2014 Race to the Sky Entry Form, February 14-19, 2014
Musher Name______Address______
Day Phone & Area Code______Night Phone______
E-mail Address ______Handlers’ Names ______
Social Security Number (required) ______
Entry Fees and Deadlines:
1. The entry fee for the 350 mile race is:
Postmarked by 10/1/13 ~ $350 * Postmarked by 11/1/13 ~ $400 * Postmarked by 12/1/13 ~ $450
* Postmarked by 1/1/14 ~ $500 * Postmarked 2/1/14 ~ $550 * Postmarked final entry 2/9/14 ~ $600
2. The entry fee for the 100 mile, 8 dog junior race is $100.00 if postmarked by January 1, after January 1, 2014, the entry fee is $150.
3. The entry fee for the 100 mile, 8 dog adult race is $150.00 if postmarked by January 1, after January 1, 2014, the entry fee is $200.
DEADLINE for regular entries and withdrawal for half entry fee is January 15, 2014. Late entries will be accepted until February 9 (10:00 a.m. MST), provided the musher pre-registers by calling (406) 881-DOGS, stating his/her intention to run the race, and faxes a signed entry form and biographical information, and pays the entry fee. All entries should be mailed to: MSDI, P.O. Box 76, Olney, MT 59927 and late entries faxed to 406-881-2909.
To register, you must return: (1) signed entry form, (2) a recent photo (e-mail is acceptable), (3) full payment, (4) biographical information form, and (5) host family form. Current rules and a temporary schedule will be mailed as soon as possible to the musher. Your application is subject to approval by the qualifying committee. It is your responsibility to complete these requirements. Rollover entries must re-register for the next year’s race. They are not automatically added to the musher entries.
Please use the circled credit card to pay my entry fee MC/Visa/Am.Ex./or Discover (circle one), number ______, exp. ______, CVV # (last 3 digits on back of card)______in the name of ______(signature) or go online to www.racetothesky.org and use Paypal.
I AGREE TO BE RESPONSIBLE for my conduct and that of my handlers and dogs. I will not hold MSDI, its members, sponsors, landowners (both private and government agencies), or the race committee, its employees or volunteers, individually or jointly, responsible for injury or damage to myself, handlers, dogs, or equipment.
I WILL NOT bring sick dogs to the race. If my dogs have been ill in the last 30 days, I will furnish a vet certificate of good health prior to the race. Sick dogs will not be allowed on the race trail or at any checkpoints and my failure to comply may result in disqualification.
I would like to use the 2014 Race to the Sky as an Iditarod qualifier? Yes _____ No ______.
DATED: ______. ______
Driver’s signature
I AM AVAILABLE to do an educational talk Friday a.m. in Helena. ______
Driver’s signature