MEETING TYPE / Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services – Critical Care Transport Subcommittee
DATE / October 1, 2013 / TIME / 12:00 PM EST
LOCATION / KBEMS, 118 James Court, Lexington, KY and via Skype / ROOM / Small Conference Room
A / Eric Bauer / P / Mark Harrison / P / Joe Richardson, MD
A / Mike Burton / A / William Haugh / P / Jim Williams
P / Sean Davenport / A / Jeffrey Jackson
# / Item / Discussion/Issue / Action/Responsible Party
1 / Call to Order / Officially call meeting to order / Chair of Committee
2 / Roll Call / Check roll and ensure quorum / Quorum was met with four (4) members present.
3 / Approval of Minutes / Minutes from August 26, 2013 – Regular Meeting / Motion was made by Mr. Davenport, seconded by Mr. Williams, motion approved unanimously.
Old Business
4 / Propofol Infusion Protocol / Discussion was held on the Propofol protocol. / It was the consensus of the group to submit via email to Dr. Martin their suggestions having Dr. Martin compile a draft document to be brought back for discussion during the next meeting.
5 / RSI Reporting Document / Dr. Martin presented a draft document for committee discussion. / The subcommittee reviewed the document asking Dr. Martin to make the revision listed below and bring back to the next meeting.
- Section for the receiving facility and attending physician
- Medications Used - Add RSI
- Ketamine - Medication list
6 / Continued/RSI Reporting Document / Continued discussion on the draft document presented by Dr. Martin. /
- Post Intubation Management
- Vents and Medicine Categories
- Title Volume
- Fi02 Rate
- Peep
- Pressure Support
- Peak Pressure
- I/E Ratio
New Business
7 / Critical Care Transport Protocol / Dr. Martin presented a document for the committee review with a suggestion to separatethe critical care transport protocols out of the general state protocol and design a separate critical care transport protocol. / Discussion was held with additional changes to be made to the document. Revision will be brought back to the subcommittee for review.
8 / Service submitting protocol revisions to KBEMS / Mr. Davenport mentioned that he had been working on a standardized process to follow when a service request to make revision to their current protocols. / Mr. Davenport will bring to the next meeting a standardized processdraft for review.
9 / Information/Announcement / Dr. Martin stated that over the next few meetings she would like the subcommittee to focus on the RSI and Propofol Infusion issues and to address katamine at a later date. / It was the consensus of the committee to follow Dr. Martin’s suggestion and focus on the RSI and Propofol Infusion before taking on other items.
10 / Next Meeting Date / November 26, 2013
11 / Adjournment / There being no further business for the day the meeting concluded at 12:00 pm. / Motion for adjournment
The purpose of the KY Board of EMS Critical Care Transport Subcommittee: Is to offer patients a specialized and unique service to maintain or improve a patient’s condition while transporting patients requiring a critical care level of care.