Software Installation Request Form (S.I.R.F.)
For Classrooms and Labs - CFC – Barker Cypress Campus
NOTE: This form must be printed, completed, and turned in to the Help Desk in Tech 120 each semester. Room assignments may change. The IT department needs an accurate list of software required for your class to ensure your classroom is ready for the start of each semester.
Open lab computers and dedicated computer-classroom computers have a basic set of software installed each semester. This "Standard Load" is itemized below. There is no need to request these applications as part of this form. Please identify any additional software used for each course in your instructional program, including any version upgrades/patches and anticipated release dates. Return this form to the CF Help Desk (due when text book order forms are turned in each semester). Also include a copy of the Software License Certificate or purchase order for Licenses verification on new software installation requests if available.
Standard Load: PC
/ Standard Load: Mac / Semester:Windows XP SP2
Windows Media Player 10
QuickTime player 6.5.2
Real One Player 10.5
Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0.3
Helix Producer Basic 9
Internet Explorer 6+
Java Web Engine 1.5
MyMathLab plug-ins
TestGen plug-ins
Visio Viewer
Power DVD / MS Producer 2003
MS Publisher 2003
MS Picture Manager 2003
Office2003 Suite (Word, Excel, Outlook, Frontpage, Access, Powerpoint, Proofing Tools)
Presenter One
Real Producer Basic 10
Respondus 3.0Study Mate 1.5
WsFTP-LE 6.0
Zip It Fast 3.0
Interactive English & Math
20/20 Software / Mac OS X 10.4.x
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Fetch FTP
Internet Explorer (latest)
Office 2004(Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
QuickTime Player
Shockwave/Flash Player
Windows Media Player
Faculty / Department / Software & Version / # of Licenses / Location
Department Chair approval (for adjuncts): Date: _____
Dean approval (for FT faculty): ______Date: _____
Deans – Please forward this form to the Technology Helpdesk in Tech. 120 once it has been signed.
Questions? Please call the Technology Help Desk at 3948