November 11, 2013
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The Board of Trustees of the Village of Winnebago met at 7:00 p.m. with President Frank Eubank, Jr. presiding.
Guests: Attorney Mary Gaziano,Todd Weegens,Todd Stockburger, Lori Schultz, Chad Insko,Sally Bennett, Dick Medearis, Scott Bloomquist, Jerry Langley, Guy Cunningham, Rod Stevens, David Zumdahl, Merna Brubaker, D. Mark Hubbartt, and Barbara Hubbartt.
There wasno disclosure of any conflict of interest. The changes to the agenda were to remove the October Bank Reconciliation from the Consent Agenda and add water tower and well update, and sewer and water connection fees to the agenda for O & M.
A motion was made by MRS. GAINES, seconded by MR. MCKINNON to accept the Consent Agenda as changed. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
President Eubank acknowledged the Veterans on the Board, at the meeting and in the Village. Mr. Elsen, Mrs. Kieper, and Mr. Maligranda all are Veterans, as well as Mr. Medearis.
All were told they could attend Community Development at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday for discussion. Merna Clausen Brubaker told the Board her home is furnished and maintained and is not vacant.
Jerry Langley told the Board his property is not vacant but is used for storage.
D. Mark Hubbartt complained that the enforcement of the Ordinance is very selective. He stated the fee being charged home owners is to pay for the cost of the Ordinance.
They were reminded by President Eubank they are welcome to attend the Community Development meeting Wednesday for discussion of the Ordinance.
Superintendant Scott Bloomquist gave a presentation on the finances, academic achievements, and changes in the district over the last few years.
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- Based on committee recommendation a motion was made by MR. MCKINNON to approve the Letter of Understanding with RRWRD with regard to the one acre of land being provided to RRWRD. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
- Based on committee recommendation a motion was made by MR. MCKINNON tospend up to $4,000.00 from line 51-44-702 to have Fehr -Graham complete the one acre boundary survey, the access easement, and survey of the remaining parcel. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
- The Gill’s contract will be discussed at the December 9, 2013 meeting to give the Board time to review it. Mr. Elsen noted the Village charges a small administrative fee in addition to the Gill’s charge.
- Based on committee recommendation a motion was made by MR. MCKINNON to purchase a utility snow plow at a cost not to exceed $5,300.00 from line 1-42-831. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
The bids were opened November 5, 2013 for the erection of the elevated storage tank.
President Eubank stated that Tom Heflin has drawn a new Indian for the school and it will be used on the water tower.
The connection fees will be reviewed. There needs to be a balancing act between the need for development and the cost to developers. The matter will need input from Public Works, Community Development, and the Finance Committees.
- Mr. Weegens discussed his monthly report noting the important issues.
- Based on committee recommendation a motion was made by MRS. GAINES to contract with Casper Manheim for his professional services
as the Code Enforcement Officer, subject to clarification/correction of
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certain contract terms submitted by Mr. Manheim, with the Village President authorized to sign the contract after the Village Attorney and Community Development Committee Chairperson have reviewed and approved the same. Casper Manheim is to be paid $80.00 per hour for a maximum of twelve hours per month. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
- The dates for the proposed committee meetings for 2014 were provided.
- A motion was made by MRS. GAINES, seconded by MR. KIMES to adopt
Resolution 2013-05R
Resolution Authorizing Executionof Respective Annexation Agreements for properties located at:928 Falconer Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088 [part not owned by Village] 9977 Cunningham Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088, 9951 Cunningham Road, Winnebago, Illinois, 61088, 210 West Cunningham Road, Winnebago, Illinois, 61088, 204 West Cunningham Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088
Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of the corporate authorities present.
A motion was made by MR. MCKINNON, seconded by MR. ELSEN to adopt Ordinance 2013-14
Ordinance to Annex Certain Territory tothe Village of Winnebago, Illinois for properties located at:928 Falconer Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088, [part owned by Village], 928 Falconer Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088, [part not owned by Village], 9977 Cunningham Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088, 9951 Cunningham Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088, 210 West Cunningham Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088, 204 West Cunningham Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088
Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
A motion was made by MR. ELSEN, seconded by MR. KIMES to adopt Ordinance 2013-15
Ordinance to Effect a Zoning Map Amendment to Designate Zoning for Following Properties Annexed into the Village of Winnebago, Illinois for properties located at: 928 Falconer Road, Winnebago,
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Illinois 61088, [part owned by Village], 928 Falconer Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088, [part not owned by Village], 9977
Cunningham Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088, 9951 Cunningham Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088, 210 West Cunningham Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088, 204 West Cunningham Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088
Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
- Infrastructure financing remains an open issue.
- The reserves continue to look good.
- The October bank reconciliation remains open.
- The budget for 2014 is being finalized and looks good.
- An Ordinance for Village Roadway Weight Limit is being discussed as offering another revenue stream.
- Based on committee recommendation a motion was made by MRS. KIEPER that Wes Symonds has successfully completed his probationary period at the completion of one year as of June 26, 2013. Mr. Symonds will be paid retroactive to the pay period beginning June 23, 2013 the increase of $.50 per hour. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.
- Signage for not allowing concealed carry in the building will be installed as soon as available.
- The only bid received for the Crown Victoria was too low and the car will be auctioned in December.
- A motion was made by MR. KIMES, seconded by MRS. GAINES to adopt the dates for the 2014 Board Meetings. Motion carried on a voice vote.
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- There will be a meeting of all supervisors and Board members on December 9, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the annual evaluation process.
- A motion was made by MRS. KIEPER, seconded by MR. ELSEN to accept the revised job description for the Deputy Clerk as presented. Motion carried on a voice vote.
- A meeting with First Rockford Group and the Board prior to the February 10, 2014 meeting at 6:00 p.m. will be scheduled.
- The RAEDC annual dinner is November 20, 2013.
- At the December 9, 2013 meeting, there will be five minutes allotted for each Board Member to talk about the highlights, in their opinion, of the IML Annual Conference.
- There was little interest in changing to a C.O.W. (Committee of the Whole) rather than the present individual committees.
- A motion was made by MR. MCKINNON, seconded by MR. KIMES to authorizePresident Eubank to sign the McMahon Engineers/Architects Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Phase 1 June 2008 document. Motion carried on a voice vote.
- The President’s Report was in each member’s packet.
- The Board chose to not vote for the IMRF Executive as both candidates are unknown to the Board.
- Upcoming Meetings:
Lexipol Meeting / November 21, 2013 / at8:00a.m.
Public Works Committee / December 2, 2013 / at5:00 p.m.
Police Committee / TBA
Finance Committee / December 2, 2013 / at 8:00 a.m.
4th of July Team / November 26, 2013 / at 7:00 p.m.
Community Development / November 13, 2013 / at 5:00 p.m.
UDO / December 17, 2013 / at 6:00 p.m.
Liquor Commission / December 11, 2013 / at 6:00 p.m.
Errant Water Subcommittee December 9, 2013 at 5:45 p.m.
Safe Routes to Schools TBA
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Pecatonica Prairie Path December 13, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. Winn. County Hwy Dept.
Admin Team TBA
Department Heads TBA
WIPC November 20, 2013 at 6:30 p.m.
A motion was made by MRS. GAINES, seconded by MR. KIMESto adjourn at 9:35 p.m. Motion carried on a voice vote.
Sally Jo Huggins, Village Clerk
Approved December 10, 2013