984 / 25615460
Debt to founders / 710 / 0 / 0
Arrears of wages (6700) / 720 / 40920696 / 43590218
Short-term bank loans (6810) / 730 / 28324178 / 21397333
Short-term loans (6820,6830,6840) / 740 / 3192717 / 2154596
Current portion of long-term liabilities (6950) / 750 / 0 / 0
Other accounts payable (6900 except 6950) / 760 / 15241293 / 22410553
Total for section 2 (p.490 + 600) / 770 / 2665529250 / 3918878578
Total on the liabilities of the balance sheet (p.480 + 770) / 780 / 8451969887 / 10452598493
Indicator name / Code p. / For the corresponding period of the previous year / For reporting
income (profit) / expenses (losses) / income (profit) / expenses (losses)
Net proceeds from the sale of products (goods, works and services) / 010 / 2799935534 / Х / 2938333638 / Х
Cost of goods sold (goods of work and services) / 020 / Х / 1746321189 / Х / 1991022603
Gross profit (loss) from the sale of products (goods, works and services) (pp 010-020) / 030 / 1053614345 / Х / 947311035 / Х
Expenditures of the whole period (pp. 050 + 060 + 070 + 080) Including: / 040 / Х / 429551147 / Х / 484984943
Expenses for realization / 050 / Х / 5303172 / Х / 6666483
Administrative expenses / 060 / Х / 62601198 / Х / 74387360
Other operating expenses / 070 / Х / 361646777 / Х / 403931100
Excluded from the taxable base in the future / 080 / х / 0 / х / 0
Other income from operating activities / 090 / 123501795 / Х / 139388440 / Х
Profit (loss) from the main activity (line 030-040 + 090) / 100 / 747564993 / Х / 601714532 / Х
Incomes from financial activities total (pp 120 + 130 + 140 + 150 + 160) / 110 / 61257747 / Х / 63267300 / Х
Income in the form of dividends / 120 / 8022338 / Х / 10045753 / Х
Income in the form of interest / 130 / 21002 / Х / 216994 / Х
Income from long-term lease (leasing) / 140 / 0 / Х / 0 / Х
foreign exchange gains / 150 / 53082937 / Х / 52259517 / Х
Other income from financing activities / 160 / 131470 / Х / 745036 / Х
Expenditures for financial activities (p 180 + 190 + 200 + 210) including: / 170 / Х / 62268021 / Х / 80660353
Expenses in the form of interest / 180 / Х / 15274451 / Х / 21456118
Expenses in the form of interest on long-term lease (leasing) / 190 / Х / 0 / Х / 0
expenses from exchange rate differences / 200 / Х / 46709671 / Х / 59095781
Other expenses related to financial activities / 210 / Х / 283899 / Х / 108454
Profit (loss) from general economic activities (p100 + 110-170) / 220 / 746554719 / х / 584321479 / х
Extraordinary gains and losses / 230 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Profit (loss) before income tax (profit) (SATR 220 +/- 230) / 240 / 746554719 / Х / 584321479 / Х
Income tax (profit) / 250 / Х / 26043300 / Х / 18845215
Other taxes and fees on profits / 260 / Х / 56999126 / Х / 4443440
Net profit (loss) for the reporting period (pages 240-250-260) / 270 / 663512293 / Х / 521041824 / Х
Name of the auditing organization: / LLC "AUDIT-AS".
Date of issue of the license: / 19.04.2010.
License number: / 00255
Type of conclusion: / The financial statements of the economic entity "Uzbekistan Temir Yollari" reliably reflects its financial position and the financial and economic operations performed by this economic entity comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Date of issue of the audit report:
Number of the audit report:
FULL NAME.auditor (auditors) who conducted the audit: / Bell V.V., Cherezova E.G.Kim M. V. Sadykov M.M.
Copy of the audit report:
No. / Transaction Date / FULL NAME.or full name of the counterparty / Subject of the transaction / Amount / Who is the issuer of the transaction (the purchaser / alienator of goods and services)
No. / Transaction Date / FULL NAME.or full name of the counterparty / Subject of the transaction / Amount / The issuer's body that made the decision on transactions / Full wording of decisions taken on transactions
(as of the end of the reporting year on December 31, 2013).
No. / FULL NAME.or full name / Location (place of residence) (state, province, city, district) / The basis on which they are recognized as affiliated entities / Date (onset of the ground (s)
1. / State Unitary Enterprise Center for State Assets Management under the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Privatization, Demonopolization and Competition Development / Of theRepublic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent city, Chilanzar district, Uzbekistan avenue 55. / Holds 100% of the issuer's charter capital. / 11.06.2013
2. / Limited Liability Company "Toshtemiryulloyoya" / Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent, Mirabad district, Shevchenko 7. / the company owns more than 20 percent of the statutory fund of the company. / 17.11.2009
3. / Temirjultamin Limited Liability Company / Of theRepublic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent.Sergely region, ul Project G-24. / the company owns more than 20 percent of the statutory fund of the company. / 19.11.2009
4. / Limited Liability Company "Shoshtrans" / Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent, Mirabad district, Shevchenko 7. / the company owns more than 20 percent of the statutory fund of the company. / 10.07.2009
5. / Limited Liability Company
Temiryulpharmacy / Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent, Mirabad district, Kadyrova street 45. / the company owns more than 20% of the statutory fund of the company. / 27.05.1999
6. / Limited liability company "Iul Electro-Mechanic Ustakhanalari" / Of theRepublic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent, Khamza district, ul.Fargo Yule 13A. / the company owns more than 20 percent of the statutory fund of the company. / 27.12.2009
7 / Limited Liability Company PFC "Lokomotiv" / Of theRepublic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent, Mirabad district, ul.A.Adylkhodjaeva1 / the company owns more than 20% of the statutory fund of the company. / 15.02.2002
8 / Open Joint Stock Company "Samarkand fukarolar inshoatlari kurilishi" / Republic of Uzbekistan,Samarkand region, Samarkand, 79ep. / the company owns more than 20 percent of the statutory fund of the company. / 26.07.2005
9 / Open joint-stock company "Boshtranloyakha" / Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent, Mirabad district, Nukus 23a. / the company owns more than 20 percent of the statutory fund of the company. / 19.12.2002
10 / Open Joint-Stock Company "Toshkent yulovchi vagonlarni kuryush va taamirlash zavodi" / Of theRepublic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent city, Yakkasaray district, Kh.Umarova st. 8 / the company owns more than 20 percent of the statutory fund of the company. / 16.09.2002
11 / Open Joint Stock Company Uzzheldor Container / Of theRepublic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent, Farghona yuli st., 13/11 / the company owns more than 20 percent of the statutory fund of the company. / 18.09.2002
12 / Open Joint-Stock Company "Uzvagonantir" / Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent ul.Elbek, 8 / the company owns more than 20 percent of the statutory fund of the company. / 24.09.2002
13 / Open Joint Stock Company "Uztemiryulyulovchi" / Of theRepublic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent, Usman Nasyr Str., 2 / the company owns more than 20 percent of the statutory fund of the company. / 15.10.2002
14 / Open Joint Stock Company "Yulreftrans" / Republic of Uzbekistan,Syrdarya, ul.Gulistan, 351 / the company owns more than 20 percent of the statutory fund of the company. / 05.10.2002
15 / Open Joint Stock Company"Uzelektroterm" / Republic of Uzbekistan,Namangan, ul.8 March, 3. / the company owns more than 20 percent of the statutory fund of the company. / 09.09.2013
16 / Open Joint-Stock CompanyUrganch Excavator / Republic of Uzbekistan,Urgench, ul.Industrial, 1 / the company owns more than 20 percent of the statutory fund of the company. / 09.09.2013
17 / Open Joint Stock Company "Granit" / Republic of Uzbekistan,Samarkand region, / the company has as trustee more than 20% of the statutory fund of the legal entity. / 06.05.2010
18 / Open Joint-Stock Company "Evalekmakh-Sustemirbeton" / The Republic of Uzbekistan, theTashkent region, the town ofEyvalak. / the company has as trustee more than 20% of the statutory fund of the legal entity. / 03.08.2006
19 / Open Joint-Stock Company Mekhmost / Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent.Sergely region, Southern industrial zone / the company has as trustee more than 20% of the statutory fund of the legal entity. / 19.10.2010
20 / Mirziyoyev Shavkat Miramanovich / Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent. / Chairman of the Board of Directors / 24.07.2006
21 / Zakirov Botir Irkinovich / Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent. / Member of the Board of Directors / 24.07.2006
22 / Gafarov SayfitdinHafizovich. / Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent. / Member of the Board of Directors / 24.07.2006
23 / Mirzaev Mubin Mukhiddinovich. / Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent. / Member of the Board of Directors / 24.07.2006
24 / Usmanov Anvar Akramovich. / Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent. / Member of the Board of Directors / 24.07.2006.
25 / Fayzullaev Shokir Nasibullaevich / Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent. / Member of the Board of Directors / 24.07.2006
26 / Yuldashev Abdusalom Abdukahhorovich / Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent. / Member of the Board of Directors / 24.07.2006
27 / Ramatov Achilbay Zhumaniyazovich / Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashken. / Chairman of the Board of Directors / 23.10.2002
28 / Dekhkanov Davron Tulkunovich / Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent / First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors / 26.01.2012
29 / Ikramov Ravshan Xursanovicn / Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent. / Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors / 17.03.2016
30 / Kadirov Erkin Shuhratovich / Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent / Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors / 17.03.2016.